Lizette frowned, her fists clenching slightly as she averted her gaze, only to meet Evelina's mocking stare.

It was as if Evelina was saying: Listen up, Lizette. Remington will never believe you. He'll always let me, Evelina, off the hook.

Lizetta pinched her fingertips as Evelina's confidence swelled, pointing accusingly at Lizetta.

"Sis, you've already robbed me of my life, why do you still insist on assuming the worst of me with such malice?"

Her voice was laced with grievance as she turned to Barbara and Martin, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom, Dad, you heard what Mr. Dashiell said. How could I lie to you? Quinn's gone, and here I am, I'm pregnant and being cyberbullied, and the Hawthorne family has gone bankrupt. Even my parents blame me. I'm just a fragile woman in need of care and warmth. The pressure was too much, so I made mistakes! I know I was wrong, and I want to be a good mom! Please, give me another chance. I'll prioritize the baby from now on. Once the baby's born, I'll raise him to be as outstanding as Quinn."

"Martin, no matter what, the child is our grandson, and we must protect him! Otherwise, I'd be ashamed to face our son on the other side," Barbara immediately declared her stance.

Martin nodded, "Of course!"

He turned to Remington, "Remington, can we perhaps discuss Evelina's mistake after the baby is born? As godparents, we're pleading with you."

Seeing Remington remain silent, he glanced at Stella.

Stella, with tears in her eyes, shook her head, "Dad, sis-in-law is indeed at fault for ruining Remington's wedding. It's understandable that Remington is angry and wants to punish her. Maybe we should just leave her to Remington. We have to trust Remington; he won't harm Brother's child."

Evelina had just let out a sigh of relief, thinking she had escaped, when her face changed and she screamed sharply.

"Stella, your brother died in a car accident on his way to see you! Yet now you're treating his only blood this way! Are you afraid the baby will compete with you for the family fortune?" "I'm not. I don't! How could you think that of me? I just trust Remington, Remington."

Stella's tears fell instantly, her gaze turning helplessly towards Remington.

Remington's cold and stern gaze fell on Evelina, his voice filled with anger, "That's enough!"

Evelina shivered, her face turning ghostly pale.

Lizette couldn't help but find the situation amusing. Stella was Remington's unrequited love.

In Stella's presence, Evelina was nothing.

At Stella's tears, Remington wasted no time in curtailing Evelina's antics.

Lizette wondered what the point was of Remington dragging her here to witness this drama.

Was it to see for herself how he protected Stella?

Evelina's child belonged to the West family. If the West family didn't let go, they would ultimately handle things lightly.

Lizetta was tired, Lizette turned to leave, her headache worsening from the noise.

However, she'd barely taken a step when Remington's arm encircled her waist, trapping her.

"Feeling tired?" he asked without waiting for her response, his gaze hardening as he stared down Evelina, "There's indeed an issue with the baby she's carrying. The fetus has been diagnosed with congenital insufficiency by the doctor, and there's a high probability it will be born with congenital heart disease."

He further revealed, "She bribed the doctor to modify the medical records and hide the truth. Additionally, Frank has been sending people to remote areas looking for pregnant women with the same due date as Evelina, carrying male infants. A couple of days ago, they successfully found one, secretly bringing her back to Zion City, and settled her in one of Frank's apartments."

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