Seeing him still crouched in front of her, like a statue turned to stone, Liz had had enough and stood up abruptly. If he wasn't going to leave, she would.

But in the next second, the man suddenly rose and pulled her into a tight embrace. He held her so close, as if trying to merge her into his very bones, his voice hoarse in her ear. "Liz, I'm sorry, but don't turn down my help!"

Lucian stepped forward as well, saying, "Liz, calm down."

Lizetta closed her eyes, realizing she wasn't as composed as she thought. Her emotions were still affected at the sight of him.

Regret filled her heart. Yes, Yoli was what mattered most now. Once she calmed down, Lizetta pushed Remington away and nodded slightly.

Just as Remington breathed a sigh of relief, Lizetta suddenly gave him a deep, profoundly respectful bow, "Thank you so much, Mr. Dashiell."

The coat she'd been wearing, Lucas's, slid to the ground as she bowed. There she was, in her wedding dress, bowing deeply in the most formal and distant manner.

This was supposed to be their wedding day. She was supposed to be in his arms, kissing him amid the guests' cheers.

From the closest person to the most distant stranger, all in one night.

Remington felt as if a boulder was pressing on his chest, unable to breathe. His eyes were restrained with emotion, knowing she was repelled by him now, and whatever he said wouldn't reach her.

His forehead veins were throbbing as he suppressed the urge to pull her into his embrace, nodding helplessly, "I'm doing this, not for you, but for myself! You don't need to thank me."

He was doing it for himself. Because with Yolanda's incident, he feared he'd never win her back.

Remington's deep gaze locked on Lizetta, hoping she'd understand what he meant.

However, Lizetta seemed not to hear. Or perhaps she heard but simply didn't care anymore.

She straightened up indifferently, her body swaying weakly.

"Honey!" Remington's expression changed, and he reached out to help.

Lizetta dodged his hand, but lost her balance even more and fell toward the ground. Fortunately, Lucian reacted quickly, stepping forward to catch her before she hit the floor.

As Lucian helped Lizetta back into her chair, Remington was still frozen, unable to retract his hand.

His eyes held a mix of shock and dark anger, his thin lips pressed tightly together.

She was carrying their baby, yet she'd rather fall than let him touch her? That dodge was her instinctual reaction!

Had her disdain for him reached such a degree? He suddenly clenched his fist, a layer of frost seemingly enveloping him.

He watched her sitting there motionless, looking as if she was about to shatter, yet still waiting worriedly.

He turned and left, heading for the emergency exit. He feared if he stayed any longer, he'd do something irrational.

Lucian pushed open the emergency door and was greeted by the thick smell of smoke, Remington's silhouette tall and upright by the window.

The window was wide open, cold wind and snowflakes pouring in.

Remington had loosened his shirt collar, which fluttered open by gusts of wind, his shoulders covered in a thin layer of snow.

His lips were enveloped in the haze of the smoke, his entire demeanor dark and brooding, like the oppressive sky outside.

Lucian approached him, "Remi, did you find out who forged that diary?"

Remington took another deep drag before looking at him, "You and Liz at her graduation, you had her on your shoulders, refusing to let her down until she admitted she liked you." Lucian froze, as if he'd completely forgotten about that incident.

Remington's gaze grew even more intense, as if piercing through him, causing Lucian to shiver with realization.

He frowned, anxiously saying, "No! Remi, you can't seriously think I have something with Liz, right? That day, I did make her say she liked me, but that like, it's just sibling affection!

Remi, you know, Liz and I have been at odds since we were kids, always fighting. She always said in the Dashiell family she hated me the most. Even after we grew up and got closer, she wouldn't even call me 'Luc'."

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