Chapter 11 

Not wanting to show her fear in front of Carlos, Ashley narrowed her eyes and reassumed a proud air. “What if you can’t get in?” 

Carlos said firmly, “Write a divorce letter and I’ll sign it. I won’t get in the way of your second marriage!” 

Ashley laughed at herself. “I felt pity for you when we first got married, Carlos. But now I understand. 

“You knew from the start that our marriage wouldn’t work out. You were just holding on because you didn’t want to lose your place in my family. 

“Is that all that’s left of your dignity?” 

She was overwhelmed with emotions. Although she had always wanted a divorce, she did not want to humiliate Carlos in public. 

She was being so rude and heartless just now to stop him from getting in and making a fool of himself in front of so many people. 

But what did she get in return? 

It turned out that he had intended to divorce her ever since they got married, but their methods were different! 

Thinking of this, she turned around and said in a cold tone, “If you’re not afraid of humiliating yourself, why should I be afraid? 

“Come with me. For your poor self–esteem, I’ll gamble with you!” 

When Ashley came back, Caroline hurried over with a concerned expression to ask, “What happened? Did you have another fight? What did he say or do to upset you?” 

Ashley turned her head and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. “I’m fine.” 

Caroline was furious. “Carlos is such an ungrateful jerk. You were willing to give up this opportunity for him just now, but he pissed you off again? 

“You might be willing to let it slide, but I’m not! Stay here. I’ll get even with him right now!” 

Ashley stuffed the divorce agreement into her bag and stopped Caroline. “It’s not a big deal. Let’s go inside.” 

Caroline asked tentatively, “What about Carlos…” 

Ashley looked heartless as she replied, “Ignore him!” 

Joan seized the opportunity and made an inviting gesture. “Don’t be angry, Ashley. I’ll avenge you later!” 

The three of them walked in, followed by Carlos. 

At the entrance of the banquet hall, Joan took out the invitation card. After the security guard checked it, they were let in. 

When it was Carlos’s turn, the guard stopped him and asked, “Sir, do you have an invitation?” 

Carlos answered truthfully, “No.” 

The guard turned to look at the three of them. 

Joan hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Sorry, I’m not familiar with this gentleman. He isn’t with us. 

“Ashley, Caroline, do you know him?” 

Ashley turned her head and did not mention her relationship with Carlos, but she clenched her fists secretly. 

In order to avenge her, Caroline said, “Are you kidding me? Why would I know such a country bumpkin? 

“He’s been pestering Ashley, who is way out of his league, for a long time. 

“We have to see him a lot. And it’s extremely annoying! 

“Today is a high–end banquet of the Maredar Group. How can we let such a person in with us?” 

Joan displayed a smug attitude, adding, “We are guests of the Luther Group. Why bother with such a person? It’s beneath us.” 

With Caroline and Joan adding fuel to the fire, many people began to mock Carlos for overestimating himself! 

Even the security guards looked a little more indifferent and disdainful! It’s not a big deal for a man to be poor, but it’s a little annoying for him to 

not know his place. 

Ashley suddenly regretted it and wondered, “Isn’t this a little too much?” 

However, Caroline didn’t even give her a chance to speak and dragged her away! 

Joan deliberately fell behind by half a step and said in a low voice, “Carlos, how dare a piece of trash like you wish to be with Ashley? You must be dreaming! 

“You’ve got some nerve, throwing yourself at her with a marriage contract that you got who knows where. Do you really think you can climb up the social ladder by marrying her? 

“Let me tell you, you’ll always be a piece of trash. Don’t even think about being with her! 

“A piece of trash like you won’t be able to get into the high–end banquet held by the Maredar Group. Go back on your scooter to walk your dog!” 

Joan licked his l*ps and showed a meaningful and obscene smile as he went on, “But don’t worry about your wife. I will… take good care of her for you! 

“If she drinks too much tonight, I’ll take her to the hotel myself. 

“I heard that Ashley never sleeps with you. Do you know why? 

“Because she was saving her virginity for me! That’s what she told me.” 

Then he roared with laughter. 

Carlos looked at him coldly, as if he was looking at a dying man! 

The security guard noticed that something was wrong and stopped Joan in time. “Sir, please leave immediately, or we will take action!” Joan shrugged and provoked Carlos smugly. “If you’re pissed, come at 


“You’re not coming? Then I’m leaving. 

“Security, please get this man out of here. Don’t let him ruin Miss Hiller’s mood!” 

Watching Joan leave arrogantly, Carlos clenched his fists and weighed the 

pros and cons of teaching him a lesson over and over again! 

He was not a coward, nor did he take Joan seriously. He wasn’t afraid to make a big deal out of this. 

In this world, men should be free to do as they please! 

So what if they would get injured or have to kill someone? 

But was it worth it to expose his revenge plans he had had for years and risk implicating Ashley just to get revenge on Joan, such a 


Just as he was about to lose his temper, someone suddenly approached from behind. “It’s really you? You are our benefactor!” 

It was another security guard of the Maredar Group. He was very excited to see Carlos. 

Carlos also recognized him. Yesterday, he went to the Maredar Group, this man had driven him out. But what did he mean by “benefactor“? 

The man stepped forward and pulled Carlos away. “Come with me. Miss Moore has been looking for you!” 

In the VIP area of the Nantes Hotel, Esme was rushing back to her room. Looking at the young man in front of her, she was confused. This man was the disciple of her benefactor, but why was he so down and out? After confirming it multiple times, she said, “Mr. Balton, since you are the disciple of our benefactor, you are also our benefactor. My father is supposed to meet you in person. 

“But today is a big day for the Maredar Group. He is receiving the governor of Nantes downstairs and can’t be here. 

“But he said that our benefactor has done us a great favor and that we will repay him even if it means sacrificing our lives. 

“Did you come to us for help, Mr. Balton? Please let me know what difficulties you are facing.” 

Carlos was forcing himself to be calm. So Diane hadn’t lied to him? 

Thinking of this, he asked tentatively, “I heard that the Maredar Group is recruiting investors for the Super Mall Project.” 

10 minutes later, Carlos walked out of the office under Esme’s escort. 

“Mr. Balton, I will be sure to send someone to the Jones family to deliver this project to Miss Jones! 

“By the way, we’re having a banquet today. 

“If you are not in a hurry, why don’t you stay? Give us a chance to entertain you.” 

Carlos took a deep breath, and a strange emotion flickered in his eyes. “Is it appropriate for me to stay?” 

Esme said with a smile, “Of course. You are the disciple of our benefactor, so you are a guest of our family. Let me take you to the banquet hall.” 

Suddenly, her phone rang. 

She answered the phone and then apologized. “Sorry, Mr. Balton, there is a distinguished guest downstairs. I have to go pick him up. What about…” 

Carlos was very thoughtful. “It’s okay. Go ahead.” 

Before leaving, Esme ordered, “You must take good care of Mr. Balton, or I will hold you accountable!” 

After Esme went far away, Carlos was still in a daze. 

If what Diane said was true, how credible were the words he heard in the hospital that he considered to be insane? 

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