"Damn! How can a man be so bad at expressing himself?"

Jenna couldn't contain her frustration, "Can't you just speak clearly? Any woman would misunderstand that!"

Adler realized the gravity of the situation and immediately said, "You better go find Ms. Sophie now. I'm afraid if you wait any longer to explain, Ms. Sophie might cut ties with you completely." Before his words could even settle, Colby had already vanished.

Watching Colby dash off, Adler couldn't help but exclaim, "Seriously, what's the point of having a mouth if you don't use it properly?"

Meanwhile, Sophie had already gotten into the car, and Tricia asked, "Ms. Sophie, heading back to the Russell estate?"


Just as Sophie responded, her phone began to ring. Assuming it was Colby calling, she was about to hang up, but then she saw it was Jessica.

Sophie answered the call, but before she could even speak, an anxious voice from the other end blurted out, "Sophie! It's terrible! There's been an incident."

"Jessica, calm down. What happened?"

"It's your Uncle Perry. He has been taken by James' men."

"What did you say?" Sophie frowned.

James took Perry?

"James' men just stormed in and took him away." Jessica, crying, said, "James gave me an address, and told me to inform you to go there, He said that if you don't show up, they'll kill your Uncle Perry." "Give me the address."

"It's room 8023 at the Regent Hotel."

Upon hearing this, Sophie's initially tense expression faded, her voice turning cold, "Alright, I'm on my way."

Then, Sophie hung up the call.

Tricia, having overheard the conversation, quickly asked, "Ms. Sophie, are we going to the Regent Hotel?"

"No, back to the Russell estate."

"Back to the Russell estate? But what about James..."

"If James really took Uncle Perry, why would he arrange to meet at a hotel? Would it not be better to threaten me after I return home? There's definitely something off here."

Jessica was always scheming, definitely up to no good. Sophie wouldn't be foolish enough to trust a woman like Jessica. Heading back to the Russell estate to investigate was the priority. Soon, the car arrived at the doorstep of the Russell estate.

"Just get Sophie to Mr. Burke's side, and the divorce will naturally be off the table."

Sophie overheard Jessica and Isaac talking as she entered. She immediately noticed Jessica's smile, devoid of any trace of the crying from the phone call.

Hearing footsteps, Jessica turned around to find Sophie, her smile instantly stiffening.

Sophie scoffed, "Jessica, what an act you've put on."


Jessica panicked, not expecting Sophie to return at this moment, her smile turning awkward, "Sophie, how did you..."

"How did I end up here?" Sophie's gaze turned icy, "I should be asking you, Jessica. What are you up to?"

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