When Sophie received the message, her heart shattered.

What? Was Gordon serious?

Wasn't this supposed to be just for show?

The movement was swift. In no time, her personal belongings were packed into a suitcase.

Outside, the butler from Aldridge Global spoke to Sophie, "Ms. Sophie, Mr. Gordon's car is waiting downstairs, and his driver will take you to the apartment." Sophie couldn't muster a smile.

Gordon's move was cunning indeed. She was already the new girl, and the other trainees saw her as a major competitor who had gotten in through the back door.

Now, Gordon was sending her off in a luxury car to the trainee apartment. Wasn't this just blatantly setting her up to make enemies?

This man's tricks was indeed too wicked.

Before Sophie could even find the words to refuse, the butler had already had her clothes moved to the car parked downstairs.

After a quick wash and change into loose clothing, Sophie followed the butler into the trainee apartment building.

Compared to the dorms at Eastwood College, this place was significantly more spacious. Everyone had their own room, each floor was equipped with practice rooms, and there were private washrooms. Celebrities basically had no privacy in front of the public. Thus, living separately as trainees was best. They would have no scandals to their names. This would avoid knowing too much about each other, preventing any future betrayals.

Sophie surveyed the apartment building. The men's and women's rooms were separate but next to each other.

Privacy was top-notch.

Security was top-notch.

It was just the relationships between the celebrities that were not peaceful.

At that moment, from a window in the women's dormitory, a few people were watching Sophie as she was about to go upstairs.

"I told you she had connections. She was picked up and dropped off in such a luxury car. I wonder who's behind her."

"Didn't they say her husband is the CEO of Burke International? They're not even divorced yet. Could it be...?"

"Could be what? Mr. Burke is so rich. Would he let his own wife come here as a trainee? I think it's her new lover."

"What new lover? I think it's a sugar daddy. After all, she's bankrupt and, there are probably still some people willing to pay for that face."

The leader, Shirley, coldly said, "Enough, let's not talk about this. We're all trainees here to train together. We should at least show some respect to each other. Otherwise, you might offend someone without even knowing."

Wendy scoffed, "What should I be afraid of? My dad is the chairman at Aldridge Global. With just one word, I can make Sophie leave!"

Jean disbelieved, "Cut the act. What if she really has someone powerful behind her?"

"Her family is bankrupt. Who would care about her?" Wendy sneered, "One less competitor. I'll talk to my dad when I go back this week and get him to push Sophie out!"

Right then, Sophie opened their door. This action frightened the three who had just been speaking ill of her.

Sophie glanced at the door number and said, "Sorry, wrong room."

Then, she slammed the door shut.

Jean was a bit scared and asked, "Do you think... do you think she heard us?"

"So what if she heard! What's there to be afraid of?" Wendy forced a calm tone. "I spoke nothing but the truth! Let her confront me if she dares!"

Just then, Sophie's dissatisfied voice came from outside, "I think the soundproofing in this building could use some work. Tell your boss to install some soundproofing equipment."

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