"But I think Colby is into you." Perry frowned and said, "Sophie, listen to my advice, stay away from men like that. Who knows what kind of stormy days you might have to face in the future."

"I know."

Sophie's mind wasn't there. From the corridor outside, she could clearly see Colby pacing in her room, looking at some childhood photos on her desk.


She rushed in, quickly grabbing several photos from the table. Among them was a photo of her and James' wedding.

Colby's gaze turned cold, his voice carrying a trace of indifference, "You even have to frame your wedding photo and put it on the desk. Do you love him that much?"

"It's not..."

Sophie didn't know how to explain. It was from when she and James had just gotten married. They didn't have a wedding ceremony, so there were hardly any photos together. This wedding photo was the only one, and Sophie used to cherish her love for James, carefully framing this sole picture.

Now, it seemed like a joke.

"It's getting late. I'll be going now."

Colby's expression was emotionless. He rarely showed his anger, but at this moment, Sophie could tell he was upset.

Outside, Perry noticed Colby's cold demeanor and knew something was wrong. He ran in and asked, "Sophie, did you have a fight?"

"Uncle Perry, it's nothing serious. It's late. You should go rest."

Sophie rubbed her temples, feeling a bit tired.

"And what about Colby?"

"He should be fine."

After all, that photo was from the past and had nothing to do with her now. Colby couldn't really be angry over this. Perhaps he would be over it soon.

That night, Sophie couldn't sleep.

The next morning, news of the Burke family targeting Russell Enterprises spread online.

Jessica was already causing a commotion downstairs, "I told Sophie to apologize to Mr. Burke, and now look, Mr. Burke is determined to target our family. I bet even S Corporation can't protect us now." Sophie walked down the stairs, looking nonchalant.

Seeing Sophie, Jessica couldn't hide her anger, "You seem pretty relaxed! Do you have any idea how big of a mess this is?"

Sophie was unfazed, "It was inevitable for James to target Russell Enterprises. Jessica, why are you so angry?"

"If it weren't for you, why would James target us? Don't think just because you have Colby to rely on, you can be fearless. Colby is just treating you as a novelty. He has no intention of marrying you." While speaking, Jessica grabbed a newspaper and said, "Look, his official fiancée came back with him! You stand no chance."

Sophie paused in her act of drinking coffee, her gaze then fell on a photo in the newspaper of a girl throwing herself into Colby's arms.

The headline read, "Colby's long-lost love returns home, the couple soon to wed."

"You can't possibly think Colby is serious about you? This girl called Vanessa is an international socialite, beautiful with a good family background, and most importantly, she's not married. Did you see what the news said? This is Colby's first love."

Sophie's expression was blank as she put down her teacup, saying calmly, "Jessica, perhaps you misunderstand about things. My relationship with Colby isn't as close as you think. His first love returning has nothing to do with me."

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