Shadows of Destiny
Chapter 35

35 Girl Talk


A week passed, and gradually the week of

the dinner at Vino’s mansion was


Avery had a lot of tea parties in the garden, some of which Stephanie attended, and she was civil

towards me.

We were never alone, so she never had the opportunity to tell me how she really


Avery got what she wanted because she reeked of Marcel. I guess he was head

over heels for her.

On the other hand, Linda and Theodore were stagnant, and I knew Linda was the one setting the pace.


Sylvester had decided we all eat dinner in

the small dining room like we used to. His mother and Dominic still ate separately from us.

It was a welcomed development because eating in the room became tedious and


We were still deciding what to wear to the dinner at Vino’s mansion, so Avery had linked me to join her

at the Beta’s wing to discuss our outfit. Linda and Avery

avoided the alpha’s wing because of Dominic. Although Stephanie was always

pleasant, Dominic wasn’t, and his

constant fights with Glenda made it


I also found out he had orgies with some

women in the harem.

Initially, I thought he was using them,

but I let it go when I found out it was

consensual. 1

“Where are you?” I heard Sylvester

through the mind link.

I was trying to go to the Beta’s wing to see Avery, but I guess I would have to go back

to my wing.

“On my way to see Avery, but I am coming back to our wing,” I replied.

“Great, meet me in my office,” he said.

I walked quickly and bumped into Stephanie on my way there.

I wasn’t comfortable being alone with her, and somehow she knew because she

smiled at me.

“Good afternoon, Luna,” I greeted her, and she nodded.

“Did you change the food menu?” She asked me, and I shook my head, wondering why she would ask

me that.

“I have not done anything here, Luna. The only thing I did was prepare your

rooms for your arrival,” I explained to

her, and she searched my face.

“Do not break his heart, Tamia. He is

crazy about you. I have never seen him

act the way he did that afternoon over

anyone. Not even Susan,” She said, moving close to me and touching my


“Sylvester is my joy; Tamia, do not hurt

him,” She said with misty eyes.

“If anyone has the capacity to hurt anyone, it will be him hurting me. He is alpha and he is lord. I cannot

hurt him,” I said, and she shook her head.

“The only people that can hurt him are you and me, Tamia. People he loves have always been his

vulnerability. I am sorry about my behaviour when I got here,

Tamia. I really am, and I hope we can

have a fresh start,” She said, and I smiled

at her.

Even though I did not trust her words, I smiled at her because I knew it was a lot of effort for her to do

what she was doing.

I excused myself and headed to Sylvester’s office. I really did not know why he was calling me, but I

hoped there

wasn’t an issue.

I knocked on the door, and he asked me to


He did not know it was me until I entered.

“You didn’t have to knock, you know,” He said, leaving his desk.

He went to sit on his couch, and I joined


“Have you eaten?” he asked, playing with my hair gently.

“Not yet,” I said, and he nodded.

“I changed the menu to venison instead

of the regular steak,” he said, and I realised why Stephanie had asked me the


“Your mother asked me if I changed the menu,” I said, and he frowned at me.

“She asked me nicely, Sylvester,” I said, clearing the air, and he nodded.

“I need you to plan a dinner menu for a small event. Would that be too much?” he asked me, and I did

not know what to tell him, especially since his mother had told me I wasn’t allowed to make any

decisions without her consent.

“Don’t you think your mother should do it? She is luna,” I said, and he frowned at


“She isn’t my Luna. Her era has passed,” He said, stroking my hand and kissing

my neck.

“I am asking you to handle the menu

because we will host some guests in two nights. I want to officially announce our engagement,

introduce you to the council, and pack Alphas in the north and west. I need you to pick the venue for

the event too,” he said. I did not know how

Stephanie would feel about me doing this, but I did not want to bring it up. 1

After what Sylvester did to his brother

because of me, I did not want to cause any

more damage.

“Okay, I will try,” I said, and he smiled and kissed my neck, making a light moan escape my lips. He

had that effect on me.

“I will need a little more than that,” He said, gently nibbling my earlobe. He knew what he was doing,

and I knew that was also why he had called me to the office.

He was a bit stressed out.

“Are you sure that is all you want to

discuss?” I teased him, and he continued

what he was doing.

I headed to the Beta’s wing after I had finished with Sylvester. He was a bit wild in the office, which

drained me a bit. I also needed to do something about my weakness because it was telling on me.

I wondered if it was telling on Leo the

same way.

I hoped not because Bane never fought fair, and he would need all his strength to push back.

I tried not to think of Leo and knocked on

Avery’s door.

She was there with Linda. I heard their


“It is open,” She said, and I walked in.

Avery was scolding Linda about

something, and I wondered what it was.

