Suddenly, she remembered what Odie had said two days ago, that they wouldn't return in two days.

Sophie opened her bedroom door to find Polly standing there with a puzzled look. “Ms. Sophie, is something wrong?"

Sophie masked her concern and said, "I'm not feeling well. I need some seasickness medication."

"Alright, I'll go get the doctor's medicine right away."

As Polly turned to leave, Sophie quickly stopped her, saying, "Wait."

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Didn't they say the ship would dock in three days? Why haven't we arrived yet?"

"I'm not sure. The course of the ship is entirely up to Mr. Odie's wishes."

Hearing this, Sophie frowned.

This was bad. Did Odie discover something? Did he change the course on a whim?

Sophie forced a smile and said, "Never mind, you can go."


While Polly went to fetch the medication, Sophie stepped out of her room.

Gattlin emerged from around the corner of the corridor. Upon seeing Sophie, he deliberately walked straight towards her, bumping into her shoulder. Sophie stumbled to one side, and Gattlin feigned surprise, saying, "Oh, my apologies, Ms. Sophie, I genuinely didn't see you there. Are you alright?"

Noticing Gattlin's provocative gaze, Sophie came up with a plan.

He was walking right into her trap!

"Oh, my..." Sophie pretended to be in pain and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Gattlin looked down at Sophie lying on the floor, scoffed coldly, and said, "Come on, Ms. Sophie, stop pretending. A bump like that couldn't have dislocated anything."

"It hurts so much... help... help!"

Hearing Sophie's loud cries, Gattlin panicked.

At that moment, Gattlin had waved off the surrounding maids dismissively, who had been watching the drama unfold. "What are you looking at? Can't you see she's faking?" The maids were afraid of Gattlin, and all backed away.

Sophie was still lying on the ground, unwilling to get up. Gattlin laughed out of anger rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Sophie, stop playing the victim! Did you complain to Mr. Odie about seasickness the day before yesterday? Because of you, Mr. Odie gave me a good scolding that night! And here you are, still trying to play the victim and frame me? Don't think I wouldn't touch you!"

"Ms. Sophie!" Polly, who had gone to fetch the medication, came back just in time to witness the scene. She saw Sophie on the ground, hurried forward, and said to Gattlin, "Ms. Sophie is still weak. You shouldn't resort to violence! Mr. Odie has said that Ms. Sophie must not come to harm before we dock! You..."


Gattlin raised his hand and slapped Polly, leaving half of her face red and swollen.

Sophie witnessed this, and her eyes instantly turned ice cold. Her gaze towards Gattlin carried a hint of murderous intent.

"You bitch! Who are you to speak to me like that? I might not touch Sophie, but do you really think I wouldn't lay a hand on you? I could throw you overboard right now!" Hearing this, Polly trembled with fear.

Gattlin had always been this way. Since Sophie was around, he had restrained himself a bit these past few days under Mr. Odie's

instructions. But Polly was just a lowly maid. If she truly angered him, he would undoubtedly throw her into the sea.

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