Jenna was visibly upset, "Sophie, why are you stopping me?"

"Let her go ask Colby if that's what she wants," Sophie said calmly. "This is between Colby and her. We can't interfere."

"But Colby likes you. Vanessa is just being unreasonable! Colby has never mentioned he's about to marry her. He didn't even liked her!" Jenna vented, "She's guilt-tripping you and playing the victim in front of others. Didn't you see how those bystanders were looking at you?"

Their gazes suggested Sophie had wronged Vanessa in some way, but this had nothing to do with Sophie at all.

Jenna stomped her foot in frustration. "If it weren't for Vanessa's dad doing Colby a favor once, Colby wouldn't care about her at all." Sophie claimed not to care, yet her gaze involuntarily drifted toward Colby and Vanessa.

Vanessa tried to grab Colby's arm, who smoothly avoided her touch.

"So I can't touch you now?" Vanessa looked down.

"I promised Mr. Elwood to ensure your well-being, but if you keep testing my patience, I might not keep my word," Colby warned.

Vanessa was taken aback. She knew the kind of reputation Colby had.

Back when her father was alive, he often asked Colby to deal with troublesome people. So, Colby was known for not playing by the rules and not always keeping promises. Vanessa knew Colby might actually do as he threatened, and she suddenly lost the will to cling to him.

"Adler, take Ms. Vanessa home."

Adler was confused. "Home? Which home?"

Colby gave Adler a look.

Adler instantly understood. "Back overseas? That's not happening!"

Colby frowned, and as Adler was about to explain, Vanessa flushed with shame and said, "I... I sold my overseas property."

"The White family owns more than one property. Don't use that as an excuse to stay." Colby's gaze turned even colder. Seeing Colby's patience wearing thin, Vanessa bit her lip and said, "I-I wanted to come to Devonport to pursue my career." Colby remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"I signed with Burke International's entertainment company," she said.

At this, Colby's eyes flashed with danger.

Adler was visibly shocked.

Colby and James had fought over many love rivalries. Vanessa was really stepping into a minefield!

Adler couldn't hide his irritation. "Ms. Vanessa, do you realize what relationship James and Colby have right now?"

Vanessa looked down, like a child caught doing something wrong. "I know, but I also want to have my own career. I don't want to be protected by Colby forever."

Adler was flabbergasted. "Let me make it clear, Colby isn't protecting you. He's just financing your life. If you run into trouble, he might help you out of respect for your father, but he's not going to protect you. He has his own people to protect!"

"I..." Vanessa nearly broke into tears after Adler's words.

Adler, who always disliked seeing girls cry, never expected Vanessa to be so sensitive.

Vanessa's tears fell uncontrollably. "Colby, I know I made a mistake, but I really can't go back now."

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