Chapter 74 

“Eight stabs in the chest?” 

Garret asks. 

The doctors examine the 

dead b*dy that has not yet been moved. The b*dy is of a pack member, one who is part of the house guards. 

“Yes, but it was a silver 

weapon.” Beck says. 

“What does this mean?” I ask. 

“Who killed him and why? Is 

it connected to Ezra or 


“It can mean anything really. 

This could have been just a murder completely 

unrelated to any of us.” He 


“The man was stabbed eight 

times, it seems to me like a 

crime of passion.” Victor 

says. “Or anger.” 

“Great. On top of all that we 

have to deal with, now we 

have a murder investigation 

going on too.” 

The beta, Archie, steps 

forward. “If you allow me, I’ll 

deal with this one.” 

I give him a nod. “Please do.” 

“I’ll start the investigation 

immediately.” He says. 

“Thank you.” 

Victor nods. “Don’t worry 

about this one. Let him 

handle it. You have more 

pressing matters now.” 

“Like what?” 


“Meeting. We need to discuss 

our next move.” 

I sigh. “Yeah…that.” 

I am disappointed that I 

didn’t get to have a bit of 

time with Colt. 

We all head down to the war 

room where everyone 


“Our trackers still don’t know 

where Alpha Oliver is. He 

left a day or two before we attacked.” Victor says. 

“So he was informed?” Colt 


“There is a possibility that it 

is a coincidence but it is too 

convenient. We have to 

assume that we have a 


I nod. “It is not unthinkable. 

We have many new men and 

some of these come from the 

spoils of war. Not everyone is 

happy being forced into this pack.” 


“We need someone to look 

into this.” I say and give 

Victor a nod. 

Victor nods back. “Beck. See 

what you can find.” 

“As for Oliver, continue looking for him.” 

I was a bit intimidated at first 

knowing that I had to act as Alpha but for some reason, so far, it is coming naturally. And if I have doubt, I simply 

look at Victor and he 

immediately chimes in an 


“What about Ezra? What do 

we do about him?” Beck asks. 

That one I have to think for a 

moment. Above all else, I 

want to kill him. He is my target but my number one priority at this moment is to gain control of my power. I had a taste of having control of my powers. It might not 

be detrimental in this war 

but hey can be useful. If I actively put all my effort into 

fighting Ezra right now, I 

won’t be able to focus on my 


After so much thinking, I look at Colt. “What do you 

think we should do?” 

He stares down, thinking. “There is nothing more that 

I would love to do than 

attack him and wring his neck with my bare hands. But my f**king brother has 

resulted to be smarter than 

we thought. You said you saw 

him with this Zao?” He asks 

and I nod. “He is looking for allies. I am sure he’s gone to 

other packs which means 

that most likely all other 

packs are highly aware of our squabble. He might already 

have allies. We can’t just 

attack him. I hate it but, we 

need to watch his moves…for 


“I agree.” Garret says. “But I don’t think we’ll have to wait 

long. Eventually, he is going to get impatient. That man has no discipline.” 

“Alright, then for now, that is what we will do.” I say. “Let’s 

come up with our plans and reconvene in the morning.” 

With that, they all scatter. 

“You did good.” Colt whispers 

in my ear. 

“You think so?” 

“Yes.” Victor says, walking 

closer. “You assessed the 

situations before making decisions and you listened to others opinions and made decisions based on what you heard. You did very well. Ultimately, in the end, the decisions will be yours but listening to what others have to say and their ideas is what a good leader does.” 

I give him a big smile. 

“Thank you and I have one 


“What is it?” 

“Thake that damn reforming 

camp down.” 


“Uhm nothing. Get rid of it.” 

“Father won’t be happy about 


“And I don’t care. I know I 

am not officially Alpha so if he gets better and gets back to his duties then he can do 

whatever the hell he wants 

but since I am in charge 

right now, I want it gone.” 

He sighs. “Very well.” 

Colt smiles at me, approvingly. 

“I don’t want anyone else to suffer like you did.” I tell 


“I agree.” He hugs me and nuzzles my neck. 

The connection I feel with 

him is unmatched. This is 

what a mate is but then 

again, he made me feel this 

loved and safe even before 

we marked each other. 

Maybe it was because ever 

since we reconnected, he has 

always seen me as his mate 

and treated me as such. I thank the goddess for letting this turn out the way it did 

with him. If Colt had not 

come into my life again, 

would there have been a 

possibility that I would have 

ended up with Ezra? I am 

sure there is. If none of this 

had happened, I would not 

have known how horrible he 

really was and so maybe my dumb self would have given 

him a chance. 

My stomach starts hurting. 

“Uh! I’m getting really 

hungry.” I mutter. 

He chuckles. “You are that 

hungry again?” 

