Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 216 Surprise

Jennifer didn't intend to stay too long in New York. She just wanted to revisit the streets and the views they had visited before together. These would be the most beautiful memories she had ever had in her life.

She kept telling herself that they had only had a very short time together, and it was nothing.

She would forget about him after a while, she tried to tell herself. However, every time she thought of the fact that she may never see him again in her life, she felt too sad to say anything.

After dinner, she put on her earphones, stood up and left. She kept replaying the song Love Goes by Sam Smith. His crisp voice could give her a moment of peace.

Alone, she took the elevator and went up to the viewing deck they had been before. Most of the visitors here were couples. Everyone was here with the person he or she loved.

She walked around the deck. While everyone else was appreciating the beauty of the city, she was looking up at the sky.

The sky tonight was gorgeous, with stars all over and the night breeze which was a bit cold.

She wondered how Ivan was doing now. Was the night in Arkpool as beautiful as the night here?

Could he accept her leaving?

Was he as sad as she was now?

Did he feel as regretful as she did now, or as powerless?

Ivan cared so much about family, of course, Aubree's feelings mattered to him.

But what Jennifer didn't know was that at this moment, lvan was looking up at the same sky as she was now.

However, he was high up there on a plane. When he saw the twinkling stars, he missed Jennifer more.

Jennifer left the viewing deck, walked along on the bustling street in the night breeze while listening to the song. She felt like a ghost.

When she thought of the night when the two of them walked side by side on the streets, she felt bitterness in her heart.

Did he take his medicine on time?

Had he been trying to eat?

Had he been busy working?

Would he stay up late?

Did he have time for Diana and Alfie?

Was he looking for her?

As she walked down the street, the feelings in her heart surged up and she wanted to suppress them.

She looked up and suddenly saw the photo studio where Ivan and she went to that day for developing photos.

The place seemed to have been there for ages under the warm streetlights.

The door was a little rugged with twinkling lights hanging over it. And there were some old photos on the tall.

Jennifer stopped, hesitated for a few seconds, and couldn't help but walk in. After all. They had had memories here.

The place was run by a middle-aged woman with blue eyes and blonde hair. She was a little fat but a very kind lady.

"Ah, it's you!" she recognized Jennifer at a glance and said excitedly. "Weren't you here a few days ago? You were here with Mr. Marsh! Are you his wife?"

Jennifer was stunned and looked into her eyes in disbelief.

Then, the lady took out an album and handed it to Jennifer. “Look. This is your promotion video on the ring that Miss Alice Edison designed. The video that Mr. Marsh proposed to you at the castle manor has gone viral on the Internet. Can I take a photo with you?"

Jennifer took over the album and opened it. On the grass in front of the beautiful manor, lvan got down on one knee before her and was putting on the ring that represented true love for her.

The photos were high-definition and dreamy. They were all the moments captured from that day.

The lady could see how moved Jennifer was when she saw how Jennifer was rubbing her finger on the photos as if she was touching the man in them.

"Mrs. Marsh, take it as a gift from me. Can I take a photo with you?" Before Jennifer could even answer, the lady had taken out her phone, stood behind Jennifer and took some selfies with her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Marsh! Why didn't Mr. Marsh come with you?" Jennifer closed the photo album and smiled. “He's busy."

"That's right, he runs a big company. I hope you two can be happy forever.”

"Thank you. And thank you for the album." Jennifer smiled, put the album into her bag and walked out of the place.

This was indeed a surprise.

However, a bigger surprise was waiting for her...

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