Dimitri’s POV

My heart was going a mile a minute.

What the hell is going on with you? My mother mind-linked me.

I couldn’t respond.

I was way too shocked and way too focused on my perfect little mate to even think about an answer.

My heart almost broke when I realized that she didn’t recognize me as her mate. She couldn’t. She still didn’t have a wolf.

Skol whined loudly. I had to stop a growl from escaping my lips.

I would have to wait for nine fucking months until she knew who I was.


I clenched my fists, trying to stop myself from punching something.

I couldn’t let my mother know. I couldn’t let anyone know. They would tell her, and I wanted her to discover it herself. I didn’t want to rob her of the moment when she found her mate.

The moment was perfect. Everything about it was perfect. The scent, the sensations, everything. I wanted her to experience it. I couldn’t let her know before she turned 18.

Dimitri? My mother mind-linked me again.

I am okay. I forced myself to answer.

I noticed that my princess narrowed her eyes a little as she studied me with a confused expression on her face.

I didn’t know for how long was I just staring at her beautiful green eyes.

“Hi, Madeline,” I forced myself to speak.

I approached her, trying to stop my body from shaking. The closer I got to her, the harder it was not to grab her and press her close to me.

“Welcome to my pack,” I said as I gave her my hand to shake.

My whole body tensed up waiting for the moment our hands touched. I couldn’t wait to feel her skin on mine.

I almost purred when it happened.

Her small hand fit perfectly in mine. It was warm and soft and it sent sparks all around my body.

I really had to stop myself from purring, and it was only her hand. I wondered how would I react once I finally kissed her.

“Thank you,” she said quietly as she pulled her hand from mine.

I wanted to whine and protest.

“I am sorry for your loss, Madeline,” I said as I sat down on the bar stool next to her.

Her eyes filled with tears and my heart shattered. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to tell her that I was there for her.

Skol whined.

‘I want to hold her,’ he mumbled.

‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘We can’t do it, Skol. Not yet.’

Another whine escaped him. My heart broke for him too. He couldn’t even feel her wolf yet. This was harder for him than it was for me.

“Thank you,” my princess mumbled as she bent her head down and took a deep breath.

I clenched my fists, pressing my arms closer to my body. I was going to pull her to me if I didn’t find a way to control myself.

“I was just telling Maddie that she doesn’t have to work,” Mike said as he took a sip of coffee.

Of course she wouldn’t work. She was mine to take care of.

“It’s Madeline,” she sighed quietly.

“There is no need for you to work, Madeline,” I said softly. “Your father and I will take care of you. I need you to focus on finishing high school and that’s it.”

She looked at me and I almost melted.

Would I feel like this every time she looked at me?

“I already finished high school,” she told me. “I finished early so I could work and take care of my mom.”

I was so fucking proud of her.

“Thank you for taking me into your pack, Alpha Dimitri,” she continued. “I have to work to support myself. I have to work so I could leave once I turn 18. I won’t stay in your pack for long.”

My heart stopped. It just wasn’t fucking working anymore.

She was going to leave? Did she really want to leave?

I remembered my mother’s words and my stomach turned.

She said that she will leave the moment she turns 18.

Fuck no.

Over my fucking dead body.


‘She doesn’t know that you are her mate,’ Skol whined. ‘She isn’t going to leave once she realizes that.’

His words calmed me down a little.

He was right. He had to be right.

“I hope that you will change your mind, Madeline,” I said, trying to stop my voice from trembling. “This is your pack now. You are welcome to stay.”

What the hell are you doing?! My mother mind-linked me angrily. I don’t want her here!

I had to stop myself from growling and attacking my mother.

This is her pack now. I mind-linked her back. She is Mike’s daughter and she is welcome to stay, whether you like it or not.

I blocked my mother from mind-linking me back. I could feel her anger, but I couldn’t give a shit about it. Maddie was her Luna now and she had to respect her.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Maddie said, looking back at her father. “Is it okay if I went to my room now?”

I tightened my jaw. I didn’t want her to leave.

“Of course, Madeline,” Mike said. “The dinner will be ready in an hour.”

Maddie nodded and got down from the bar stool.

“It was nice to meet you, Alpha,” she said.

“Please, Madeline, call me Dimitri,” I said. “We are family now.”

“Yeah, Mads,” Mike added. “He is your step-brother.”

I had to stop myself from frowning. Step-brother sounded so fucking wrong. I wasn’t her step-brother, I was her mate.

Maddie looked at Mike and sighed quietly.

“Go unpack,” Mike told her. “Do you need help?”

I wanted her to say yes so I could offer to help her. I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t want to stop looking at her beautiful face.

“No, thank you,” she said, making me sigh internally.

She looked at my mother and me. She bowed her head a little and walked out of the kitchen.

I really wanted to fucking whine and follow her.

“I know that she is your daughter Mike, but I don’t like her attitude,” my mother said as soon as Maddie walked out of the kitchen.

I looked at her angrily.

“There is nothing wrong with her attitude,” I defended my mate. “She is respectful and kind.”

My mother rolled her eyes and walked to the fridge.

“She is cold,” my mother said. “And she was disrespectful toward Mike and me earlier. She showed you respect because you are a Lycan Alpha.”

I clenched my fists, trying to stop myself from growling at my mother.

“She just lost her mom, Janet,” Mike sighed. “Have some compassion.”

My mother had to start having compassion and understanding for Maddie as soon as fucking possible. I wasn’t going to let anyone treat my mate badly. Not even my mother.

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