A resounding slap landed on Jessica's face. Caught off guard, Jessica fell to the ground, her face swelling up instantly. "Sophie! How could you hit my mother?"

Isaac rushed to defend Jessica, but Sophie, calm and collected, delivered another slap straight to Isaac's face.

He wanted to retaliate, but was quickly subdued and pinned to the ground by Colby's men.

Sophie crouched down, staring at Isaac who couldn't lift his head, and said, "You think I don't know those photos were taken by you?"

Isaac glared at Sophie fiercely, "So what if I did! Do you want to send me back to jail? You selfish, vicious woman! You steal everything from me, and now you want to ruin me completely. Let me tell you, I won't be bullied that easily."

Isaac tried to break free, but the men holding him down punched him hard, "Stay down."

After the punch, Isaac calmed down instantly.

Taking in Isaac's pathetic thug appearance, Sophie couldn't help but sneer, "I used to let things slide because you were Uncle Perry's son. As long as you didn't go too far, I wouldn't hold you responsible. But that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Let me make it clear, the Russell estate was built by my father, and I am the sole heir of the Russell family. My position has never been something you could covet."

"You're lying! The Russell estate is mine. Have you forgotten who took you in after your parents died? It was my father. And this is how you repay me. You're so ungrateful!"

Another loud slap landed on Isaac's face, which made Jessica rush over in distress. She protected Isaac's head and screamed hysterically at Sophie, "Sophie! Don't you go too far! He's your cousin!" "Cousin? When he tried to kill me, why didn't you say he was my cousin? When he took those photos, sending me into James' bed, why didn't you say he was my cousin?"

Sophie glared coldly at Jessica and said, "I should have told you long ago, I came to your house with all my father's wealth. Rather than you taking me in, it was more like I brought money to support you. Spare me your talk of morality and righteousness. You and your son are not worthy of it."

Isaac turned pale, "You're lying! Sophie, all you want is the Russell family's fortune, right? Let me tell you, my dad has already passed the Russell estate to me. I'm going to remove you from the family tree. You're no longer the lady of the Russell family. Nor will you be its head."

Hearing this, Sophie frowned, "Where's Uncle Perry? What have you done to him?"

Perry would never hand over the Russell estate to Isaac. There must be something wrong.

Sure enough, a flicker of guilt crossed Jessica's face as Sophie spoke.

Sophie immediately grabbed Jessica by the collar, a hint of murderous intent flashing in her eyes, "Speak! Where is Uncle Perry?"

"I... I don't know."

Colby, sensing something was off, immediately ordered his men, "Search the place."

"Right away."

Colby's men quickly conducted a thorough search of the Russell family home.

Sophie felt a chill spreading through her body. She had anticipated Jessica and Isaac might harm her, but she never imagined they would target Perry. After all, Perry had always been kind to Jessica and indulgent towards his son.

These heartless beings... They lay hands on their own husband and father.

"We found him!"

Someone shouted, and Sophie immediately let go of Jessica, rushing towards the basement.

In the basement, Perry was tied up, his mouth was sealed with tape, and the blood on his forehead had dried. He appeared to be barely breathing.

Seeing this, Sophie immediately shouted, "Call 911, now!"

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