"I was stripped of all my duties at S Corporation by Mr. Odie. Don't I at least deserve an explanation? And what about my lost wages for the past few weeks? Who's going to compensate me for that?" Jonah looked as though he couldn't believe a word Sophie was saying. He extended a hand and said coldly, "Give me the phone."

"Here, take it." Sophie handed the phone directly to Jonah.

"Who is this?" Jonah asked into the phone.

"Hello, this is the senior secretarial office of S Corporation. May I ask if Ms. Sophie is doing alright?"

A man's voice came through the phone asking about Sophie, causing Jonah to frown slightly before handing the phone back to Sophie, saying, "Mr. Odie said you are not to have contact with others." Sophie ended the call and said, "Fine, then you go and tell Mr. Odie that I'm owed thirty thousand for the lost wages. Make sure to transfer that amount into my account, or I'll make trouble for you." Jonah's frown deepened. "Is your account short thirty thousand?"

"Whether it's short or not, you can investigate that yourself." Sophie said coldly, "Someone lured my Uncle Perry into gambling, leading to the bankruptcy of Russell Enterprise. It was only after I finally managed to divorce James recently and pay off the debts that I had some money for myself. Mr. Odie might not think thirty thousand is a lot, but it's several months of living expenses for me."

Sophie's argument seemed reasonable enough that even a skeptic like Jonah began to believe her.

"What now? If you still don't believe me, go check my account. I should only have a few thousand left. I have utility bills to pay next month. If you're not going to pay the thirty thousand, then don't stop me from claiming it from the company."

Jonah opened his mouth but eventually could only spit out a few icy words. "We'll have someone look into it."

After speaking, Jonah stepped aside and said, "Ms. Sophie, please head upstairs."

Under Jonah's watchful eye, Sophie had no choice but to leave.

Fortunately, she had already informed Colby of her location, so she expected him to arrive soon.

As dusk fell, Sophie kept her eyes on the window, waiting for Colby and his team to show up. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, causing Sophie's heart to skip a beat. She opened the door and, as expected, saw Jonah standing there.

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Odie wants to see you."


Jonah frowned. "Is there a problem?"

"No... isn't it a bit early? It's only been two hours."

"The timing is right. Any later would be too late."

Jonah didn't give Sophie any chance to refuse but stepped aside and said, "Ms. Sophie, please."

Sophie took a deep breath and reluctantly made her way to Odie's room.

As she approached, the door swung open. The waiter greeted Sophie with a slight smile.


Inside, the coffee table was laid out with several signature dishes from Duskhaven, with no special utensils or changes in decoration. It seemed the only addition was the meal itself.

Sophie was momentarily stunned. What was going on?

"What are you standing there for?" Odie poured himself a glass of wine and said, "Come and have dinner."

Was Odie... inviting her to dinner?


With doubts swirling in her mind, Sophie

Stepped inside. Odie p

s of wine for her from the

same decanter.

Could it be... he had drugged the wine?

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