Remington gently lifted the unconscious Lizetta into his arms, when from a distance, Camille saw what was happening and hurried over.

Just as Remington was about to close the car door, Camille stopped him.

"Remington, what are you doing?"

"Camille, you've been through a lot today. Go home and rest. We'll sort this out ourselves."

Remington didn't look at Camille, his focus solely on adjusting Lizetta's position in his arms.

Camille frowned, "Remington, don't you know Liz well enough? Forcing her like this will only lead to regret!"

Finally, Remington glanced at Camille, his large hand gently caressing the hair of the woman in his arms, his voice hoarse, "All I know is that those who love each other should be together."

Not something Remington would typically say, and Camille was slightly taken aback, releasing her grip involuntarily.

By the time she came back to her senses, Remington had already shut the car door, and the vehicle sped away. Lizetta woke up from a nightmare, her head heavy and foggy.

As her consciousness slowly returned, she opened her eyes to find the curtains undrawn and the room dimly lit.

Night descended, and she'd missed everything - the deadline to divorce had passed, rendering their application void. Feeling utterly drained, she closed her eyes, a suffocating discomfort lodged in her throat.

"Do you feel unwell anywhere? How about getting up and eating something?"

A man's gentle inquiry came from the sofa across the bed. His tall figure stood and approached, looking down at her.

His presence was so strong that Lizetta had felt his gaze the moment she regained consciousness.

She'd deliberately ignored it, and now, without lifting her eyelids, she showed no intention of responding.

Unfazed, Remington continued, "You haven't eaten all day. Even if you're not hungry, Joy might be."

Lizetta felt weak, her mouth bitter, and her mood was terrible. Perhaps she was too hungry to feel it, but she didn't feel starving or have any appetite.

She found him annoying. Turning away, she was about to pull the covers over herself when Remington caught her arm.

His voice turned cold, "Lizetta! Are you planning to ignore me and stay silent for the rest of your life?"

Their eyes met as Lizetta opened hers.

His gaze was intense, hers cold, "Get out."

Remington's breath hitched, his jaw tensing, "Lizetta!"

"Stella was found, wasn't she? Why not care about her instead? You could've taken her to the wedding today, actually. I wouldn't mind if you replaced the bride with her. As long as I get some peace, do whatever you want."

Her rejection was clear; she really was pushing him away. It seemed she truly didn't care, daring to say such things.

Remington's hand gripping on the woman's arm trembled slightly, his face paling. Eventually, he let go, "I'll take it as you speaking in anger."

Lizetta curled up, closing her eyes again, no longer wanting to argue.

Watching her silent resistance and disdainful posture, Remington added, "The doctor said Yolanda might wake up tonight. If you don't want to go to the hospital, just lie here."

This got a reaction from Lizetta, who sat up, "You're letting me go to the hospital?" Her tone was skeptical.

Lips clamping tightly, Remington nodded despite the frustration boiling inside, "I don't want a divorce, but that doesn't mean I'm imprisoning you. Get up and eat; I'll go with you to the hospital."

Studying Remington intently, Lizetta seemed to be assessing the truth of his words.

Frustrated, Remington said, "So, you don't believe a word I say anymore?"

"Your credibility is completely spent with me."

Caught off guard, Remington was relieved when Lizetta finally got out of bed.

Lina had prepared a meal, keeping it warm in case Lizetta woke up hungry. Entering the dining room, Lina greeted her enthusiastically, "Mrs. Dashiell, see if these are to your liking. If not, just let me know what you'd prefer."

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