"I'll have plenty of time for stories later."

Sophie was having none of it. As she stood up to leave, Colby pulled her into his arms, sweeping her off her feet. A frown crossed Sophie's face. "Colby! Put me down!"

"Let go of my wife? I'd never let go, not even if it killed me."

"Are you being a jerk on purpose?"

"Well, I never claimed to be a perfect gentleman."

Sophie's face was flushed. Colby carried her to the bedroom and carefully laid her down on the bed.

The kiss they shared had already ignited a flame in Colby's groin. He leaned down to kiss Sophie's cheek, his voice hoarse, "Alright, Sophie, just let me stay with you tonight. I won't touch you." "Not touch me? What do you call this?"

Sophie pushed Colby away, turning her back to him in a huff. Colby then wrapped his arms around her from behind, whispering in her ear, "Just a kiss, nothing more."

Sophie felt like she had heard this line before. "Fine, but if you touch me tonight, you're never sharing my bed again."

Sophie could feel Colby's body stiffen.

Feeling victorious over having teased Colby, Sophie closed her eyes, ready to sleep.

Colby held Sophie even tighter, struggling to control his desires. Sophie smelt so good and felt soft in his arms. He gave Sophie a final kiss on her neck and found it difficult to fall asleep. The next morning, Sophie woke up to find Colby still by her side, watching her sleep.

"You scared me! What are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep."

Colby's voice was hoarse, tinged with a hint of melancholy. He held Sophie and couldn't find sleep at all. Having taken three cold showers throughout the night, his body now carried the fresh scent of shower gel.


As Colby moved closer, Sophie sensed the sensual tension and immediately pushed him away, her face turning red. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet."

"You always smell sweet."

Ignoring everything, Colby cupped Sophie's face and pressed his lips to hers. Her lips were sweet, her breath fresh. Sophie had always been clean. She never went to bed dirty.


Sophie's soft moan took over Colby's senses. She felt his breath quicken. Sophie was blushing and pushed him away. "Are you done now?"

"I've been good. I didn't do anything last night. Don't I deserve a reward?"

For a man who had tasted the forbidden fruit, abstaining was a challenge.

Before Sophie could react, Colby was already kissing her neck and undressing her, A pinch to Sophie's waist made her cry out, breaking Colby's restraint.

"Come on, Sophie. Let me hear that again."

Blushing, Sophie bit her lip and called out, "Jerk!"

Soon, their bodies were entwined, and they spent three hours in bed, only stopping when the sun was high in the sky.

Colby then carried Sophie to the bathroom to clean up. This time, Sophie smartly asked Colby to leave. She cleaned herself up alone, or he would have taken advantage yet again.

Colby stood outside the bathroom and pouted, but he had no choice.

Afterward, Colby drove Sophie to the prison.

Outside the prison, Officer Derick had been waiting for some time. He personally escorted Sophie and Colby inside, saying, "All personal belongings are stored in the same place here. Ms. Sophie, since you mentioned wanting to see your family's items, we've had them brought out immediately."

Then, Officer Derick signaled for the items to be handed over.

On the table lay everything Perry had on him when he was imprisoned, including a set of clothes, a wallet, and car keys.

Sophie frowned, asking, "Is this all?"

"That's everything. There's nothing more," Officer Derick replied.

Sophie was silent. She reached out to touch Perry's clothes and felt something hard. She quickly inspected the jacket and noticed something stitched into the chest area.

Lifting the inner lining, she saw a small square patch sewn in. She then tore it open, and found an old key stitched inside.

"Yes, this is the key."

Sophie remembered the lock. This key would fit perfectly.

"Good, it's good we found it," Officer Derick said. "Ms. Sophie, would you like to visit Mr. Perry?"

"Could you please arrange a meeting?"

"Of course! I'll have him brought over right away."

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