Sold To The Untouchable Alpha
How Do You Feel About Me

I felt my heart begin to flutter as Ivan hurried towards his room, promising more to come before the night was up.

Looking back on it, I couldn't believe that after all the times I rejected his advances, I was now here willingly giving myself to him and even hoping for more and more.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when we entered the room and Ivan made a beeline for the bed. It was only when I was unceremoniously thrown down and then pounced on that I snapped out of it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes growing wide as he hovered above me with a mischevious smile.

"I don't think you're telling me everything, woman." He growled, showing his teeth, silently promising possible pain and pleasure.

"I don't know what you're talking about.” I challenged, defiantly looking into his eyes."I've told you everything there is to know.”

In a way, I wasn't lying. I had told him almost everything. Well, all the things that mattered. Aside from the fact that I could now feel my loyal pack members through our bloodlink, but did that truly matter?

"If you keep lying, I will punish you." Ivan warned.


Despite trying to keep my head clear, it was beginning to drift thanks to the feel of his weight above me. Not to mention that damn bulge that was pressing against my core. How did he expect me to keep up with his interogations when my body was coming to life just from his touch?

"Are you not listening?" He smirked, leaning close enough for his nose to brush mine.


Immediately, I felt an odd sensation roll through me. Was it embarrassment? Or was it vulnerability? I didn't know, but Ivan's eyes that were taking me in were beginning to give me the heebie jeebies. "Does this mean I'm some type of freak?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Freak," Ivan repeated, slowly beginning to smile. "Do you want me to answer that?"

I bit back my reply as irritation flared. Was this man really insinuating that I was a freak?

"You asshole.” I growled, beginning to struggle to break free again.

"You aren't going anywhere.”

I felt my eyes widen as Ivan's playful mood vanished and a strong need began to radiate from him. "You have a one-track mind." 1 giggled. "But, since we are already here.”

Leaning down, Ivan pressed his lips against mine, sending shocks of pleasure and warmth coursing through me. It was nothing like I had felt before, and I could feel Rosario beginning to stir.

“Mate.’ She sighed with content.


Snapping out of my daze, I turned my head, leaving Ivan momentarily confused. In the midst of everything, I had forgotten to get a solid answer about both our wolves using the term “mate’ and the matter of me marking him.

"Ivan," taking advantage of his confusion, I wiggled my way from underneath him. "There's something we should discuss before this goes further.”


I waited as he slowly began to regain his sanity. Once he was fully coherent, he sat up and fixed his dark, stormy gaze on me.

"What is it?" He asked slowly, seeming to grow somewhat tense.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to process my thoughts. What I wanted to ask was a big deal and it would change the way our lives would go. Despite telling myself it was better to not allow my final wall to crack, I couldn't stop myself from wanting to hear his feelings.

"Are you going to speak?” He huffed, clearly growing impatient with my silence.

Nodding, I sucked in a breath and scooted forward enough to touch his hand. Gently lacing my fingers with his, I looked into his eyes.

"How do you feel about me?"

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