Lizetta stared blankly at Remington; her heart fluttered with an overwhelming sense of joy. After all, she had been dreaming of this wedding day for years on end.

But the initial rush of excitement quickly gave way to a tide of unease and a slight sting of sorrow.

It was like finally getting your hands on the apple at the top of the tree after a long climb. The apple that looked so red and juicy had tempted you day and night. But when it was finally within grasp, she feared i might not be as sweet as she had imagined.

What if it were bitter.

"What's with that look? Scared, or perhaps having second thoughts?"

Remington's voice snapped Lizetta out of her daze.

Only then did she notice the gentle smile had vanished from his handsome face.

His deep-set eyes now bore a cold detachment, and his brows were furrowed in a mix of amusement and indifference. This was hardly the expression of a man overjoyed at the prospect of proposing to the woman he loved.

Lizetta's heart, which had been beating wildly, felt as if it had been doused with cold water, slowly regaining its composure.

Lowering her eyelashes, she clasped her hands tightly and quickly spoke up.

"We should really clear things up with Barbara first. Maybe, just like you said, Remi, Barbara will understand. Plus, my belly's going to start showing soon, and I won't look good in a wedding dress." Remington cut her off with a cold tone, "No matter how much you say, it still means you're unwilling."

She didn't love him. To her, he was probably nothing more than a brotherly figure to lean on.

As a woman who had always been intent on leaving, even while carrying his child, how could she possibly be thrilled about his proposal?

With a mocking twist of his lips, Remington let go of Lizetta and got out of bed.

His departure was decisive. Lizetta felt an immediate emptiness beside her, which sent her into a panic. Instinctively, she reached out to grab Remington.

But she caught nothing. As his figure reached the door, Lizetta hurriedly got out of bed and followed him.

"Remi. Ah!"

Her movements were hasty, and without shoes, she stepped on a slipper, leading her to trip and plunge forward in a panic.

Lizetta turned pale with fright, barely managing to protect her belly as she closed her eyes.

However, she didn't hit the floor but instead fell into the familiar, broad embrace of a man.

"What are you running around for! Don't you know your condition?!"

Remington's voice was stern as it came from above her. Lizetta clung to his waist, and her heart was still racing.

She took a moment to catch her breath; feeling wronged, she looked up at him with teary eyes.

"Was I the one running around? It was clearly you who got mad out of nowhere!"

He was ready to storm out at the drop of a hat. Who does that?

Looking down at her, Remington felt his irritation deflated somewhat at the sight of her tear-filled eyes. He softened his tone.

"Alright, alright. If you don't want the wedding now, we'll wait. It's all up to you. Stop crying, or Joy might think I've been bullying you again."

He gently patted Lizetta's back, noticing she was standing barefoot on the floor. Bending down, he picked her up and carried her back to the bed. Kneeling beside the bed, he pretended to brush off non-existent dust from her feet before placing them back on the bed.

Lizetta watched him, and when he looked up, she spoke.

"Remi, it's not that I don't want the wedding, it's just..."

She wanted to tell him that a wedding with him was a dream come true.

If it were just two months earlier, or even before she knew about Stella a month ago, she would have been overjoyed and agreed without hesitation.

But now, even though she was temporarily back by his side, the path ahead seemed shrouded in fog, unclear.

She also couldn't forget those old photos which he kept hidden away in a box.

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