Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 545 Catherine Joined the Foe’s Company

Night. Finnley's apartment.

After a shower, Mya heated two glasses of milk and took one to the study.

She put it next to Finnley's right hand. “Don’t stay up too late. It's as harmful as committing suicide. You are not the company owner. Why do you work so hard?”

Finnley was reading about the mining progress in South Africa. When he looked up, he saw Mya turn away.

“What kind of thought is it? Irresponsible!” his inner voice retorted. Finnley picked up the milk, took a few sips, and turned off his laptop. Then he went to the living room.

Mya had entered the bedroom and locked the door from the inside as usual.

Finnley put down the empty glass. By accident, he saw long hair next to the coffee table.

After a few seconds, he bent over, picked it up, and put it into the garbage can.

Then he washed his hands and lay on the couch as usual.

Five o'clock, early morning.

In the apartment's only bedroom, Mya suddenly tightened her grip on the quilt. The next second, she snapped open her eyes.

Her breath almost stopped.

Mya had a dream about Finnley. In the dream, she married him, and she was so shocked that she woke up.

Mya sat up, turned on the light, and looked around. Then she realized she was in Finnley’s bedroom, a chill rising from her spine.

The scene in her dream looked too real, reappearing in her mind.

She had put on a white wedding dress. Her father put her hand on Finnley’s palm. While their families and friends were applauding for blessing, they two walked the aisle.

Along with the melody of the Wedding March, she saw everyone smiling at them in blessings.

The scene was so actual, as if it had happened in real life.

Mya was startled, still in a daze, wondering why she had such a dream. “No, no, no. Dreams are always opposite to real life,” Mya denied it. “Stop freaking out yourself, Mya.”

She didn’t have a crush on Finnley, nor did he like her. She could tell he disdained her a lot.

The dream baffled her, making her embarrassed.

After calming down, she turned off the light, lay down, and tried to sleep again.


Catherine got up early. After straightening herself up, she put on a celeste suit jacket with plaids, looking mature and refreshed.

Her delicate makeup made her look like an elite in the business field. Today was the first day she joined the R-Alan Group officially, so she wanted to entirely emanate her powerful aura. Then she would quickly make others obedient in the future.

When she pulled up to the company's entrance, Leslie's two trustworthy subordinates were waiting for her.

One pulled the door of her car open and greeted her, “Good morning, Ms. Collins. Mr. Eastwood let us wait for you here.”

It was the first time Catherine was treasured so much.

She closed the door and walked toward the glass door of the entrance. “Did he want to remind me something?”

“The morning meeting will start soon. Mr. Eastwood will officially introduce you to the senior executives of our company. You may take a rest in the vice president's office. The meeting will start at eight o'clock sharp,” one man reported to her. He pressed the elevator button, studying her expression carefully.

Catherine entered the building expressionlessly.

The two men followed her respectfully.

After working with Ivan for years, her aura was like his.

The vice president's office was redecorated according to her preference. Catherine was pretty delighted.

This room had a lounge, bookshelves, a working zone, and an entertaining zone.

Catherine had her particular preferences in many details of her life. Since the working enthronement was cozy, she believed she would be times more efficient.

When the morning meeting started, Catherine entered the meeting room. The stressed, cold aura emanated from her attracted the mid- aged senior executives’ attention.

Catherine was well-known in the finance circle, and everyone knew she was lvan's good assistant, which he used to admit personally. Moreover, the public had heard her admiration for Ivan, which had become headlines many times. Some pitied her, and some gossiped about her.

In the past, they only knew her from the news. However, they finally met her in person and thought she was pretty, with good shape and an outstanding temperament.

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