[lvan's POV]

When we arrived at the estate, Igor and Christine were waiting for us. After one look at Arissa, their relieved expressions at my return, turned to panic.

"What's wrong with her?" Igor asked, eyeing the struggling and hissing woman in my arms. "Nothing to concern you." I responded, making my way into the estate.

"Master, maybe I should take her for you." Christine tried, stepping forward.


I knew that they meant well, but I didn't want them to get a good look at Arissa's current condition. At least, not until I could fully figure out what was wrong with her.

"Continue with your work.” I continued, lowering my tone. "I can handle her by myself."

Christine and Igor gave me looks of uncertainty, but then nodded.

Satisfied that they weren't going to question further, I headed inside, making my way towards my room.

I could feel Arissa beginning to weaken her attempts at escape. Good, that meant she would be easier to handle once I released her.

Once we were at our destination, I placed her gently on my bed and stepped back.

At first, she didn't move, instead she just stared around the room. But once she snapped out of her confusion, she snapped her blood red gaze to me and frowned.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked, narrowing her gaze. "What are you planning?"

Her lack of recognition of this place or me, cut deep into my heart like a knife. How was it possible we had finally become one and now I was a stranger?

"You don't remember this place?" I asked, moving forward. "Take a good look.”

If she didn't remember me, that was fine. I would just have to remind her.

Leaning forward, I brought my face mere inches from hers. She didn't budge and met my gaze head on, boldly. One thing was certain, her devil may care attitude was still strongly in place.

"What are you doing?" She asked slowly. "You're too close.”

"Am 1?" I asked, smirking. "Given our relationship, I don't think we are close enough.”

As the words left my lips, I examined Arissa closely. Did she truly not remember me, or was she trying to find a way to create distance between us again. When no recognition showed in her eyes, I felt a pang of pain rush through me.

"I..." She began before letting a hiss escape her as her face contorted in an expression of pain. "It burns.”

I watched in confusion while she clutched at her throat, clawing the skin there raw in an attempt to stop whatever was tormenting her.

"It hurts so much.” She rasped, lifting her wide eyed gaze to mine. "Please help me."

Help her? What exactly was I supposed to do to help her when I didn't even know what was going on.

"I'm hugry.” She whispered.


If it was food that she needed, I would have no issues with providing it for her. However, from her actions earlier at the breeding house, I didn't think that food was what she wanted.

"Blood." She murmured as if reading my thoughts. "I want blood.”

As she spoke, she stared deeply into my eyes pleadingly. It was like something click within me and realization dawned. Her super strength and agility despite being wolfless. Her ability to withstand alpha commands. She wasn't just a wolf, somewhere in her was vampire lineage and it had awakened

"If you need blood," I began, snagging my collar with my finger. "Go ahead and bite me."

If she needed my life, I would also give it. This was nothing and if it brought her back to me then I was more than willing to provide.”

Arissa didn't move, instead she just examined me, clearly unsure if I was being sincere.

"You're willing to provide me with blood?" She asked, lifting her eyebrow. "What is catch?"

I almost wanted to laugh. Even if she wasn't the woman I knew right now, she was so damn similar. It seemed no matter what, her cautious and suspicious nature remained in place.

"No catch.” I assured with a smile. "I am sincere in my offer to provide you with blood."

Moving slowly, Arissa opened her mouth and tentatively pressed her teeth against the flesh above my collar bone. As they entered my skin, I could feel an odd energy surge through me. It was nothing like anything I had felt before and I found myself wanting to get lost in it.

Closing my eyes, I tried to resist the urge to jump her right here and now. Realizing it was her releasing endorphins to make this pleasant, I controlled my urges.

Until she was back to her senses, I couldn't touch her. Otherwise, there was a good possibility she would become defensive. I needed to know who was responsible for what happened to her and, therefore, needed her to remain here with me.

After what felt like ages, Arissa finally pulled away and licked her lips. Smiling, she let her canines go back to their normal length, and her eyes slowly started shifting back to their normal blue.

"Feel better?" I asked, trying to shake off the haze I was left in.

"Mhm." She purred, laying down on the bed and watching me. "I'm better in one way."

One way? I could feel my dick suddenly throb from the look she was giving me from her place in the middle of the bed. It seemed I wasn't the only one effected by her endorphins.

"I won't touch you if you don't remember me." I sighed, trying to ignore my quickly growing hunger.

"I remember you." She murmured, smiling seductively. "You're Ivan, the great alpha warrior.”

A wave of relief crashed into me as her words hit me.

Lunging forward, I pushed her against the bed and pressed my body close to hers as my mouth found her parted lips.

The hunger that met mine was all the reassurance I needed that she did remember me and was here with me. All questions could wait. I simply wanted to fully assure myself of her presence before I had to ruin the moment

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