Chapter 71 

Colt grips the iron mask in 

his hands. 

“What kind of…how could…” 

He can’t seem to finish what 

he wants to say. 

“Even I am shocked. I don’t 

think even father would have 

thought of such a thing.” 

Victor says. 

“I mean, I could see him do it but he never thought of something like this,” Garret says. “So this Zao, he made you fight in this arena?” 

“Yeah. It was ridiculous. He 

had stupid titles for us and 

made us wear ridiculous 

things. It was all a show for 

sadistic people to watch. 


“But cutthroat.” Kanda ads. 

I nod. “I only survived 

because of Kanda and the 

other girls.” I tell them. “The skills that Victor taught me helped me tremendously too 

and on that note, once we get back, training must 


Victor nods. 

Colt–who does not seem to 

be past the mask issue- 

looks up at me. “He…he bolted this on you?” 

My hand goes up to my temple, caressing the skin and remembering the pain. 

I nod. 

“And you killed him…Zao?” 

He asks. 

I nod. 


“We killed him, his son and 

we almost had Ezra.” 


I nod. “He was there. I had 

him. I had him in my grasp but he got away. All because of that witch!” 


I nod. “Took her head off.” 

“Who did?” Victor asks. 

“I did. I did to her what he 

did to Lauren and before I 

forget…” I look at Kanda. 

“Send it to him in a box.” 

I kept it for that purpose. 

Colt stares at me and looks a 

bit stunned. They all do. 

“Don’t look at me like that. I 

am not the same person I was a couple of months ago and it is not a bad thing. I have grown, I have learned and I am stronger now.” 

I was such a silly naive little thing. I know I still have a lot more to learn and grow but I am starting to see it all. That little child in me is opening her eyes. 

As I think this, I look around 

and notice Oliver’s picture 

on a shelf. 

“Any idea where he ran to?” 

“No, but I have two guesses, 

Garret says. “He either ran to 

Ezra or he ran back 


F**ker. If I ever get my 

hands on him… 

“Am I interrupting?” The door slightly opens and 

Honora pops her head in. 


She smiles. “You are safe! I’m 


“What happened?! I saw you being taken by Zao’s men.” 

She nods. “Like I told you, 

Zao had his men watch 

everyone’s moves. He thought that my actions were suspicious so he brought me in but I was 

convincing. He let me go and 

I did not think twice, I left. I 

don’t know if it was luck or 

not but on my way, I 

encountered them.” She 

points at Victor and the 


Victor nods. “We had just finished taking over Oliver’s 

pack which was easy. He left with a small group and left his pack to fend off for 

themselves. After, we went to 

get you back but on the way, 

we encountered her. She was 

resting when we were 

discussing a plan to get you 

out but that is when you surprised us here.” 

“You said you were heading your way to me when you found Honora. How did you 

find out where I was before she told you?” 

“Crow, the rogue that works 

for Father.” 

That was him. The face in 

the crowd that looked so 


Honora pats my shoulders. “I 

am glad you are all safe now. Those battles were 

gruesome. I’ll be getting ready to head back home 

now but I would like to talk 

to you. There are other things I would like to discuss with you before I leave later.” Her eyes fall down on my stomach and I am sure she 

knows. My hands 

automatically touch my 


She smiles and walks out. 

I have to tell Colt. I know this 

but…somehow…I don’t want 

  1. to. It is not because I don’t 

think he will be okay with it. 

I know him and I am sure he 

will be happy. But male 

werewolves get 

overprotective when their 

mate is with a child. And he is already very 

overprotective as it is. I love that about him but I am sure he is going to be over the top 

when he finds out. 

“We should…head back 

today. I want to be back in 

our pack. I also want to talk 

to Father.” I say. 

Victor nods. “We need to 

leave someone here in 


“Leave Rodrick in charge of 

this place. Move his family with him.” Colt suggests. 

I nod. “Not a bad idea. Leave 

our generals in control of the territories we possess.” 

The thought of Julia moving all the way here with her father and staying away from Colt is also tempting. 

“Then it is settled. The Alpha has spoken. ” Victor says. 

I wince as I look at him. 

“Don’t…call me that.” 

I can see he wants to laugh. “Why not, Alpha.” 

“It’s…weird, coming from 

you. Just treat me normally, please.” 

“Sure, sure.” 

We all walk out to get ready. 

“Where are you heading?” 

Colt hugs me. 

“I was going to go catch 

Honora before she leaves.” 

“Oh, okay.” He says but hugs 

me tighter. 

