
Sophie extended her hand towards Ricardo, taking the initiative.

Ricardo didn't refuse, and Mr. Devin, seeing this, immediately had someone go to the sound room to play the music.

Soon, the entire courtyard was filled with the sounds of Tango music.

Ricardo wrapped his arms around Sophie's soft waist. Lowering his voice, he said, "No wonder James doesn't want to give up on you. If I were him, I wouldn't want to either."

"Is that so?" The next second, Sophie stepped hard on Ricardo's foot.

Ricardo winced in pain, but Sophie didn't intend to let him off, stepping on him again. Ricardo instinctively stepped back, but Sophie followed closely, stepping on him several more times.

"I heard you're planning to invest in the Aldridge Global talent development project, following James' lead. Is that true?"

"It seems he really treasures you. Even though you're going through a divorce, he still tells you everything."

"You're putting hundreds of millions into it. Aren't you afraid of losing it all in one go?"

Ricardo was unconcerned. "If James invests in a project, and I follow, naturally, it won't fail."

"And who said that a project James invests in can't fail?" Sophie looked up at Ricardo, a sly sparkle in her eyes. "Believe it or not, within three months, I can make the talent development project run at a loss." Ricardo obviously didn't take Sophie's threat seriously, "If you really have that ability, I indeed would like to see it for myself. A multi-million project running at a loss?"

"Messing with them now is just like messing with your future cash cow. They're going to be on a new show the day after tomorrow. If they all fall ill, and the first show's ratings are poor, then this talent development project will hardly be taken seriously afterward. Mr. Ricardo, you know that the profits are high in this line of work, but so are the risks. Without financial turnover and without producing stars of tomorrow, it naturally becomes a losing business."

"Ms. Sophie, haven't you heard of breach of contract penalties?"

Every trainee signed by the company had a special agreement. If they wanted to break the contract, they had to pay millions in damages, a huge amount for an ordinary family.

No one dared to breach the contract, so they had no choice but to be exploited by the company at will.

Those with poor talent would be hidden, forcing them to breach the contract.

So, in the end, just the breach of contract fees alone would ensure the company always profited.

The potential profits brought by the star effect would be immeasurable. As long as an investment was made in film and television, backed by major companies, had personnel, technology, and funds, and proceeded steadily and surely, it wouldn't incur losses.

Sophie smiled and said, "What if all the trainees were poached?"

Ricardo raised an eyebrow. "Without this batch, there will be another."

"A batch of quality trainees takes a long time to develop. During their development, constant investment is needed to promote them and pave the way for them. Whether it ends in loss or profit is uncertain." "Do you think Aldridge Global would let people go?"

"That's uncertain."

Ricardo didn't know about Gordon's relationship with Sophie, nor did he know that she had a stake in the project.

The outside world only knew that S Corporation had also invested in the project, but they didn't know that Sophie was the person behind S Corporation.

Ricardo let go of Sophie; his foot was already stamped with several shoe prints. At this moment, he could only pretend as if nothing had happened, saying, "Tell them to stop."

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