James was a businessman who had been calling the shots in Devonport for years. If he couldn't handle the police, he wouldn't deserve to be the head of Burke International. It seemed this time, James wouldn't be implicated.

"Guys, please come with us to the station," the police officers said, their tone much friendlier, but the outcome was not what James had hoped for.

James frowned, and Colt said coldly, "Hasn't your chief informed you about the situation?"

"The chief has briefed us, but we still need you to come to the station for a statement," they replied.

The stance of the police was clear.

James quickly turned his gaze to Colby. Was Colby the one causing trouble?

Sophie furrowed her brows as well. She didn't know that Colby's influence had already penetrated Devonport.

In her past life, Colby had only established himself in Devonport three years later. How could he have such a significant influence now?

"We are just doing our job. Please, Mr. Burke, don't make this difficult for us," the officers said before gesturing for them to follow.

They had no choice but to go to the station.

James glared at Colby, "You really have some tricks up your sleeve."

"You are one to talk," Colby retorted, escorting Sophie out.

Two police officers escorted James in the middle, surrounded by reporters outside the hotel. From the moment James came out, the flashlights never stopped.

"Mr. Burke! We heard you were accused of kidnapping and assaulting your wife. Is that true?"

"Mr. Burke, Ms. Sophie mentioned divorce at a funeral recently. Is that due to a disagreement between you?"

"Mr. Burke, it's rumored you have a child from another relationship. Is this true? Are you trying to save your marriage now?"

The reporters bombarded them with questions.

Colby escorted Sophie into a police car, and she looked at him, asking, "Did you do this?"

"It's just a small lesson."

The Burke family always cared deeply about their reputation. James' grandmother, Bea, valued the family's honor above everything else. This scandal was the last thing Bea wanted. "Colby, I never thought your influence would spread so fast," Sophie said, turning away, distant and cold.

"Still angry?" Colby asked softly.

"It's not about being angry. It's just that being played isn't a pleasant feeling."

"I said I would take responsibility for Vanessa. Her father once helped me, and before he died, he entrusted her to me. I'm only responsible for her well-being, nothing else." "She has fallen so deeply for you. Colby, you seems quite heartless."

"My heart can only belong to one, and it's already yours," Colby declared.

Sophie frowned at Colby's cheesy confession, "Did Adler teach you that?"

After a moment, Colby mused, "Too cheesy?"

Sophie laughed at his serious expression, playfully saying, "That girl sees you as her fiancé. Colby, with your history, you must have lots of girls fawning over you." Colby's lips curved into a slight smile, "I smell jealousy."

Sophie instinctively looked away, but Colby gently turned her face towards him, whispering, "I like seeing you jealous. It proves you care about me at least."

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