Shadows of Destiny
Chapter 19

19 Emotions and Needs


I showered and waited for Sylvester to

return. I was nervous and excited at the

same time. Glad that I was able to test my


During the fight, I was given a rush, I missed it so much, and I was glad I was of service.

I doubt the attackers would have won, but they would have caused much damage.

I linked with my friends to find out how they were, and they were thrilled to fight.

I knew Linda and Avery used the

opportunity to vent their frustrations on the


Some of those wolves smelled like they were

from the east.

I wondered why my people would want to

create more trouble with the north.

Sylvester returned and went to shower.

He exited the bathroom, and I noticed he

looked a bit worried, but I could not ask him


I got off the bed and went to him.

“Sylvester,” I said, and without warning, he crashed his lips against mine. We kissed hungrily, and I

knew something was bothering him in those moments.

“What is the matter?” I asked.

“Don’t jump from balconies again. Do not get into fights in your current state. Promise

me you won’t do it again,” he said, and I

could hear the fear in his voice.

“I had to..” I said, and he cupped my face in his palms.

“Please,” He said, and I knew he must have heard something that upset him. 2

“Okay,” I said to calm him down, but I was determined to find out what the matter was


He hugged me and kissed my neck, and

breathed me in. I let him and relaxed in his


Sylvester held me tightly through the night.

Morning came, and we got ready for breakfast. I wondered what troubled him,

and hoped he would tell me.

“Do you know Bane personally?” He finally asked while we were getting dressed. I stopped what I was


“Yes, I met him at a dance party, and he

asked his beta to take me home. I never saw

or heard from him since.” I said, and he


“Anything transpired between you two?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“Nothing, not even a kiss,” I said, and I saw

relief in his eyes. He pulled me close and kissed me, holding me tightly. 1

I felt his teeth on my sweet spot. Was he

trying to claim me? I knew something was troubling him.

We left the room and headed towards the dining to eat breakfast.

“Do you want to eat in the room?” Sylvester asked me while we walked. I looked at him

and smiled.

“I am hungry for other things”, I confessed, and he grinned and spun me around. It was so fast that I

almost fell, but he caught me, and we laughed.

“We will feed our stomachs this morning and do other things later. I want to spend the day with you,”

He said and kissed me on the

lips. I grumbled, knowing that was a subtle

We returned to the room, and food was brought for us.

Sylvester served the food on my plate, and

we both ate.

I hoped he would go the extra mile soon

because it was overdue.

“Tel me about your last days with your ex-

husband,” He said, and to my surprise, I

wasn’t sad about it.

There was a time if I was asked that

question; I would be a wreck, but my heart was elsewhere, and I knew it.

“Not so great, but he tried. He tried all he

could to make it work. Amanda was an

Alpha’s daughter, so even though Leo wanted to ignore her, he couldn’t. They forced her into our

home,” I said, remembering the incident.

“Did they force Leo into her bed?” He asked

me, sounding a bit annoyed, and I knew it

was because he knew it hurt me.

The answer was obvious when I couldn’t


He touched my hands gently and kissed


“Fate might have sent her his way, but he could have rejected her. He was weak, which destroyed your

marriage,” he said, convinced by his words, and I sighed.

“I guess so,” I said, and he smiled.

“So what is with Bane?” He asked me, and I could sense jealousy in his voice, but I did

not want to mess with him, so I opted to be


“Nothing. I told you all that I know?” I said, and he nodded. He held my hand and kissed it, then looked

at me critically.

“If he comes to get you, will you follow him? ” he asked me, and somehow I felt he was asking the real

question that bugged him.

“I do not know him well enough to follow him anywhere. Besides, I have no reason to

leave unless you kick me out,” I said, and I could see him relax a bit.

I hoped he would tell me what was troubling

him soon.

“What about you? Anyone special from your past or was it always orgies all through?” I teased him,

and he laughed.

He plucked a grape and gently placed it in my mouth; I made sure to suck his finger sensually, and he

slowly pulled away; his eyes turned black, meaning his wolf liked it.

“You are a naughty woman, Tamia,” he

said, and I giggled.

“There was someone. Her name was Susan.

She was my first,” He said, and I felt a tinge of jealousy. My feelings for him were dangerous because I

was getting jealous of

an ex that wasn’t even in the picture. I think it was the way he said her name. I couldn’t place it.

“Relax, Tamia,” He said, and my cheeks

coloured; how did he know?

“How?” I asked, and he giggled.

“Your wolf flashed,” he said, laughing and leaning closer to me.

“I think it is cute that you are feeling possessive,” he said close to me, holding my chin in his hands and

gazing into my eyes.

“I think it is sexy,” He said, and I could not hold his gaze.

I was shy all of a sudden. I was bold with

everything but a shy mess with him.

He leaned close and kissed me gently on the lips. Then broke away before I could take it

up a notch.

“Don’t worry, green eyes. I won’t make you share,” he assured me, and as much as I wanted to believe

those words, I was too afraid to be invested in it. I was determined

to live in the moment, ready to head out if it went south. My heart was tough enough for

it now.

The servants came to gather the dishes, and Sylvester told them to leave the fruits and

the dessert.

“You haven’t told me about Susan,” I said, and he pulled me close.

We were sitting on the carpet with the bed as our backrest. The rug was fluffy and soft, and the lights

were dimmed. Perfect for a

mood Sylvester wasn’t ready to tune into.

“She was a year younger than me, and we

planned to have a future. Being the Alpha in my family, she knew I would want to be at my strongest.

