"I want to leave him, but he won't let me go! But I've already made up my mind to leave. I can see what you are up to. Instead of trying to test me and provoke me here, Ms. West, why don't you help me?" Stella was clearly taken aback by Lizetta's words, so much so that her stirring of her coffee halted abruptly.

"Help you?"

"Use the power of the West family to get me out of Zion City. Remington refuses to divorce, and even going to court would be useless. I'll leave for two years, Ms. West, and during that time, you can cultivate a relationship with Remington.

After two years, when I file for divorce again, I'm sure Remington won't hold on anymore. After we're separated for two years, even if he still refuses by then, the court will recognize that the marriage has indeed broken down and grant the divorce. It's a win-win situation. Will you help me leave?"

Lizetta reached out her hand towards Stella.

Lizetta wanted to leave, but she didn't want to involve Hogan like last time.

After all, the West family would probably be happy to see this happen.

However, Stella looked at Lizetta's extended hand for a long time, with her gaze flickering, but she never took Lizetta's hand.

Finally, she laughed helplessly, "Liz, I always said you've got the wrong idea about me. Remington and I were childhood sweethearts, and we promised to each other from a young age. Playing house, I was always Remington's bride, and we even took pictures in wedding attire.

You know, girls tend to give their hearts away early. I won't lie, Liz, I saw Remington as my future husband since I was a little girl, and I've been looking forward to the day I'd marry him. That's why, in those life-and-death situations, I gave up my chance of escape for him.

All these years, I endured torture and hardship, all while thinking of Remington, hoping he'd come to rescue me one day, which is why I survived.

But when I came back and found out he was married and had a baby, I kept telling myself that what's missed is missed. As much as it hurts, I never thought about wrecking your home. Liz, I can't promise you that. I can't help you."

Lizetta withdrew her hand, and slowly clenched it into a fist.

She looked at Stella, who maintained a flawless demeanor; she claimed not to want to interfere but clearly expressed deep affection for Remington in every sentence.

Each word felt like a thorn piercing her heart. How could this not be considered interference?

Stella didn't agree, but that was just being more cautious.

Because Stella knew that once Remington found out it was the West family helping her escape, he would resent it.

But Lizetta was certain, even if Stella didn't want to get involved, she wouldn't tell Remington about her plan to escape.

Lizetta was betting that Stella ultimately couldn't refuse her proposal.

"If you remember everything and haven't lost your memory, you should have contacted your family to bring you back home, right? Why haven't we heard anything from you all these years?" Lizetta asked. She found it extremely odd. Stella wasn't a little child when the incident happened; she was already eleven or twelve.

Stella seemed to be struck by a painful memory, and her face turned pale instantly.

She lowered her head, and tears suddenly began to fall.

Lizetta frowned, feeling a pang of concern.

This familiar scenario.

And right then, she heard footsteps behind her.

Turning around, she saw Remington's tall figure approaching quickly, with Hanna following behind him.

"Stella! My God, it is Stella, my child, my good child! You're finally back, you've suffered so much. Why are you crying? Lizetta! What have you done to Stella!"

Hanna was visibly moved.

She hurried past Remington, sat down next to Stella, and enveloped her in a hug.

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