"I've got it." Sophie pondered for a moment before speaking, "Have someone check the police records and see if there are any women of Nichole's age who were jailed for prostitution recently."


Tricia was puzzled. What did this have to do with prostitution?

Sophie remembered that in her past life, Ricardo found Rowena, and the newspapers indeed identified Rowena as a prostitute. She was presumably jailed for solicitation and then suffered from illness in prison. She struggled for more than half a year before she passed away.

Looking for prostitutes of Nichole's age should yield some results.

"Just do as I say. I think we might uncover some clues."

"Alright, Ms. Sophie."

Though Tricia didn't understand, she went ahead with Sophie's request.

After hanging up the phone, Jenna asked with confusion, "Do you suspect the real Rowena was jailed for prostitution, and then Nichole swapped identities with her through some trick?"

"It's just a guess," Sophie replied indifferently. "Since Katy insists Nichole is her daughter, Nichole's identity must be fake. If she managed to change her identity, the most likely scenario is that she did it during the time she was in jail by taking the place of a female inmate she met there."

"Yeah, Nichole was in jail during that time. Who knows who she might have met there? It wouldn't be the first time she's assumed someone else's identity. Maybe that's really what happened."

Jenna seemed to have grasped the key point of the matter and said, "I'll have Adler look into it!"

"Hold on." Sophie shook her head and said, "Let's not tip our hand just yet. Plus, I feel like there's more to this."

"What do you mean?"

"Ricardo is no simple character. He came all the way to Devonport to find Rowena. How could he be so easily fooled by Nichole's poor acting?"

Jenna pondered, saying, "Maybe he didn't have time to think it through?"

"I'm not sure. It just feels like there's something off. Let's wait for Tricia's investigation results."

At that moment, the sound of the door opening came from the living room. Adler walked in, his nose red from the cold. "It's snowing heavily outside, and I'm nearly frozen!"

"Why are you alone? Where's Colby?" Jenna looked around but didn't see Colby.

Adler said, "Oh, it's gonna be a while."

"What do you mean? Why weren't you with him?"

Adler responded, "He found me annoying and told me to come first and look after you guys! He went off on his own!"

"How could you let him go alone! Don't you know his temper? What if..."

"I've already been scolded by him, now you too?!"

Adler complained bitterly, then placed a heavy bag in front of Sophie, trying to please her. "Colby asked me to bring this for you, said it's great for beauty, reducing swelling, and healing bruises!" Jenna asked with confusion, "All of this? You bought it?"

"How could I?! How would I know anything about beauty products?"

After saying that, Adler coughed lightly and added, "Anyway, he bought it, but he used my credit card."

Jenna rolled her eyes at Adler. "Look at you, all stingy. I'll transfer the money to you in a bit."

"Sophie, you don't know how much money Colby has spent on chasing you! He still owes me a ton of money."

"Colby owes you a lot of money?"

"Yeah! Ever since the first time he met you, oh boy!"

Before Adler could finish, Jenna stepped on his foot.

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