Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 2070: This Question Has Only Two Answers

Chapter 2070: This Question Has Only Two Answers

Who was this man? How did he know the Summer family's password?

Spencer felt a surge of jealousy and envy. His fingers tightened around the railing, his gaze shifting uncertainly. He felt a childlike sense of helplessness spreading within him.

Suddenly, the sound of the glass door opening startled Spencer. He turned his head and accidentally locked eyes with Ansel.

A man stood on the neighboring balcony, looking over, which gave Ansel a small shock. He paused for a moment.

Ansel had come out to hang a towel. After calming himself and hanging the towel, he glanced at the man again.

Spencer deliberately looked away. For some reason, in moments like these, Spencer felt a bit guilty.

Whenever it involved Summer, he always seemed a bit flustered.

After hanging the towel, Ansel went back inside without acknowledging his neighbor.

When the glass door closed again, Spencer felt slightly relieved but still enveloped by a sense of loss.

He had seen the man's face clearly just now. He looked decent but quite young.

Was he Rupert Brightwood? Would Summer like someone so young?

Downstairs, Summer returned from the hospital and entered the elevator. She wasn't wearing makeup, so her complexion wasn't as good as when she did, but she seemed in good spirits. Because she was in good spirits, Rowan had allowed her to be discharged.

After getting out of the elevator, she didn't go straight to her own home but instead went to Spencer's door and rang the bell.

Spencer heard the doorbell and was puzzled for a moment. Who could it be?

He walked over to open the door.

The moment the door opened, his eyes met Summer's. Spencer was surprised but then delighted. "Summer," he said with a smile. Summer's face remained expressionless as she stepped inside.

Spencer quickly moved aside to let her in. Summer entered his room and immediately noticed the roses on the table.

The packaging string on these roses looked familiar. She walked closer and saw her mother's flower shop logo printed on it. She was a bit surprised.

Spencer quickly lied, "These are Andrew's flowers."

Summer snapped back to reality but didn't dwell on it; she wasn't there for the flowers today.

She turned her gaze to him, their eyes meeting once more. Summer asked directly, "Was Angel getting beaten related to you?"

Her expression and tone were somewhat accusatory.

Spencer hesitated to answer her directly, meeting her gaze sincerely. At that moment, his phone rang.

It was Andrew calling. Spencer glanced at the caller ID, declined the call, and then turned off his phone.

When he looked up again, Summer was still staring at him intently, as if waiting for an answer.

He thought for a moment and began to speak. "Summer, I..."

"This question has only two answers," Summer softly interrupted him before he could explain further. "Related or unrelated. It's easy to answer and doesn't require much thought." Their eyes remained locked together. Spencer sensed that she was angry despite her calm demeanor.

Her calmness scared him.

After five seconds, he answered honestly, "Related." His expression resembled that of a child who had done something wrong; his gaze was somewhat guilty.

Because his Summer was unhappy, Spencer didn't find hurting Angel thrilling at all.

Everything Spencer did was for Summer's sake. He wanted her to be healthy and safe. When she was unhappy, he was unhappy too.

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