Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 76

Dimitri’s POV

“Are you going to fight at the tournament?” I asked Will as we were watching Mike explain something to one of the new trainees.

“I don’t think so,” Will said, shaking his head. “There will be too much work to do. I am sure that Ellie will fight, though.”

I chuckled and nodded, keeping my eyes on the newly shifted boy. Mike was at a wit’s end with him. He kept making the same mistakes over and over again and Mike was losing his patience.

“That will be interesting to see,” I said. “I wonder if any other pack will bring their female warriors to compete.”

It was a tradition to organize a tournament during every Alphas meeting. The Tournament of Three Kingdoms was held in the battle arena and a large clearing in the middle of the forest. There were three different challenges the participants had to complete to win.

Moonlit Duels was a challenge where the participants engaged in one-on-one combat on the clearing and under the full moon.

Pack Hunt was a challenge that consisted of participants creating alliances with werewolves from different packs. Together, they tracked and hunted an object or a person of my choosing, showcasing their hunting prowess and ability to work harmoniously.

The final challenge was a Moonstone Gauntlet. It was an obstacle course created by Mike that combined physical endurance, mental agility, and determination.

At the end of the tournament, the werewolf who emerged as the victor received the coveted Three Kingdoms Crown. It was an emblem of honor and recognition throughout the kingdom, ensuring their legacy lives on for generations to come.

Watching the tournament was a delight and it got better every year. Each pack brought their best warriors and the stakes in the tournament were high. I enjoyed it every year so far, but I knew that this year it would be different. The reason for Alphas Meeting was different this year. We weren’t gathering to discuss light topics this year. We were gathering to discuss an imminent threat to our Kingdom.

“What is Maddie doing?” Will asked and a small smile spread across my face.

I was so fucking proud of her. I was more in love than I ever thought possible. My heart and body were melting just thinking about her. That shower yesterday was something I couldn’t only ever fantasize about. I never knew that there could be so much pleasure in just touching, caressing, and kissing. I didn’t even have to make love to her to enjoy every part of her body. It was amazing and I couldn’t wait to do it again tonight.

“She is at our office,” I said, trying to stop the images of her naked body from appearing in my mind.

It was not the time for a boner.

“She is looking through some books about our Kingdom’s laws,” I said. “She is determined to learn them all.”

Will smiled and shook his head.

“She is amazing, isn’t she?” he said. “I am so happy that she is our Luna. You got a good one, Dimitri.”

Warmth spread through my entire body. My smile grew. She was so much more than just good. She was fucking perfect.

“I did,” I said as I watched Mike slam the poor boy on the ground.

“Goddess, Reece!” Mike exclaimed. “How many times are we going to go through this?!”

Will and I chuckled and I decided to give poor Reece a break.

“Mike!” I shouted, making him look up at me.

I waved him over and he looked down at Reece with a pissed-off look on his face. He told him something before walking toward Will and me.

“Where is Maddie?” he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

“In our office,” I said. “She is working.”

Mike smiled and visibly relaxed.

“I tried talking to Janet about her, but she refused to listen to me,” Mike said, shaking his head. “I don’t know what to do.”

I tightened my jaw and clenched my fists. I was so fucking angry at my mother and I knew that I would explode if I had to deal with her.

“I can’t understand why she isn’t pissed at Savannah,” Will said. “She fucking lied and tried to all of us. She lied to her as well.”

Mike sighed and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Your mom really wanted a grandchild,” Mike said. “I think she is still hanging onto that idea.”

I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth.

“She is insane,” I said. “She knows that Savannah lied. She knows that Savannah’s child isn’t mine. I don’t know why she likes that bitch so much, but I won’t tolerate it.”

Mike looked at me disapprovingly.

“I know that you are angry, Dimitri, but don’t talk about your mom like that,” Mike said. “She will come around. She needs time to warm up to Maddie, that’s all.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“She can warm up to her from afar,” I said angrily. “I am not letting her near Maddie again. Not after everything she said.”

Mike sighed again, but I didn’t give a shit. I wasn’t going to allow my mother to insult my princess. I wasn’t going to let her hurt my mate.

“We should be careful,” Will said, clenching his jaw. “We can’t let her hurt Maddie.”

“Oh, come on,” Mike said, shaking his head. “Janet would never do that. She would never hurt Maddie. She can be a bit mean, yes, but she would never hurt her.”

Will looked at him and narrowed his eyes a little.

“It is my job as a Beta to protect my Luna,” Will said sternly. “I think that we should be careful when it comes to Janet and we will take every precaution needed.”

A small smile spread across my face. I was proud of Will and how seriously he was taking his oath to me.

‘Dimitri!’ Skol’s panicked voice made me flinch.

My body froze and my heart stopped beating.

‘What happened?’ I asked, trying to stop him from taking over. ‘Is Maddie okay?’

‘Skye told me that your mother and Savannah are in your office!’ Skol shouted. ‘Skye is panicking, Dimitri, you have to go there!’

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I was running toward the packhouse before he finished talking.

I could hear Will following after me and Mike shouting our names. I couldn’t stop, though. I had to go to Maddie. I had to make sure that she was okay.

I would kill them both if they hurt her.

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