Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 2081: Unusual Views On Marriage

Chapter 2081: Unusual Views on Marriage

Since waking up in the hospital, Summer had been feeling uneasy. She often found herself distracted, subconsciously trying to recall past events, even though she couldn't remember anything. She had a sense that the missing memories were important to her... perhaps it was the drug Angel had given her that stimulated her brain.

At night, in the bedroom, her phone rang. Summer snapped back to reality and glanced at the caller ID before answering, "Hello, Rupert."

"Summer, are you asleep?" A gentle male voice came through.

"Not yet," she replied softly. "What are you doing? Are you done with work?"

"I took on two tutoring jobs recently and just got back. I wanted to let you know that it might take me another half a month to return to Arkpool City."

"Alright, take your time," Summer said, never questioning his reasons. She wasn't one to meddle and always gave him enough freedom, waiting patiently for his decisions.

"Summer, my mom wants to buy us a house in Arkpool City. What do you think about that?" he asked calmly.

"My thoughts?" Summer pondered for a moment and smiled. "I think the first house doesn't need to be too big. We could buy one in a good school district and prioritize our child's education. The second house can be an upgrade; we can work hard together and buy it when we have more money. That way, there's less pressure on everyone."

Rupert remained silent.

"Rupert?" Summer asked softly. "Are you listening?"

"Summer, to be honest, I don't want to buy a house right now," Rupert Brightwood said.

Summer smiled slightly. "Why not?"

"It's mainly because I don't have much savings myself, and my parents spent a lot raising me. I don't want to drain them dry," Rupert explained.

Summer was taken aback. Why did he even ask for her opinion then? His words made it sound like she was trying to drain his parents' money...

"Summer, after we get married, we can live with my parents for a while. My mom can help take care of our child. The nearby school isn't the best but it's not the worst either. If a child is meant to excel academically, they will do well anywhere. Education also depends on talent," Rupert continued.

Summer pressed her lips together but kept smiling. "Alright, we'll discuss it when you get back."

"And about the dowry, I have some thoughts too," Rupert said gently. "I'm not sure if you'll understand."

"Just say it directly; I'm listening," Summer replied softly, still smiling faintly.

"I don't want our marriage to feel like a transaction. Maybe it's because I've spent so much time abroad where I've seen many examples of free love and marriage. I even think... we don't need a wedding ceremony at all. Life is about being together and loving each other; what do you think?"

"I'll wait for you to come back," Summer said calmly. "We'll talk then."

"Summer, please don't be upset. I truly love you," Rupert promised her. "I want to be with you; I just hope our marriage can be unique and different."

Summer didn't respond; she was silent and had no interest in discussing marriage anymore. Yes, she no longer wanted to get married.

"Get some rest, darling. Goodnight," Rupert said before hanging up after a moment.

Holding her phone, Summer felt a mix of emotions. She didn't want to get married so soon; she suddenly felt that something was missing in her life. Shouldn't love be passionate?

Thinking back over the years with Rupert, they had spent so little time together that they hardly had any memories... Were they really ready to enter the halls of marriage?

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