Summoning Bones
17. Traveling in the Woods

Eirene woke cuddled against Cadmus's bare chest, the sound of his heart beat echoed under her ear. She snuggled closer and began to trace lazy circles on his warm chest. But then she fully woke up and sat up quickly, realizing the wall of pillows was on the floor, and she was not on her side of the bed. With a gasp she launched herself out of Cadmus' warm arms. Cadmus groaned and rubbed his eyes awake.

"You perverse beast," yelled Eirene. Cadmus sat up and looked at her. Her hair was flat on one side, and spike up on the other. Her cheeks were flushed and she pointed an accusatory finger at him.

"What happened?" He yawned.

"You, you stole the blankets, and I," Eirene muttered, as the events in the middle of the night came back.

"You?" He prompted smirking.

"I needed to be warm, but it's your fault you stole-"

"And you moved over to my side of the bed." Said a far too joyful Cadmus. Eirene crossed her arms, glared at him then grabbed her things, and huffed to the bathroom. Cadmus laughed and got out of bed. He started to prepare her morning tea with the complimentary caffeinated drinks in the kitchen.

When Eirene left the bathroom, she was dressed in a dress similar to her other one, but in black. Her hair was brushed, and loose down her back rather than in a braid. A blush was bright on her cheeks, making Cadmus smile.

"Good morning Daisy," said Cadmus, handing her the cup of tea. She took it and looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed.

"My name is not Daisy."

"Well, you refuse to tell me your real name, and Eirene doesn't suit you. Until you tell me your name, I'll continue calling you what I guess your name may be, until I am right, or you tell me," he said. Eirene pursed her lips and sipped at her tea.

"I will do no such thing. And you will call be Eirene, or your little game will be torture," she said. Cadmus walked past her to the bathroom, but paused with his hand on the doorframe, turning to look back at Eirene.

"Or you could tell me now?" Eirene shook her head.

"Get ready, we must start walking soon if we are to make it to the kingdom before too late of an hour." Cadmus laughed and went into the bathroom.

He emerged with his hair combed out and his clothes for hiking on. He wore brown trousers and a simple white shirt. Eirene looked him over, her eyes stopping at his muscular chest and arms. She cleared her dry throat.

"It will do, let's go," she said. They both put on their grey cloaks and left the room.

At the counter downstairs, they left the key, then stepped out onto the sidewalk. The town was bustling with people going to shops, and setting up their carts full of fruits and vegetables.

Eirene and Cadmus wove through the crowd to the edge of town, where another cobblestone path led into the woods. They followed it into the cool shade of the trees, and began the few hour long walk to the King's castle.

"So do you want to discuss why you woke in my arms?" Asked a snickering Cadmus. Eirene glowered at him.

"No. There is nothing to discuss, it's called self preservation. I was cold, and you had the blankets."

"If that's what you need to tell yourself," said Cadmus. Eirene blushed, and puffed our her cheeks.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well it's not unnatural to want to be near your mate, what happened was the next step-"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Snarled Eirene.

"Well, before my pack was split apart, the wolves met their mate, then by that night they were engaged. It was an instant connection. As for with you, because of your witch or whatever blood, you don't feel that connection. At least not yet," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, earning a slap to his arm from Eirene. She scowled.

"I sincerely doubt that," she said. "When we get to the Underworld, Selene has some explaining to do," she then muttered to herself.

"What was that? I didn't catch that?" Asked Cadmus, poking Eirene in the ribs. She skittered away and scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Nothing to concern yourself with beast. I merely wish to speak to an old friend when we are in the Underworld."

"We can do that?" Cadmus' eyes were wide and hopeful. He may be able to speak to his pack, his family again.

"I can. You may disturb the dead and mess things up."

"And you will not?" Eirene shook her head.

"No, I won't." She offered no further explanation, but Cadmus wouldn't let the matter rest. He wanted to speak to his family. He hadn't talked to another wolf in centuries.

"And this is because," he prompted. Eirene couldn't tell him she was a goddess, but she had started to regret the lies piling between them. Somehow, somewhere along their way she had started to tolerate Cadmus.

"Witch," she said, sticking her tongue at him, something she hadn't done since she was a child. The action left her stomach with butterflies, and a feeling of air in her veins. She felt light, and carefree.

"Fine, I'll let you have your secrets. And I shall have mine."

"Wait, what secret are you keeping?" Eirene asked, making Cadmus smile, but he quickly rearranged his features into a stony glare.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, witch," he said, stealing Eirene's words with a grin. She scowled.

"Very well, so be it," Eirene said. Cadmus' heart sunk slightly, he had hoped to continue their friendly banter. He thought he was making progress breaking down her walls, and actually connecting with her as mates would.

They carried on in silence through the trees, occasionally stopping for water breaks and stopping around midday for lunch.

Finally, after hours of walking the towers of the castle could be seen over the trees. Eirene raced ahead to a hill overlooking the kingdom's center. The path meandered down to a cluster of mansions, through luxurious shops, then to the castle's gate. She soaked in the sight, such luxury she remembered from her childhood in Hades' castle, surrounded with jewels, gold, and the best food the gods could provide.

Without thinking she grabbed Cadmus' hand and pulled him to her side.

"We made it," she whispered. Cadmus, pulled his hadn't out of her grasp, and tucked her under his arm.

"We did. Now lets meet the King to steal from him," he laughed. Eirene joined in, making Cadmus look down at her. When she laughed, she looked carefree, sweet, and even innocent. The airy sound floated around him, and he vowed to try and make her laugh every day.

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