“What is going on?” I asked, and Avery

looked at me.

They were sitting in the sitting section of the bedroom with tea, juice and biscuits. Avery was living the

life of a queen.

“Linda really wants to mess her life up. We have all been given second chances, and she has thrown

hers away,” I said and frowned at Linda, who looked away. It was clear she was uninterested.

“Kyle maltreated you but making another man pay for his mistakes is totally wrong, Linda,” Avery said,

and I knew it had to do with Theodore.

“What happened?” I asked, and she

looked at me.

“Theodore is going to the dinner party with Lilly,” Avery said, and I frowned at


“Linda moved out of his room three

nights ago, saying she isn’t interested in

anything serious and wants to just be

friends. Theodore did not want to have a friends-with-benefits arrangement with her; he wanted

something more serious, so he was pissed off with her. He isn’t even talking to her,” Avery said.

“So, is that why he is going with Lilly?” I


“Sylvester told him to take Lilly as his plus one. Lilly wanted to go to the party but could not go without

an invite, and since Theodore has no date, Sylvester asked him to take her as his plus one,” Linda

explained, and I could not believe how stupid Linda was.

“You clearly want to remain stuck in the past and remain unhappy. We can’t help you with that. No one

can, but it will be wise if you move on. You are too damn young to be miserable.” I said, and she shook

her head

“Neither of you is fated to these men.

What do you think will happen when they

find they’re fated? I can’t afford to be a victim twice in my life.” Linda said and

looked at me.

“I can understand why you will risk getting burned again. Leo was a darling, and he loved you until the

very end. I wouldn’t be surprised if his heart still beats for you,” She said and looked at


“But I can’t understand you. Max treated you like shit, and he abused you, yet you want to give it a try

again?” She asked.

“I can’t risk it. No one can understand what I went through in the cell. When I lost my baby. That is the

only reason I kept pushing. I went from Luna to pack whore. Even if I didn’t want to, my

husband required it of me as

entertainment. I can’t just get up and

forget that ever happened to me. I can’t. Believe me, I have tried.” She said, tears streaming down her


“I had it all. Land, money and power, and that bastard took it all and left me with nothing. He gave me

to the northern soldiers as if I was nothing. To him, I meant absolutely nothing. Everything my father left

me is in his possession. I have never had to be at anyone’s mercy, but here I am. I own nothing,” She

said and wiped her tears.

“I offered Theodore a friends-with- benefits relationship because I do not want to get burned again,”

She said,


“I do not want to get hurt. I do not want to live in fear and cry myself to sleep. If Theodore hurts me, I

won’t recover. So I can’t risk it,” She said, and I went to console her; Avery did the same.

“I understand your fears. We all have it,

but love takes bravery and hope. We have to hope history doesn’t repeat itself, we

have to be brave to walk away when it

does, but if we do not try and keep trying, we will be the biggest losers.” I told her. 1

“Every day I am with Sylvester, I am afraid his fated will show up, and I will

find myself in the same fucked up

situation I was in. Yet I cherish every moment as they come because I know if I run away and close

myself up, I will never heal from the pain of the past, and I will live with regrets.” I said and lifted her

hand. 19

“We all share the same fear, but how we

choose to deal with it will make a difference. That guy likes you a lot. He has been patient and taken it

slow. Do not hurt him. He isn’t Kyle and will never be Kyle.” I said, and she hugged me and


“The possibilities of them meeting their fated are very slim. The truth is we were just unfortunate. In the

entire east, only two alphas married their fated. The rest

are with their chosen, and some of them grew old with their chosen. Even among the pack members,

very few of them have met their fated. There are some packs

where there isn’t anyone with their fated. Meeting fated mates is a bit difficult in our world, but then

some people like us

become victims. You can’t decide to not

live your life because of that,” Avery told


“Do not let him take Lilly to that dinner party. You know we will be staying the night at the mansion. She

has lost her

chance with Sylvester; she can never have

a chance with Marcel; Theodore is the

next best option. If she sinks her teeth in

him, that will be it, and you will be filled with regrets,” I warned her, and she

looked at me.

“You should listen to Tamia, Linda. If

Lilly gets in, she won’t be getting out.” Avery warned her, and Linda wiped away

her tears.

“I will return to his room,” She said, and

I widened my eyes at her bold move.

“I think you should talk to him about it first,” I said, and she shook her head.

“I think I should act. He won’t kick me

out,” She said, and I realised she really liked the guy, but she was too afraid to let

herself show it.

We discussed our outfits for the event,

and Linda was a bit more relaxed. I requested that they help me with the impromptu dinner Sylvester

had asked me to organise. They were elated, and slowly it dawned on me that this was really

happening. I was going to be the


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