"Damn, that girl's a real piece of work!"

Lizetta had always sensed something off about Stella, and now she knew why.

On one hand, she acted as if everything was fine, showing off her vulnerabilities, while on the other, she was a bundle of insecurities, unable to face reality.

Such a contradiction indeed.

"Ugh, this is giving me a headache."

Yolanda lifted her hand, intending to rub her temples, but Lizetta quickly stopped her.

"Stop, don't worry about it. I shouldn't have brought it up.

Oh, speaking of which, when you were in surgery yesterday, Cassius was pacing outside the whole time. He only left when they moved you to the ICU. What's up with that?"

Lizetta squinted at Yolanda, who seemed totally unfazed.

"It's just what it looks like."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"He's got a thing for me, obviously."

"And you?"

"Me? I couldn't care less."

Staring at Yolanda's nonchalant demeanor, Lizetta felt a bit speechless.

"What do you mean 'couldn't care less'?"

"It means I could play along. He's a rich kid and a big-time actor. I'm not losing anything. In the entertainment world, relationships are a joke anyway. Don't worry, I'm not like you; I don't get attached." Yolanda winked; her attitude was casual.

Lizetta thought to herself that sometimes feelings can catch you off guard, and before you know it, you're in too deep.

Just as she was about to ask more, she heard a knock on the door.

Lizetta opened it to find Stella standing there, holding a huge bouquet of flowers, with a maid carrying loads of health supplements behind her.

"Liz, I'm here to thank Ms. Yolanda. Can I come in?"

Lizetta had given Martin a piece of her mind yesterday, and now Stella was actually here.

Not wanting Yolanda to be disturbed, she was about to refuse when Yolanda called out from behind.

"Liz, who's there? Let her in."

She was curious to meet the infamous Ms. West.

Lizetta stepped aside, and Stella, with a gentle smile, approached the bedside.

"Ms. Yolanda, I'm Stella. Liz must have mentioned me to you?

Yesterday, you risked yourself to save Evelina's baby - my brother's child. Our whole family is incredibly grateful. I'm here on behalf of everyone to thank you." Stella offered the bouquet to Yolanda.

Yolanda didn't take it; instead, she offered a polite smile, "Sorry, I'm a bit dizzy and who did you say you were? Why would Liz mention you?"

Stella's hidden barbs didn't go unnoticed.

Standing straight, Stella kept her smile, "Haven't Liz mentioned me? Let me introduce myself again. I'm Stella, grew up with Remington."

Seeing Stella was about to go on a long spiel about her and Remington's dramatic childhood saga, which could potentially upset Lizetta, Yolanda quickly interjected. "Ms. West, my head's spinning, and I really can't listen to your long story. If you have something to say, just say it. I'm grateful for the thought but I need to rest."

Stella nodded, "I'm here to express my gratitude. Here's $50,000 as a small token of our appreciation. Please accept it."

She placed a check on the table.

Barely glancing at it, Yolanda shifted her focus on Stella, "Isn't Evelina's baby supposed to have complications? And I heard she's facing jail time. I'm afraid I can't accept this money."

Stella was surprised, "No, the baby might have issues, but the West family has the means to take care of it. The baby will be born. Remington has entrusted Evelina to our care. Please, Ms. Yolanda, accept this with no burdens."

Even knowing Remington's lack of boundaries when it comes to the Wests, Lizetta didn't expect him to let Evelina off so easily.

She had her fists clenched, and a sense of betrayal flickered in her eyes.

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