Chapter 56 

“Ticket fee?” Simon’s tone lifted unconsciously. 

“That’s right!” Marina replied. 

“I wonder how Miss Bailey would like me to pay this ticket fee. It can’t possibly be money, can it?” Simon propped his chin absentmindedly. 

Money was something that the Four Families had no shortage of. 

“Give me half of your sandwich!” Marina said quickly. 

Simon didn’t know what to say for a second. 

“You like this stuff that much?” 

“Yeah!” Marina nodded eagerly, looking at the sandwich. 

However, after she got injured, her family forbade her from touching any of this stuff. They even had Oscar and Lee keep an eye on her. 

“Why didn’t you grab a few more sandwiches earlier?” Simon was curious. 

“Do you think I didn’t want to? There were only two sandwiches left on the shelf.” Marina looked helpless. 

And she couldn’t resist complaining the person who determined the serving size for sandwiches. 

One wasn’t enough, but two were too much. 

It really was like a sleazy guy, playing the hard–to–get game! 

Simon was speechless. 

“Do you plan on giving it to me or not?” Irritated, Marina ground her teeth as she watched Simon’s lack of response. 

This human–shaped pillow had too much to say! 

“Are you saying that if I give you half, I can watch Miss Bailey for free from now on?” Simon narrowed his black eyes. 

“Do you think my face is like those discounted tourist attractions? Share half of your sandwich and you think you deserve a lifetime pass? 

Rought only Marina declared firmly 

hoght, tonight it is” Simon was quite straightforward and gave his sandheach over to her 

Marise’s eyes lit up instantly, and she split the sandwich in half with hey konfe 

Watching her excited little face, Simon couldn’t help but smile, 

This gaze circled around the sandwich in front of him. 

He had never thought that such a small thing could bring him such 

Momchile, Simon and Marina, who were immersed in their own world, were unaware that the convenience store staff had taken a video of them and uploaded it to her own social media account, 

I met a pair of fairy–tale–like lovers on the night shift. Their sweetness has reignited the teenage girl in me who has been dead for more than 20 years! 

After the video was posted, it instantly attracted a huge wave of traffic 

“Oh my god, these two are too good–looking! Are there really couples in this world who match so well? After seeing them, I suddenly feel like I’m just here to fill up the numbers in this world!” 

“My goodness, this girl is really cool. She has no sense of being a beauty at all. She’s real and not fake. I love her!” 

“Indeed! Good–looking people even make eating sandwich so pleasing to the eye. 

“The most important thing is the way the guy looks at the girl, isn’t it? Oh my god, even as an outsider, I’m about to get drunk in his affectionate gaze!” 

“It’s obvious that this is a show. Who goes to the convenience store to eat sandwich dressed like this? Do they think they’re filming a love drama? It’s just a collaboration to hype things up and attract fans to buy things!” Amidst the envious voices, an extremely discordant voice sounded. 

“I knew someone would be jealous. Open your eyes and looks closely That watch on the guy’s hand is a custom–made model from an international big brand. The price starts at eight digits for just one piece! Someone who can afford to wear this kind of watch doesn’t need to fleece us poor people, right?” 

“The clothes the girl is wearing are from the new collection that hasn’t even been released yet. I saw this piece of clothing at a fashion show before!” 

“Wow, which wealthy couple is out here causing a stir? Are they so tired of their lives that they come to experience the lives of us commoners?” 

“Screenshots, screenshots! Basking in their happiness! I hope to find a partner this year!” 

The short video that the staff casually posted was instantly pushed up to the top of the day’s trending search in just an hour. 

The staff’s private messages were flooded, all asking her to take more videos. 

However, when the staff finished replying to her private messages and looked up again, she couldn’t see the two people in front of the window 


If it weren’t for the two empty sandwich packets in the nearby garbage can, she would have doubted whether she had just had a hallucination. 

And after the operation team of this sandwich discovered this trending topic, they immediately gathered their employees and quickly rode the wave of popularity. 

As a result, the sandwiches sold out on the same day. 

Even the pre–orders were booked up to six months in advance. 

The manager of operations couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear and immediately reported the incident to the company’s big boss. 

Upon hearing this, the big boss quickly spoke up. “We find the two people in the video at all costs. I want to properly thank them!” 

The operations manager looked at the two people in the video. 

He really wanted to tell the big boss, who was overwhelmed with joy, 

that the watch in their hands could cover a year’s profit for the 


“How do you plan to thank them?” 

“By sending them a few boxes of sandwiches?” 

But as an employee, they had no choice but to follow the big boss’s orders. 

He immediately set out to find the two people. 

Meanwhile, Marina and Simon had already returned to their hotel and had no idea that their impulsive decision to eat sandwiches had caused such a big stir. 

After Marina was full and satisfied, she began to feel drowsy. 

She forced herself to take a shower, then climbed into bed feeling a little fuzzy–headed. 

With her eyes closed, she patted the spot next to her, and mumbled indistinctly, “Pillow, it’s time for you to take your post.” 

“Take your post?” 

Simon chuckled quietly but obediently lay down next to Marina. Bailey. 

Simon had just taken a shower in the adjacent bathroom and still had lingering dampness on his body. 

But the fragrance on his body not only had not been washed away but had become even stronger. 

Marina furrowed her brows unconsciously. 

Did this guy take a bath with perfume? 

Was this fragrance on his body because he had been soaking in it? 


Perhaps she couldn’t get the smell before because she missed this step. 

Marina thought as she snuggled up to Simon, feeling sleepy and content. She had dozed off before figuring it out. 

Little did Marina know, Peter was about to go crazy on the other side. 

That was because he had lost his cousin! 

“Weren’t you two following Marina every step of the way? How could you lose her?!” Peter paced back and forth in the living room, agitated. 

“I don’t know what happened to Miss Bailey after leaving the hospital. She was very angry and snatched the car key to drive away. You know Miss Bailey’s driving skills, Mr. Moore. We couldn’t catch up.” Oscar frowned. 

“We have to catch up, even if we can’t! If we lose Marina, none of us will be safe!” Peter was so anxious that he was scratching his head into a 


Ever since Marina disappeared three years ago, their entire family had been watching her very closely, afraid that the same thing would happen again. 

“Found her!” At this moment, Lee, who had been busy in front of the computer, suddenly exclaimed. 

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