Sophie rubbed her temples with a sigh, murmuring under her breath, "Vultures..."

"Ms. Sophie, what did you say?"


Sophie wouldn't dare badmouth Gordon behind his back. She had thought Gordon had given up on the idea of launching her career, but, to her surprise, he was still keen on it.

Tricia chimed in, "Ms. Sophie, honestly, this could be great. Your popularity hasn't faded yet. Wouldn't this be a significant addition to S Corporation?"

"Have you ever seen a boss single-handedly take the lead as the star?"

Tricia shook her head like a bobblehead doll.

"Exactly," Sophie said, her words muffled. "Just make up some excuse. Say that I'm too caught up with the company, dealing with Ricardo, and don't have the time or energy..."

"Ms. Sophie, what did you say?" Tricia looked puzzled, unable to catch a single word Sophie had said.

Covering her face, Sophie admitted she didn't have the courage to refuse Gordon. So, she said, "Never mind, I mean, I'm free lately. Whatever schedule he arranges, I'll accept it all."

Seeing Sophie agree so readily, Tricia couldn't help but ask, "Ms. Sophie, you don't want to go, do you?"

"What good does not wanting to go do for me? The contract is in their hands."

"Mr. Gordon is so good to you, even with a contract. Mr. Gordon wouldn't make it a problem if you don't follow through."

"I know."

"Then why..."

"That's why I feel I can't let him down. Since I've agreed, naturally, I should fulfill it." Sophie tidied her desk. "I'll need you to look after some of my tasks lately. Actually, there's nothing much. It's just business as usual. For business matters, consult Colby and Adler, and most importantly, keep a close eye on Ricardo and report every move of the Cloude family to me."

"Yes, Ms. Sophie."

Just after Tricia finished reporting, Sophie's office phone rang.

Sophie answered, and the receptionist's voice came through, "Ms. Sophie, your mother-in-law insists on seeing you. We couldn't stop her."

"What does she want?"

"She didn't say."

"Don't let her come up. I'll come down in a bit."

"Okay, Ms. Sophie."

After hanging up, the receptionist courteously offered tea to Bea, "Ms. Sophie said she'll be down shortly."

"I'm her mother-in-law. She should come down to greet me as is proper." Bea sat down leisurely, but after taking a sip of tea, she frowned and said, "What is this tea? It's such poor quality. S Corporation actually serves this to guests?"

The receptionist forced a smile, too scared to say much in the face of Bea's deliberate difficulty.

When Sophie came downstairs, she was dressed in a sleek, professional business suit, every move exuding the air of a competent businesswoman.

Bea looked her up and down with dissatisfaction in her eyes. "You're too slow. According to the Burke family's traditions, you should have been here to greet me earlier. That's how a granddaughter-in-law should behave." Bea's tone was sharp.

Sophie didn't indulge her. She took the teacup from Bea's hand and handed it to the receptionist. "Bea doesn't like this. If she comes again, there's no need to serve tea." "Okay, Ms. Sophie."

Hearing this, Bea frowned, "Sophie, what do you mean?"

"It means nothing. You came unannounced today. What is it? Are you here to inspect my work? But really, you're overstepping."

Sophie's words were laced with barbs, leaving a bad taste in Bea's mouth. She stood up and said, "What's this attitude? I came to talk to you about something..."

Before Bea could finish, she glanced at the bystanders around and said, "Shouldn't you invite me to your office for a private talk?"

Sophie smiled, "Fair point. Then, please follow me upstairs."

Sophie led the way. Bea followed behind, a hint of arrogance on her face.

Once in the elevator, Bea commented, "S Corporation really lacks taste. It is such a small elevator..."

Before she could finish, Sophie abruptly stopped the elevator. It halted mid-way, causing Bea some panic. "What are you doing?"

"Bea, let me make something clear. We should keep to our own paths peacefully, but you coming to my company and causing a scene today has really annoyed me." Sophie's words carried an icy chill, making Bea shiver.

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