I am tempted to move away from him. Even though he 

has not yet, he could notice 

that I am pregnant at any moment. I don’t know how 

far along I am but for a she–wolf, as the baby grows in our womb, our body’s scent starts to change and 

when the fetus’s heartbeats 

are strong enough, he will be 

able to hear it. I know it is 

only a matter of time before 

he notices. Not to mention the dead giveaways like throwing up in the mornings 

or because of the smells. I 

vomited my insides early this morning but he was still asleep so he didn’t notice. I 

know I have to tell him soon 

but I want to see what 

Honora has to say first. 

“Start getting ready. I want to 

leave as soon as we can.” I tell 

him, pulling away and 

quickly walking through the hall not giving him a chance to say anything else. 

I find Honora at the front 

doors getting ready to head out. “Hey. Don’t leave yet.” 

“Ah, there you are.” 

“You said that-” 

She nods. “There were other things I wanted to talk to you 

about.” She cuts me off and I 


“Back in the arena, you said you helped my mother. You could also sense my power. You said that there was a 

blockage inside of me.” 

She takes in a deep breath. 

“Yes. This is all too much to 

unload right now but I did know your mother. She 

came to me for help. As for 

your power…well…I sense magic blocking it.” 

“Magic? How…what can I 


“Well, I can help you. But 

this would be strenuous to 

your body and in your condition…I am not sure it 

would be such a good idea. I mean, I have no real proof 

that it would hurt what is in 

your womb but the 

possibility is never zero.” 

This is when I hesitate. The 

last thing I want to do is hurt my child. 

Everyone starts to gather around us getting ready to head home. Colt comes 

down too with a bag. 

She puts a hand over mine. 

“Listen, come to me when 

you are ready. You know where to find me.” 

I slowly nod, watching her 

  1. go. 

If she can help me control my power, that is a good thing, right? But relying on…magic…it’s just not natural. 

I don’t know what to do but I 

do want to know how did she help my mother and with 

what. Was it to escape my father? So many questions 

now pop into my head. 

“Ready?” Colt asks. 

“Uhm, yeah.” 

We head home. The drive 

there is not silent. Colt and I 

talk. He fills me in on 

everything that happened, even with Julia and Skye. 

F**king vultures! The 

moment I am not in the 

picture they jump on him. 

I also told him about the 

girls I met in the arena, how Sheril helped me in the fight, 

and about Maribel. He is also 

curious to see Kanda in her 

werecat which I understand. 

When I first heard about 

werecats, I almost envisioned 

them turning into house cats instead of big ferocious 

felines. I am sure he will be 

awed by her, everyone will. 

Finally, the pack comes into view and I feel a sense of 


Home…this is home to me 


When I get out of the car, the tension I felt in my body, 

leaves. All this time I was in 

the pits I wondered if I ever 

get to see this place again. 

“Do you want to rest first?” 

Colt asks. 

“No. I want to see my father.” 

He nods. “I’ll take you.” 

He takes my hand and leads me to my father’s room. I am immediately greeted by 


“I am so glad you are safe!” She hugs me and almost 

smees like she doesn’t want 

to let me go. 

“I am glad to be back.” 

I look at the bed where 

Father lies. He has pillows 

around him to keep him 

comfortable. He looks tired 

and weak but very much 

alive. His breathing is 

strained. I can see he has a 

hard time. 

“Daughter, you are back.” 

I nod as I walk over to him 

and sit on the side of his bed, 

next to him. 

“They tell me that you are going to recuperate but you have a long road ahead.” 

“Yes. This will be when you will need to step up as Alpha. 

Victor will be there to help 

you when you need the help but I want you to be the one 

to run the pack. Be the Alpha 

I know you can be.” 

I smile. “You know, you can be a good decent man 


“Don’t make me get up and 

take it all away from you, 

girl.” He says but then his 

body starts a coughing fit. 

“I’m just saying…” I continue when he calms down. “If 

Mother loved you so much, you couldn’t have been such 

a bad or horrible man all of 

your life.” 

He takes in a deep breath. “I 

wasn’t. We were happy when it was just the two of us.” 

“Hm…then why…why did you get multiple mates?” 

“My father demanded it. He 

had multiple mates himself. He believed that an Alpha 

was entitled to it. My 

mother…she killed herself 

because of this. When my 

father took other mates, she 

killed herself.” 

I don’t know what to say. 

“But your mother accepted this. She accepted 

Lily–Garret’s mother–and then Lotus. Dahlia–your mother Casseopea― was my love. My true mate. I regret 

all I did that led to her 

leaving. I killed her. It was my fault she took you, it was my fault she lost her life. She wanted to get away from 


I can see and hear the 

anguish. This man is not the 

man I first met, the imposing man with blood on his hands 

and a dead body on his feet. 

This…this is my father. The man who loved my mother and in his own way has 

shown me he cares about me 


I lean down and kiss his 

head. “I am glad you are okay.” 

I know he has done horrible 

things. I know this. But I can’t help but have feelings 

for him. He is my father. 

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