[Arissa’'s POV]

I continued to laugh as I watched the woman disappear back into the estate. It was only when she was completely gone that I remembered that Ivan was still here.

Cursing, I pulled myself together and plastered a fake smile on my face. Turning, I fixed my gaze on his amused one.

"Well, now that she is gone, I should get going." I announced, attempting to move.

Ivan held strong, keeping me in place as a smile spread across his lips. Shit, he wasn't going to let me off for this, and I immediately regretted taunting that woman.

"Could you... uh...” I looked towards his hand that was still clamped down on my shoulder. "Let go.” "No," he responded, chuckling. "I want to hear more about my being great in bed and you being willing to even have a threesome.”

I had to bite back the scream that wanted to escape at his words. There was no way that he thought that I was being serious about that, right? I was simply trying to push that bitch’s buttons because I knew she was lying!

"You're being a pervert, uncle.” I pointed out and immediately regretted my words.

My eyes grew wide as he pulled me against him and smacked my ass. Not only did he smack my ass, he squeezed it and a low groan even escaped him. He was enjoying this a little too much, and I needed to get away.

"Let go!" I growled, no longer finding any of this amusing. "I said LET GO!"

I didn't have time to catch myself as he did exactly what I asked, allowing me to fall on my ass right in front of him.

Growling, I got off the ground and fixed my narrowed gaze on him.

"What the hell was that for?" I snapped, brushing grass off my pants.

"You said to let you go.” He responded while attempting to look innocent. "I was simply doing what you asked me to."

"You could have given me warning!"

My good mood was completely gone, and my annoyance was beginning to grow. I needed to quickly get away from this man before I snapped.

"Anyway, I have something serious to discuss with you.” He suddenly said, catching me by surprise. "It involves Gisele."

"Who is Gisele?" I asked in confusion.

"The woman that was just here.”

"You mean your future luna?"

"She isn't my future luna.”

Giggling, I once again pictured Gisele's flustered face and wished she were still here to taunt. This was just too good.

"What do you need to discuss with her?" I asked, growing interested. "Do you want me to play with hieitz:”

I enjoyed playing with liars. They were my favorites to beat and kill. Especially when they revealed all their lies and begged for forgiveness. It left me with such a high that no drug could possibly give me.

I could feel my need for blood beginning to grow and the world around me slowly began to disappear.

"Are you listening?" Ivan asked, snapping me back to reality immediately.

Shaking my head, I tried to clear the fogginess from going into predator mode. I couldn't let that side out, not here and not in front of this man.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked, acting cool.

"I said I need you to follow her for me." Ivan repeated, though he seemed a little too interested in me. It seems he didn’t miss my slipping sanity.

"Why should I do that?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I don't work for you.”

I didn't work for him and didn’t even want to be in the same place as him. However, I had decided that being here was better than prison, so I was trying to enjoy it as much as possible. After all, he would eventually slip up and show his true face. When that happened, I was sure that I would be sent back to where I came from. No hopes, no expectations. It was a lose-lose for me no matter how you looked at it.

"What if I offered you ten gold?" Ivan asked, perking my interest.

"Are you serious?" Was he trying to pull my leg or was he actually going to pay me for spying? Also, why the hell did he want me to do it when he had all these guards?

"Extremely," he responded. "I've got a suspicion about her, but if I have my men follow her, she will become guarded. However, if an insane woman follows, she won't think much of it except that you're bored or jealous. *

"Hm," I had to admit, following her around sounded like fun."But why do you want me to follow hieii2:”

"Don’t worry about that." He snapped, his eyes growing guarded immediately.

"Oh ho," now I was really interested in learning more. "It seems that no matter how much you try to act like you trust me, you don't. Your expression and reaction say it all. That's good because it means we don't trust each other.

I was honestly fine with him not trusting me. I didn't trust him either. But if he ever wanted me to do something for him, he would have to tell me his secrets.

"I'll think about it.” I sighed, deciding that I wanted to push. "You're asking a lot of me, and I'm a busy woman."

"Busy doing what?" He asked, lifting his brow. "Messing with the guards and flirting with the maids?"

I couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that his people were going back and whining to him.

"So what?" I challenged. “I don't have anything better to do! I'm bored and need someone to play with! *

"I'll play with you.” As he spoke, he moved forward, wrapping his arm around my waist and cupping my ass. "All you have to do is say the word."

"No thanks." I growled, attempting to pull away. "You aren't my type.”

"So my guards and maids are?” He asked, squeezing again. "Should I fire them all and bring in ugly ones that don't catch your eye?”

I didn't know what to say or do. He was definitely a formidable opponent, and I wouldn't put it past him to do exactly what he said.

"But I like mine." I pouted. "Don't get rid of them.”

"Then stop playing with them." He husked, leaning in close to my ear. "I'm a very jealous man."

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