Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 70

Dimitri’s POV

Stopping myself from making her cum was the hardest fucking thing I ever had to do. I imagined her cumming and moaning my name so many times and I couldn’t believe that managed to stop myself.

On the other hand, I didn’t want to miss her first orgasm. There were too many layers of clothes between us. I wanted to feel and taste her orgasm. I wanted to feel her clenching around my fingers. I wanted to lick her clean and taste every fucking drop.

I took a deep breath and released it slowly. I needed to calm down a bit. I was so fucking hard. It was painful and my dick couldn’t stop pulsating.

“Dimitri?” my princess called me.

I kissed her shoulder and let her go.

“Yes, my love?” I asked as I smiled and caressed her cheek.

“I would like to go to the diner,” she said, making me furrow my eyebrows.

“Why, princess?” I asked. “You are not working there anymore. You never needed to work there. I allowed it because I couldn’t tell you that I was your mate and that I would take care of you.”

“I know,” she said. “I would still like to thank Molly for giving me a job.”

She looked down at her lap and sighed.

“I need to talk to Seth too,” she said quietly.

A wave of jealousy washed over me. I didn’t want her near him. I didn’t want her near any other male for that matter.

“About what, princess?” I asked, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

She looked up at me and sighed.

“He is my friend,” she said. “He has been my friend since I came here. He thought that…”

She stopped talking and took a deep breath.

“That you were his mate,” I finished, feeling the words burn my tongue and lips.

She nodded.

I gulped and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn’t want to be an overbearing and overpossessive mate, but I really didn’t want her to talk to any other male. A part of me wanted to lock her up in a room and keep her all to myself. A part of me wanted to be the only one who could look at her, talk to her and touch her.

I knew how fucking crazy that was, but I couldn’t lie to myself and say that it wasn’t true. It was. I wanted her all to myself. She was mine and I wanted that to be true in every fucking way possible.

Mine to look at. Mine to touch. Mine to do everything I fucking wanted to her.

Skol stirred and I knew he completely agreed with me. I was a Lycan and every emotion related to my mate was enhanced. I loved her move than a normal werewolves loved their mates. I needed her more than normal werewolves needed their mates. I was more protective and more possessive than them.

But I was also a rational man who knew that locking her up and keeping her all for myself wasn’t an option. She was a Luna and a Queen. She was a wonderful woman who didn’t deserve an irrational mate.

So I did something that went against every animalistic instinct I had. I smiled and gave her a small nod.

“Okay, princess,” I said softly. “Do you want me to go with you?”

She furrowed her eyebrows a little and studied my face for a moment.

I smiled and caressed her cheek.

“Did you think that I was going to forbid you from going to see him?” I asked and she gave me a reluctant nod.

I smiled again and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“I trust you, princess,” I said softly. “I know that you won’t do anything to hurt me. I also know that you will tell me if he tries anything while I’m not there.”

I would also be able to feel it if he touched her. I would know immediately and I would rip him apart.

No one touched what was mine. She was mine to touch. She was mine to kiss. She was mine to worship and love.

She nodded and I kissed her again. I tangled my fingers into her hair and kept my lips on hers until we both ran out of breath.

I didn’t mind dying like that, though. Leaving this world with the taste of her in my mouth was the best way to go.

“Do you want me to go with you?” I asked again after I stopped kissing her.

She shook her head and gave me a small smile.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I won’t be long.”

“You better not be,” I said sternly. “An hour, tops. I can’t be without you longer than that.”

She smiled and gave me a small nod. I kissed the tip of her nose and caressed her back.

I remembered something at that moment.

“What about the voices, princess?” I asked worriedly. “Are they back?”

She gulped and took a deep breath.

“Not while you are with me,” she said. “But I will be okay for an hour. Maybe I will even find a way to deal with them without you.”

I didn’t like that, but I nodded and kissed her again. The kiss was short and sweet.

“Come back immediately if it gets too much, okay?” I said. “Or just mind-link me and I will come get you.”

She nodded and kissed me again. I wished that neither she nor I had any obligations. I wished that we could just stay in this room forever.

The diner wasn’t far away and that was one of the reasons I allowed her to go without me.

The other reason was that I wanted to talk to Will alone. I needed to find someone who knew what those voices meant. Someone had to know why she could read minds or whatever else it was.

I was planning on starting by talking to the doctor who helped me when Savannah told me she was pregnant with my pup.

I let Maddie go and I had to hold back a whine. I would glue her to me if it was possible.

“I love you,” she told me and gave me a small smile.

I placed my arms on the backrest of the couch. I clenched my muscles and smirked when I saw Maddie gulp.

“I love you too, Madeline,” I said, using the voice I knew would make her knees buckle. “Be back soon, okay?”

She nodded and turned around. She rushed out of the room like her ass was on fire.

Those muscles will wait for you when you come back, princess. I mind-linked her.

I heard her groan and I laughed.

I was so fucking happy that she was attracted to me. Seeing the lust and the love in her eyes was all I ever wanted.

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