Chapter 82 


I look for him but I don’t see 

him among the people that 

get up. 


“Over here!” Victor shouts. I 

see him kneeling over Colt 

who lies on the floor 

motionless. I run, sliding my knees on the ground as I get to him, ignoring the pain of scraping them. 

“Colt!” I shout but he does 

not move. 

He has burn marks on the 

right side of the body. 

“Colt! Wake up!” I put my ear to his chest and immediately start to panic. “Victor there is no pulse!” I scream. 

He pushes me away and puts 

his head on Colt’s chest. 

I feel dread rising from the pit of my stomach. 

“There is a pulse but it is 

faint…it’s…it’s slowing down.” 

“WHAT?! NO!” 

I grab Colt by his shirt and 

shake him. “WAKE UP!” 


He doesn’t move. 



ME! Don’t leave me…” 

I can see his face growing pale. Suddenly, his eyes open just a bit and his lips shake. 

“You can’t leave me, Colt. 

You can’t. No one will ever 

love me like you do and I won’t ever love again.” 

His eyes start to close and desperation sets in. 

“You can’t die!” I use my 

fingers to open his eyes. “You 

can’t die. Heal! HEAL 

YOURSELF!” I command. 

There is a sudden grunt. His face contorts and he opens his eyes wide. He takes in deep breaths as if he was 

trying to find air. 


I am balling my eyes out. 


I don’t know what is 

happening. Did my 

command work?” 


He suddenly blinks a few 

times now staring at me and 

starts to calm down. 

“Is he…” 

As I hold Colt, Victor leans down and puts his ear to 

Colt’s chest. 

“His heart has gone back to a steady beat.” 

I immediately kiss Colt and 

hug him tighter as I cry 

harder now. 

“You can’t leave me…you 

can’t leave me…” 

I feel a short shaky touch on my arm. Pulling myself from 

Colt, I see him caressing my 

arm but I can tell how weak 

he is. 

“He’s going to be okay, Cass.” 

Victor says. 

“He is?” 

I see him better but I am so 

scared. I think I am 

traumatized now by this. 

“He is. But now he needs to 


I slowly nod as I wipe my face of tears and snot. 

“And look, he is starting to heal.” Victor points to Colt’s 


His burns slowly heal but it is 


I wrap my arms around Colt. 

It will still take time for him 

to heal but I am so relieved 

and yet still scared. 

I lift my head up and look at the damage caused by 

Oliver. Many are dead and many more are injured. The 

f**ker Oliver is nowhere to 

be found. 

I am so angry. Look at what 

he has done. A moment ago, 

all these people were 

laughing and talking, now… 

I see Dad limp his way to us with Lotus and Peggy. They were far away from the explosion but he still got 

some damage from it. 

I am so relieved to see them. 

“Are you okay?!” I ask. 

“Yes, yes…where is Garret?!” He asks frantically. 

I have never seen him so 

worried and shows how 

much he truly does care for 

Garret and Victor. 

At that moment, Garret 

rushes out of the house also 

limping. “They are attacking!” 

I grind my teeth. Oliver has no honor. He plays dirty. 

I look at Colt and give him a soft kiss and then I gently lie him on the ground. 

“Have everyone that is able to move, go defend! And alert Rodrick!” I look at 

Warrick and try to put on my bravest face, trying not to show how much I was broken just now. “Dad…take care of him for me, please.” 

He gives me an assertive 

nod. “I will. Come back 

safe…the three of you.” 

The three of us look at each 

other and give him a nod before sprinting through the 

side of the house. 

“Are our men fighting already?” 

“Yes and surprisingly, the 

enemies are many.” Garret 


“Can they take us?” I ask. 

“…they are prepared.” 

“Can they take us?” 

“We’ve never been attacked 

like this. Not while Warrick 

had been Alpha and his dad had decimated so many 

packs. No one dared.” 

Do I really have to repeat myself? “Garret-” 

“It is always a possibility. We just have to be careful.” He finally says. 

We all duck when a huge explosion comes from the 

woods in front of the house. 

“Shit! The f**ker is going to 

bring this whole place 


Beck runs to us with two of 

the other Alphas that 


“Beck! Take the east side!” 

Garret urges. 

Beck nods and runs to the 

right side of the house. 

“How can we help?” The 

Alphas say. 

“Do you have men close by?” 

Victor asks them. 


“Call them to help. You both 

can take the west.” 

Kanda and Serge arrive. I am 

glad they are okay. 

“Where do you need us?” Serge quickly asks Garret. 

I start walking. “You guys continue, I’m going to look 

for Oliver.” 

“Cass, that’s not a good idea.” 

I turn to them but I don’t 

stop. “If we get him, we stop this fight.” 

“True but it’s still dangerous 

and we need to help our 


“Then go do that. I’ll be fine.” Without waiting for their 

response, I sprint away. 

Soon I am dodging people fighting left and right. I help a few of our own pack 

members as I continue on 

my way. 

It doesn’t take me long to see Oliver at the edge of the 

forest before the sea of trees 


Fuking arrogant bastard is not even trying to hide. 