But she was enough for me. She was a beta breed. She was enough. Her

brother found his fated, and it wasn’t his

girlfriend. The heart break the girlfriend endured spooked her, and she decided to relocate to the south

region with her uncle before my eighteenth birthday, so she would not be heartbroken if she ended up

not being my fated. I never heard from her since,” He

said, and I felt sorry for him. There was a tinge of sadness in his voice that made me realise it hurt him

deeply. 1

“With the way we were, I would have

rejected my fated for her sake,” he said, and

I smiled.

“Easier said than done,” I said, looking

away, then he made me look at him.

“I know you have heard those words before,

and the person that uttered them went back

on his words, but I am not like Leo. If I were

in his shoes, I would have willingly kept my

word and been content with half-strength.

All it meant was that I would have to train

harder.” He said with a firm resolve, and I

could almost believe him, but I wasn’t a fool. 1

“Unfortunately, she left for nothing because I never found my fated, and I had to make do,” he said, and

I stroked his hair and looked into his eyes.

“The pain is undescribabale. I could

understand her fear,” I said, remembering what happened to me, and he kissed me. This time he did

not pull away.

We kissed, and soon I heard Kaira howl in my head when he took off my shirt.

His eyes were jet black, and I tore his shirt

because I couldn’t undo his buttons.

I touched his body. The muscles I had longed to run my palm against. Feeling his muscles made my

core clench, and a moan escaped my lips. His scent was intoxicating, and I

wanted him.

We kissed until we were both naked on the


I heard a low growl, and his body vibrated.

His wolf had joined in.

He lifted me up and placed me on the bed.

“I have been wanting to do this since I set my eyes on you,” He said, laying me on the


I grabbed onto him. I did not want any distance between us. My body was aching.

“I want to take my time,” He whispered in my ears and nibbled it. Then he licked and

sucked the skin where a mark should be.

He teased the spot with his teeth, and I

moaned. I felt the wetness on my inner

thigh, and I was long gone.

He travelled to the crook of my neck,

sucking and nibbling, and I was a moaning

mess on the bed.

I ran my fingers through his hair, grabbing it and wanting more.

I could not explain my hunger and need for

him, but I wanted him. 1

He sucked on my nipples, one at a time, hungrily, and I let him do as he liked with them. Everything

was getting to my head.

“Ahhh!” I moaned, not able to contain the

pleasure I was feeling.

I reached for his cock, and he let me touch it.

It felt hard and stiff, and I wanted it badly, and he pulled away from my breasts so I

could feel him.

He knelt on the bed with his length in my


His eyes filled with lust, and I mirrored it.

I bent and placed his cock in my mouth, hungrily working on him.

He grabbed my head gently while I bobbed my head up and down his length.

He groaned and moaned and pumped gently into my mouth.

He has enormous, So I held his shaft with my hand. Working on it. Taking it all the way to the back of

my throat and gagging. My eyes were watering, but all I could think about was the pleasure it would

give me when it filled me up.

He pumped, and I bobbed. His hold on my hair became tight, and I knew he was


“Fuck! Tamia,” He growled.

“Fuck!” he moaned and continued pumping

until I felt his cock twitch, and he shot his

load down my throat. I took it all in, sucking the tip and licking my lips for him to see.

“Fuck, Tamia, you are amazing,” He said.

Leaving his length, I looked at him, and his black eyes were intimidating. I had taken him off the bend,

and my core clenched,

anticipating receiving the result of my hard


He laid me down and spread my legs wide.

“Time for dessert,” he said, and I could not


He delved in with his mouth. Sticking his tongue in my core, I grabbed my breasts and squeezed.

The pleasure shot to my head. 1

He licked the entrance all the way up to my

mound and then began to suck it.

“Ahhh ahhh!”I cried.

My mound was sensitive, and he was

sucking on it, pushing his tongue against it

and licking it.

He licked and sucked until I couldn’t take


I felt myself coming.

I grabbed his shoulders and dug my nails in.

I was wild, and my animal side was taking


“I am coming,” I moaned.

The build-up was fast. He was an expert with his tongue. He did not relent. He kept the rhythm steady

until the orgasm erupted,

and I cried. He didn’t stop. He continued to

suck. I shook and moaned then I started to

scream from the intense pleasure.

“Now, Sylvester. Put it in now,” I moaned

because I wanted him inside me.

He stopped and made me turn around on my

hands and knees.

He drove his cock into me and started


Holding my hips, he guided my ass to slam into him. His cock went deep, stretching my

walls and hitting all the right spots.

He filled me up, and I felt this was my birthday because he was too damn good at it; he fucked me with

reckless abandon. All my build-up and anticipation were satisfied

at that moment.

“Mine,” I heard him growl as he pumped

into me. 1

“Yes,” Was all I could say.

He was doing everything right. Claiming me with his cock, I knew there was no going

back from this. He turned me around, placed my legs over his shoulders, and pumped into

me ferociously.

“No one is taking you from me,” He growled, pumping fast and steady.

I didn’t see any more.

I felt the build-up, and I knew he had just started. My orgasm came, and he fucked me through it,

sustaining it.

He did not stop. He pumped into me, shattering my inside and making me confess to things I wouldn’t

have. I saw stars, having an out-of-body experience, and I did not want to come down from the heights.

He had taken me completely.

“Promise you will always be mine, no matter what,” He groaned, and I did not think about it. He had

fucked my brain to mush.

“Yes, yes!” That was all I could manage. Another build-up was coming, and I

welcomed it.

“Look at me when you are coming,” he said and fixed his eyes on me. I looked at him, and the orgasm

washed through me. He kept his rhythm steady, and soon, he stilled and poured himself into me.

Sylvester lay next to me, trying to catch his breath. I was fully satisfied. 4

He pulled me close, and I laid my head against his chest.

“Don’t leave me, Tamia,” He said, stroking my hair.

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