I nervously laugh. “Yep…must be the stress.” 

Not a baby in here at all… 

I inwardly sigh. 

…I really have to tell him. 

“There you are. I talked to 

Honora.” Lotus walks in our 


“What did she say?” 

“She’ll meet us whenever we 

are free. She said she’d 

opened her schedule for us.” 

“Great! When could we go?” 

“Whenever you wish.” 

I look at Colt and then back at her. “Could we go today?” 

“I… suppose so. It will take a 

few hours so I don’t see why 


“Excellent. Then let’s go. 


After getting ready, we head 

to the town of Ellsworth 

where Honora lives. We are 

greeted by her the moment 

we arrive. She takes us back 

behind her shop where she 

prepares us tee. 

I am here with Lotus and 

Colt. We also have a few 

guards but they wait outside. 

“I have so many questions.” 

Honora nods as she sits. “I 

understand. I can only 

assume that you already 

know some of what 

happened with your 


“Yes. Lotus told me. What 

did you do to me?” 

“Well, you were born with 

your wolf soul. Every 

werewolf is born with a 

wolf’s soul in them but they 

are dormant until their bodies reach maturity and 

are able to handle the shift. A newborn’s b*dy is not ready for shifting and so you were at death’s door.” 

“Why was I born this way?” 

“That I cannot say. A birth 

defect, maybe it was a curse or a blessing. There is no real way of knowing.” 

I nod. “So what did you do?” 

“I inscribed a holding sigil on your b*dy.” She points to my 

chest. “And it did what it was 

intended to. It kept the wolf 

soul at bay until your b*dy 

was ready for it.” 

“But then…why did my 

mother burn it? Why did she try to cover it?” 

“I do not know why she did 

what she did.” 

“Dahlia always had her own 

secrets.” Lotus mutters. 

“Now, about your powers…‘ 


“Yes, I remember what you 

said. Do you know 

something about why it is not working?” 

She nods. “I feel like it might be the sigil that is messing with your powers. It might be blocking them.” 

“Can you help me?” 

“Yes, but it will be strenuous to your b*dy and though it is rare, there is a small chance 

that it can affect that which 

you carry.” She says stealing a glance from my belly. 

Damn it. She doesn’t know 

that no one knows-besides 


“Carry?” Colt asks. 

I am stunned and don’t know 

what to say. 

Honora can see my reaction 

and quickly replies. “The power she carries.” 

She has quick wits about her. 

“The power she carries can be affected.” She says. 

I give her a thankful look. 

“And payment? How much 

will this cost?” Lotus asks. 

“I already have enough money dear.” Honora looks at me. “…and your mother has already paid tenfold all those years ago, a fortune in 

my eyes, so no need. I will 

gladly help you.” 

“Thank you.” I am so 


“Now that being said…is this really what you wish to do?” She gives me a pointed stare. 

The urge to put my hand on my stomach is strong but I 

resist it. 

My baby…you are my child and you are as strong as I am, I am sure of it… 

“I…I need some privacy.” 

They all look at me. 

“I wish to talk privately with 


“Very well.” Lotus says as she 

gets up. 

Colt on the other hand 

hesitates. “If that is what you 


I nod. “Yes.” 

He gets up and follows Lotus 


When the door is closed, I 

whisper. “How bad can it be? What can happen?” 

“As I said, it would be rare 

but the chances are never 

zero so I have to give you the warning. If I am honest, I am 

not really worried. You are of Alpha blood and so is 

your…child. Strong. It mostly depends on you. If your b*dy is strong, then your little package will be fine. But 

as I said…chances are never 


“Then this is something I 

must think about.” 

“Take your time and get to 

me whenever you have 


“Thank you.” 

With that, I leave with Colt 

and Lotus ready to give it 

much thought. I lean on 

Colt’s shoulder as we drive 


“Lotus, how is father really doing?” 

“As the doctors said, he is 

recuperating but slowly. He is lucky that he has even 

survived the poison in his b*dy. I really do hope that physically he will go back to 

normal but the doctors are 

not sure that will happen. They say that he might get some semblance of normal 

but not completely.” 

“Yet they gave him a day or two to live when it first 

happened and they were wrong.” Colt says. “That man is a strong mother f**ker and I see him getting back to a hundred percent.” 

Before I can agree with him, 

his phone rings. 

Watching him pick it up, I 

start to wonder. 

Maybe now that I am going to be Alpha I should get one. I don’t like phones and I 

don’t like to use them…or 

rather I don’t know how to 

use them. I am not good with technology at all. Colt brought it up a long time ago 

that I should have one but I 

refused. To be honest, if I 

had one, it would have 

helped me a lot in many 


“Damn it…” Colt mutters. 

“What’s wrong? What happened?” 

He finishes the call and sighs. 

“Another dead b*dy was 


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