Colby's throat tightened, and he reached to cradle the back of Sophie's neck, poised to kiss her passionately. But in a flash of sanity, he restrained the desire evident in his eyes and said in a husky voice, "If you still want this when you're sober, I won't hold back. But not now."

Sophie looked dazed, and with a swift, practiced move, Colby gently tapped the back of her neck, causing her to faint into his arms immediately. He wrapped Sophie securely in a bath towel and carried her in his arms.

Outside the room, Perry and Jessica were waiting. Perry was clueless about the events unfolding inside, but Jessica looked visibly tense.

Colby emerged from the room carrying Sophie, his gaze icy as it swept over Jessica.

Jessica, frightened, averted her eyes guiltily.

"I will settle this account with you later!" Colby left these words hanging as he hurried away with Sophie in his arms.

Perry was still confused. He glanced suspiciously at Jessica and asked, "What exactly happened here?"

"It's Colby! How would I know?" Jessica stammered, then quickly turned and walked away.

In the hospital, an IV drip hung from Sophie's arm. She had been unconscious for over two hours. Her complexion was pale, and she looked extremely weak.

When Sophie finally came around in the evening, she called out hoarsely, "Jenna..."

Jenna, who had been sitting by her side, quickly rushed to her, "You're awake at last! Are you feeling okay? I'll call the doctor right away!"

"Wait..." Sophie caught Jenna's arm and asked, "Where's Colby?"

"Colby and Adler went out. I don't know what they're up to. They didn't tell me." Jenna's face was filled with concern. "What exactly happened? I was terrified when I got the call!"

Sophie's thoughts traced back. She remembered being drugged, but her memories thereafter were blurry. As she tried to recall, the image of her pulling at Colby's clothes flashed through her mind. Sophie's face turned bright red.

"What's going on? Did you remember something?" Jenna asked anxiously.

Sophie quickly shook her head. "I didn't remember anything!"

Jenna paused, puzzled, "Why such a strong reaction then?"

Sophie hurriedly looked away, tried to calm her emotions, and then spoke to Jenna, "I was just attending a family dinner at home. Jessica arranged for me to meet the current head of the Fisher family, Sam." "The one who's over forty, married twice, and both ended in divorce? That Sam?" Jenna quickly grasped the implications of Jessica's intentions. "How dare she? You're still James' wife! Is she out of her mind?"

"She's convinced that James and I will divorce, so she wants to pave the way for the Fisher family and also to climb over me in the future."

Sophie was well aware of Jessica's intentions but was shocked that Jessica would dare to plan such a thing during such an important family event.

Had she been aware at the time, perhaps it wouldn't have escalated to this extent.

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