Chapter 39

“Yes,” Marina replied. Then she continued, “Is there a problem?”

“No! Of course not!” Dr. Liam immediately came back to his senses.

Miss Bailey should be talking about the fragrance for the medicine she had researched about before.

Miss Bailey was Miss Bailey indeed. She was even considering the taste of the patient’s food. She was no doubt a role model for medical staff!

“Miss Bailey, I will definitely complete the mission!” Dr. Liam’s attitude became even more respectful.

If he could help Miss Bailey, it would be equivalent to saving tens of thousands of patients.

He had to do his best to complete this mission!

Marina didn’t know what Dr. Liam was thinking, but she responded with a sound and hung up.

Dr. Liam had already finished dressing and was about to go to work with his briefcase.

His wife was also woken up by his actions.

“Huh? Why are you up so early? Is there something urgent in the hospital?” The hospital director’s wife slowly propped herself up.

“Yes, it’s a big matter involving tens of thousands of patients!” Dr. Liam said excitedly.

The director’s wife was confused.

“It’s still early. You can sleep for a while more,” Dr. Liam comforted her gently before rushing out of the door.

The hospital director’s wife was still in a daze as she lay back on the bed to catch up on her sleep.

When Marina arrived at the hospital, Dr. Liam was already waiting at the entrance.

As soon as he saw her coming, he quickly went up to her.

“Miss Bailey.” He even bowed, which was enough to prove his respect for Marina Bailey.

“Dr. Liam, you don’t have to be so polite. We’re both medical staffs, so there’s no distinction between our ranks. We’re all of the same ranks.” She hadn’t interacted much with this Dr. Liam, but at his age, with his status, he could still respect medical skills so much, which meant he was indeed worthy of being called a good doctor with benevolence.

“Alright, Miss Bailey.” These words made Dr. Liam respect Marina even more.

As expected of Miss Bailey, who did not care about these empty titles at all.

“Miss Bailey, I’ve already prepared the laboratory for you. I’ll bring you there now.” Dr. Liam made a respectful inviting


“Alright.” Marina nodded slightly and walked in front.

As a result, the medical staff who were on night shift in the hospital and preparing to get off work saw the strangest scene in their lives.

Their very respected hospital director was actually carefully leading the way for a young lady.

Everyone took a double take at the sight. They wondered if they were hallucinating from working too much overtime.

And reality proved that everything they saw was the truth!

Not only did their honorable director lead the way with a smile on his face, he even pressed the elevator button for that young lady.


Who was that young lady?

The director’s daughter?

But that wasn’t right. Didn’t the director only have one son?

Everyone started to talk about the girl’s identity in the group chat.

Meanwhile, Dr. Liam had already led Marina into the laboratory.

“This is the highest-level laboratory here. I’ve already gotten someone to replenish all the experimental supplies in it. Miss Bailey, please use it first. If you need anything else, you can tell me,” Dr. Liam said slowly.

One had to know that even the director’s most precious student had to request for this laboratory several time before they could use it.

But now, he felt that this laboratory was not worthy of Marina Bailey.

“Sure.” Marina looked around the laboratory. The equipment was still complete, but many of them had fallen behind times.

She could only use it reluctantly.

“Then I won’t disturb you anymore.” Dr. Liam left right away.

After changing into the lab coat, Marina began to mix the fragrance.

She wanted to concoct the fragrance that Simon Hernandez had on him.

This way, there was no need to borrow that guy’s body at all.

For the next few hours, Marina kept going with her experiments.

However, every time she refined the finished product, she felt that something was missing.

Even then, her nose was the sharpest. She would never forget somebody’s scent.

What exactly was wrong?

Marina looked at the 28th failed product in her hand and frowned.

What Marina did not know was that Dr. Liam did not leave after leaving the laboratory. Instead, he had been guarding outside the laboratory.

He was mainly afraid that Marina had other needs, so he waited outside.

After all, he was worried about leaving her in the care of others.

He had to personally serve someone like Miss Bailey!

At this moment, the department director of the Oral Dentistry Department rushed over.

“Dr. Liam, I have a situation. Can you help me take a look?” The department director of the Oral Dentistry Department asked with a bow.

“No matter what it is, don’t come and disturb me today. I’m not free!” Dr. Liam glanced at the department director of the Oral Dentistry Department, then stared at the tightly shut laboratory door in front of him respectfully.

He looked like a well-behaved primary school student waiting for his teacher.

“Dr. Liam, it’s… the people from the Campbell family.” The department director of the Oral Dentistry Department also secretly glanced at the tightly shut laboratory door and said in a low voice.

When he first went to work today, he had heard that their director had opened the top laboratory in the hospital.

Moreover, it was for a young lady who was not from their hospital.

Previously, he had thought that those people were exaggerating. Now, it seemed that they were still far from the truth.

Their director was more than diligent. He was clearly treating the lady inside as though she were God.

However, the laboratory had anti-peeping glass, so even if the department director of the Oral Dentistry Department tried his hardest to look inside, there was no way he could see what was happening.

“The Campbell family?” When the director heard this, he frowned in reflex.

“That’s right. A few days ago, the young mister of the Campbell family sent his fiancée to our department. His fiancée accidentally broke her teeth and wants an implant.” The department director then retracted his gaze and replied carefully.

“Since it’s just a tooth implant, do it. Why are you looking for me?” The director’s eyes were filled with impatience.

“Um… Mr. Campbell is a little worried about his fiancée’s safety. He said that he wants you to observe the entire operation in case… of unexpected situations.” The department director finally revealed his purpose for coming.

“You’re the department director of the Oral Dentistry Department. Can’t you even perform a tooth implant properly? Do you still need me, the hospital director, to take charge?! Can’t you see that I’m busy now?” Dr. Liam was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at him.

“Dr. Liam, the Campbell family… donates nearly seven digits of research funds to our hospital every year,” the Oral Dentistry Department director reminded him in a low voice.

If it wasn’t for this, he wouldn’t have even dared to look for the director.

Just as the hospital director was about to speak, the director of the Oral Dentistry Department interrupted him. “Moreover, that Mr. Campbell also said that if you’re willing to take charge, he’ll double this year’s research funds for us!”

“Dr. Liam, you know that our hospital has always been very tight on research funds. If we have this research fund, the experiments that were previously put on hold because of insufficient research funds can be restarted!”

When Dr. Liam heard this, his frown deepened.

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