Another explosion goes off 

inside the forest that is 

behind the packhouse 

grabbing my attention. This 

helps me spot Dash and I am 

so grateful he is okay. 


“You are safe!” 

He smiles. “Always! I was inside when it happened. I 

went to the bathroom to take 

a piss and almost ended up shitting myself instead when I heard the explosion go off.” 

Even now I want to laugh. 

I shake my head knowing 

that this is not the time for 

this. “Are Miles and Bryn okay?” 

“Miles is fine. Bryn was hurt 

but she will be fine too.” 

“Good. Dash, I need you to 

make sure the children in 

the pack house are safe. That 

last explosion was pretty 

close to them.” 

“Are you sure?” He asks. 

“Yes. We can handle things 


“Okay. Be safe.” 

“You too.” 

I leave him, trusting that he will get to the children and 

also that he will be safe. I 

care about that man so he 

better be okay. 

I start to run in Oliver’s 

direction. When he notices 

me, I can see a smile on his 

face. He turns around and 

walks away into the forest 

while a group of fifteen to 

twenty men block my way. Most are already shifted and 

those that are not, are starting to shift. 

“Out of my way!” 

They scatter and surround 

me, menacingly baring their 

teeth at me. 

They are too many for me to 

take. I start backing up but they continue to surround 

me and won’t let me leave. 

“HUA!” Suddenly Victor 

jumps over some of the 

enemy and stands behind 

  1. me. 

“I told you it was dangerous to go on your own!” 

“Yeah yeah!” 

Victor suddenly shifts and 

most of the enemy 

surrounding us zone in on 

him. I turn to try and help 

but I am tackled. I fall on my 

back with a shifted enemy 

trying to take a bite out of my face. 

I curl my fists around his main, pulling him back, and look into his eyes. “Fight for 


The wolf immediately backs away and attacks one of his 


As I get up, two others rush me and at the same time, I 

can see Victor fighting about ten of them and even though he is an excellent fighter, 

they are too many for him. 

Spinning around, I dodge both wolves. They slide through the ground trying to stop. I immediately shift and jump on a wolf that is 

attacking Victor on his back however it is not enough. Victor falls to the ground while the wolves swarm him. 

I desperately start clawing at their backs to try to get them 

off of Victor but to no avail. 

They are going to kill him! 

I am desperate. Suddenly my wolf takes control and does the same thing she did 

a while back. She gives a 

resonating growl that echoes 

through the field. For a 

moment, everyone stops fighting. This gives Victor time to get up. He is 

scratched up good and a bit hurt but he is okay. This also gets the attention of many of our own pack members. They start running in our direction and swarming 

around the enemy. The men 

attacking us turn their 

attention to them and we 

take this moment to slip 

away. Victor limps to a 

nearby tree where he shifts 

and I do the same. 

“Cass, you are Alpha, that 

means that you are the most 

important person in the 

pack, if you die-” 

“They’ll have you.” I interrupt him. “You are a good Alpha too. This pack is set and will not have any problems if I am gone.” 

“But we care about you. It’s not just about the pack and most importantly, you are carrying our future.” He looks at my stomach. “You shifted. It is dangerous to shift when pregnant.” 

“The baby is still small 

enough that my body morphing does not affect it.” 

“Don’t do it again. What would Colt say?” He asks. 

I sigh. “I will do my best not to. But I need to get to Oliver 

now before I lose him.” 

“Don’t, wait for-” 

“He’ll be gone if I don’t. Stay 


I rush away, leaving him complaining. 

I smell the air. I am not a 

good tracker at all, in fact, I 

have never tried to track 

before. I can smell the forest 

and the natural smells. These 

smells I know very well and because of this, I can 

differentiate the cologne 

scent in the air. 

“This way.” 

I run following the sharp, crisp scent that Oliver always has. I am very surprised 

when I find him leaning on a tree as if he was waiting for 

  1. me. 

I slow to a stop and my guard goes up. He smiles and lifts up from the tree, 

walking towards me. 

“Took you a bit of time to get 

here, and unscathed I see.” 

“Oliver…what is your plan!” 

“Plan? Who said I had any?” 

“We’ve underestimated you. I will not do that any longer. 

You are a man with a 

mission. Always have been. What is your plan?” 

He smiles completely 


-Unknown POV- 

(A few minutes after the first explosion) 

I feel my face and shoulder 

are burnt. 

How dare he! HOW DARE 

HE! I am going to kill this 

man! Look at what he has 

done to me! 

It hurts beyond belief. 

“Where is she?! Where is 

she?!” I see and hear Colt 

thrashing, asking for Cass while the others try to hold 

him down but to no avail. He 

gets up and frantically starts looking for her. 

Ignoring it, I walk in the 

darkness of the side of the 

house, making my way after 

Oliver but I can’t see him 

anywhere. All I see is fighting. 

I am a vengeful person and I won’t stop until I see him 


I suddenly spot Casseopea leaving Victor and rushing 

inside the forest. 

My target immediately changes. 

I mustn’t let her get hurt. She 

is too valuable to me. But 

this woman insists on getting 

herself into the worst 


I sigh and follow after her. 

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