The manager tried to stop Corin, but it was too late.

"Why did the company give Reece the resources meant for me? Who does he think he is? How can he even compare to me?"

Corin was furious. For years, he had been given top-tier resources at Russell Entertainment, but now they were being handed to a newcomer who had just graduated from college and hadn't even made his debut yet.

Sophie leaned back in her chair. "You want to know why?"

"Yes." Corin exclaimed, his anger boiling over. "Did Reece give you some kind of personal favor, Ms. Sophie? Or is he, perhaps, under your..."

"Bang-!" Sophie slammed the folder in her hand down on the desk.

Corin's heart skipped a beat at her action. He had assumed Sophie was naive, a newcomer to the industry, a push-over, but now he found a dangerous warning in her eyes.

Sophie said coldly, "Corin, you are just an artist under contract with the company. Watch your words."

Corin, stubborn as ever, shot back, "I am the company's most popular artist. The company's annual performance depends solely on me. You've just gotten here. How can you justify redirecting my resources to someone else?"

The manager, watching Sophie's reaction, started sweating bullets.

Sophie sneered, "Your resources? Everything you have is because the company invested in you. Look around, you barely make it as a second-tier male star. You say the company's performance relies on you alone, but have you even looked at these accounts?"

Sophie threw an accounting ledger in front of Corin. His expression darkened, and even the manager felt like he was on pins and needles.

Sophie continued calmly, "Subsidizing all the company's earnings to Corin alone, Wayne, you really have some nerve."

"Ms. Sophie, please, let me explain..."

The manager's voice trembled with fear. He had done this to cope with the demands of Russell Enterprises. Otherwise, Russell Entertainment would have closed down years ago.

However, he had altered the accounts. How could Sophie still detect something was off?

Sophie glared coldly at the manager who was scrambling for excuses.

Every company has one or two executives who manipulate financial records for personal gain, thinking they won't get caught as long as the money is replaced.

Wayne and Corin had been leaving gaps in the books for three years, despite her warnings since taking over. They thought they wouldn't get caught, assuming she was just a figurehead. They were wrong. Detecting tampered accounts was a piece of cake for her.

"Wayne, I'm giving you two options."

"Ms. Sophie..."

"The first, you're fired."

Wayne turned pale.

"The second, resign voluntarily." Sophie smiled. "Choose one."

Wayne swallowed hard, his legs trembling. He had been at Russell Entertainment for over a decade, and now he faced dismissal.

Sophie was ruthless, determined to weed out the rot early.

"I choose to resign voluntarily." Wayne was a mess of tears and snot.

Sophie said plainly, "Then you can leave now."

After dealing with Wa yne, Sophie turned back to Corin. "I'll give you two choices too."

After witnessing Wayne's dismissal, Corin felt a chill in his heart.

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