Mr. Briggs stormed out, his departure causing a ripple of suppressed laughter among the onlookers.

He was a philanthropist, and Bea, a well-known figure, had managed to escalate a disagreement to this extent.

Adler was visibly struggling to maintain his composure.

The sound of Bea flipping a table from the adjacent private dining room could be heard, prompting the waiter to rush in and tidy up. Only then did the laughter break free.

"I really didn't expect it. That two-faced old lady was about to swear!" Adler exclaimed.

Jenna chimed in, clearly amused, "This is the first time I've found gossip so entertaining. None of the stories I've heard before were as juicy as today's."

She watched Sophie and asked, "So, does this mean Nichole's chances with the Burke family are slim to none now?"

Raising an eyebrow, Sophie replied, "After this spectacle, Bea surely won't welcome Nichole."

In truth, given Rowena's background, Bea couldn't have been more pleased.

Rowena was of the right age and came from a respectable family. Her father was a philanthropist, and they didn't possess the overwhelming power of the Burke family, making them easier to manipulate. Bea must have thought that by relying on Nichole, who was pregnant, it was only a matter of time before she could drive a wedge between James and his wife.

Unfortunately, she had cut off Nichole's path into the Burke family.

A wildcard like Nichole, not under her control, would never catch Bea's eye, especially since the Freeman family had disrespected her.

It was like stepping on Bea's toes.

After all, the old-fashioned and inflexible old lady cared greatly about her reputation.

The Freemans, with their status, dared to confront her openly, and it was already generous of her not to seek revenge.

"Let's eat." In a short while, Colby had carefully picked out bones from the fish. He placed the fish in front of Sophie.

Jenna, oblivious to this small gesture, inquired, "But what about the child Nichole is carrying? James is even less likely to divorce you now."

"Ricardo will take care of the child. As for James..."

Sophie mentioned James and could sense Colby's jealousy. Even his movements slowed as if waiting for her to continue.

Clearing her throat, Sophie said, "Let's eat first. The food is getting cold."

Sophie focused on her meal and occasionally glanced at Colby, who remained calm, continuing to serve her dishes and passing her napkins. "Cough...cough..."

Feeling guilty, Sophie choked on her drink when Colby handed it to her.

Adler and Jenna exchanged puzzled looks, sensing the tension between the two.

That night, Colby drove Sophie back to her apartment.

Colby opened the passenger door in the parking lot and took Sophie's bag, saying, "Let me walk you up."

Sophie's breath hitched, clearly nervous.

In the elevator, silence enveloped them.

They reached her door. Sophie was about to unlock it when Colby grasped her wrist. He pinned her against the wall and leaned in to kiss her lips.

In the nearly dark room, with the door not fully closed, Sophie felt a surge of electricity run through her, causing her to moan softly. Colby's hand wrapped around her waist, his warm palm transferring heat through the thin fabric to her skin.


Sophie's face flushed, but Colby gently pushed the door shut. His voice was low, "You mentioned watching a play. It turned out to be this one."

"Are you upset?"

Sophie's eyes were filled with innocence as if she had made a mistake, "I didn't expect you to come."

She had intended to enjoy the drama with Jenna and did not anticipate Adler to also be there, much less that they would inform Colby.

Colby gently stroked Sophie's cheek. "So, you weren't planning to tell me from the start."

"I was afraid you..." Upon meeting Colby's intense gaze, Sophie fell silent.

His voice husky, Colby asked, "Afraid I'd get jealous?"

Sophie barely nodded. She had involved herself too much in the Burke family's affairs. Legally, she was still James' wife since they hadn't divorced.

"I'm not that petty, but I'm definitely not that generous either," Colby warned playfully, pinching Sophie's cheek. "You can take on the Burke family, but if you dare rekindle your old flame with him..." "Never! I have no old flame with him!" Sophie earnestly reassured.

A smile finally broke on Colby's face. He leaned in, kissing her forehead gently.

The next moment, Colby turned on the living room light, the brightness snapping Sophie back to reality. Her flushed face, seen by Colby, appeared exceptionally adorable.

"I... I'll get you a glass of water."

Sophie attempted to head to the living room for a moment of calm, but Colby pulled her back for a kiss at the entrance.

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