Son In Law Madness
Chapter 413

Son-In-Law Madness Chapter 413

Chapter 413 His Parents Donald didn't forget about Ysabel and Raymond. Raymond teared up when he saw Donald. "Donald, youmust get through it alive.

I can't take any more blows. Your parents are still missing, and you're their only son. If something happens to you, I..." Donaldconsoled him briefly before he went to Hannah. Hannah was going to enter the laboratory with him, so they chatted about the details. He didn't bother saying goodbye to her. He then visited Rafe, Charles, Zayne, and the others. After entering Pollerton Estates, Donald looked at the sky. It was a rainy day in winter, and the weather was freezing. I've said goodbye to everyone I know. Oh, wait a minute. I missed out on two people-my parents. After returning to Pollerton a few years ago, Donald hadn't bothered looking for his parents. He wasn't interested in finding out their whereabouts. A brief consideration later, he summoned Bradley. "Find out where my parents are," he ordered. Bradley was taken aback by his request. "Oh, sure!" he replied hastily. Bradley and Kingsley had tried persuading Donald more than once to find out where his parents were, but Donald had always ignored them. Around ten minutes later, Bradley reported back to him. "Lord Campbell, your father fell into a slump after the Campbell clan suppressed your family all those years ago. He's now a driving instructor in Tudela, a small county. Your mother is living in the Irving residence. She has been living separately with your father for years." The Irving family was one of the Ten Prestigious Families and was stronger than the Yund family. Donald's mother was a Irving! Back when the Campbell clan crushed Raymond's family, Donald's parents had asked for the Irving family's help more than once. If the Irving family had intervened, the Campbell clan would have stopped making things difficult for them. Alas, the Irving family stayed out of the matter. They watched the debacle arrogantly and ignored Donald's parents' pleas. Donald's grandfather, also the head of the Irving family, refused to offer any help. Not only that, but he ended up imprisoning Donald's mother as well. He told Raymond, "Don't think that you can join the family just because you married a daughter of the Irving family. The Campbell family is too mediocre!" Donald knew about it. That was the reason he kept refusing to find his parents. "Will you meet them?" Bradley asked earnestly. Suddenly, Donald felt utterly annoyed. He snapped, "No, I won't." After a pause, he added, "We'll see about that after I survive the treatment. If I can survive, I'll destroy the Irving family personally." Fifteen days before the New Year celebration, the construction of Lord Campbell Mountain Villa came to an end. Even the other countries were shocked by how quickly the construction ended Donald's mountain villa was built on Reclamation Area One. It was a vast villa spanning over twenty thousand square meters by the sea. In fact, it was the most luxurious and expensive seaside villa in all of Pollerton. After Lord Campbell Mountain Villa's construction was completed, Donald released an announcement for the first time. The land reclamation project had passed various tests and received approval from the related authorities to develop the area. Everyone was welcome to invest in the project. His announcement created an uproar across the country. Following his announcement, Reina and Charles established the biggest logistics company in Pollerton in Reclamation Area Two. Hundreds of real estate companies flocked to Pollerton to get a few plots of land for themselves to build houses on the grounds. Even the Ten Prestigious Families started demanding to see Donald. However, Donald refused to see any of them and gave Kingsley full authority to handle the matter. Soon, Kingsley announced that Yund Group had successfully gained the right to develop Reclamation Area Two. They would be building the most upscale mansions in Pollerton by the sea right in Reclamation Area Two! Once the mansions were built, they would be the newest and most luxurious area in Pollerton occupied by the rich and powerful. That was it.

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