Sophie glanced at James, who lay unconscious on the hospital bed, and said indifferently, "No, I'll come back when he's better." Without a second look, Sophie walked out of the room. At that moment, James, who had been lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

Colt was taken aback. "Mr. Burke? You..."

"Help me up." James' voice was hoarse.

Colt hurried to help James up. He was unable to stop himself from asking, "Mr. Burke, was this intentional?"

James remained silent. He had sensed something was off early on. The security system's alarm had already sounded, and he knew the only person capable of breaching the Burke estate was Colby. When the intruders burst in, he could have easily dodged the knife aimed at him, but he chose to face it head-on. He just wanted to see if Sophie would be upset or worried for him.

A bitter smile played on James' lips as he said, "Colt, she must still have feelings for me, right?"

"Mr. Burke..." After a pause, Colt said, "After all, she used to love you. She cared when you got hurt..."

"Did she care?" James murmured. "If she did, she wouldn't have left."

James looked pale. He had been awake for a while, but his injury was real.

Sophie, clever as she was, must have picked up on the situation from his earlier conversation with Colt, prompting her to leave.

"I'm tired. Start the discharge process."

"But Mr. Burke..."

"Do as I say."


In the hospital corridor, Sophie was about to enter the elevator when a shadowy figure grabbed her arm.

She frowned, and before she could speak, the person pushed her against the hospital wall.

"Colby..." In a low voice, Sophie asked, "Is that you?"

The figure stiffened, clearly caught by surprise.

As he finally removing his mask in the darkness, Colby's face was revealed, prompting Sophie to angrily say, "Who allowed you to create chaos in the hospital?"

She shook off Colby's hand. Colby immediately embraced her, his deep, hoarse voice tinged with a hint of choking. "Don't be upset with me."

"I'm not upset. Colby, you can do whatever you like. How could I possibly be mad?"

Hearing this, Colby straightened her up, his narrow eyes showing a trace of desolation. "I'm... not very good at cheering girls up. What can I do to make amends? Tell me, or if you're angry because I stabbed James, I can let him strike back."

"What are you talking about?"

Sophie, annoyed, punched Colby's chest. Colby was not usually impulsive, but his irrational actions this time were ultimately because of her and James announcing their remarriage.

Sophie turned her head away, irritated, "I'm angry because you didn't trust me and did something so childish."

Colby said softly, "I'd only be foolish for you."

Reflecting on his actions, he realized how absurd he had been tonight. He knew well that Sophie wouldn't return to James' side just because of a few words. To the media, their union was nothing but a show, yet he couldn't help leading a charge here.

"Did you ever think about the consequences if you left evidence behind? You promised me you wouldn't do anything dangerous again."

Today, Colby had brought people who were once desperate criminals with him, none of whom Sophie had ever seen before.

In her past life, Sophie knew well that Colby had other motives for coming to Devonport. His target had always been James. Even though she still didn't know why, one thing was certain. Colby aimed to become the master of Devonport, and James was the first obstacle.

She hadn't expected so many changes in this life. Future paths had altered, but Colby's goal remained the same. He even harbored such dangerous forces.

If any of those criminals were captured, Colby could be doomed.

Sophie didn't dare to ponder the future and stared at Colby, waiting for him to explain.

When Colby remained silent, Sophie spoke bluntly, "You have other business in Devonport, don't you?"

"... Yes."

"You already dominated abroad, yet you chose to expand to Devonport. Ricardo had it all in Bloomsbury, yet he eyed Devonport years ago. What is it about Devonport? Wealth or status?" Faced with Sophie's questions, Colby fell silent again.

"If you don't want to talk, I won't press further. I don't share your ambition for ruling Devonport. I just want peace for the Russell family and me and to protect my father's legacy."

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