Rejected Mate
Chapter Six: Why are you doing this to me?

I wake up on the cold hard floor and shake myself off, what the hell! Last time I checked I was in wolf form in a bush now I am in human form in some kind of basement. Looking down, I notice my clothing from my ankle is gone, and I am dressed in scrubs.

"ah you are awake" a tall male maybe 6'5 comments approaching me. I look at his hand carefully and notice a shock collar in his hand; I slowly back away only to hit my back on the wall.

"don't bite me, this is life" he states before slamming my head into the wall making stars cloud my vision, I notice once the clouds are gone that he put the collar on me while I was recovering from the blow; what an asshole.

"where am 1? why am I here? Who are you" I list off questions making him roll his eyes.

"I am your new master, I found you in a bush passed out and decided you would be the perfect fit for a new maid of mine, the collar will shock you immediately and won't stop if you leave the house, and I can press a button at any time if you misbehave so listen carefully you will only be told once.

One, You will not leave the house.

Two, You will not talk to anyone unless they talk to you first.

Three you must do as I say when I say to do it.

Failure to do so will get you shocked and punished. Every night you will be injected with wolf vain to keep you weak and contact with your wolf at nothing" he states before pulling me up and throwing me out the door.

"I expect the dishes to be clean before I get back in ten minutes” he states before rushing off to do whatever else he needs to do.

Why did I not listen to Ben? If I had just listened I wouldn't be in this mess; I could be in a nice warm bed being free instead of being locked up with a stupid dog shock collar! this is not what I expected my life to come too; I got out of an abusive pack, got away from my mate only to be retaken and put into another bad situation. What did I ever do to make the moon goddess this mad at me?

I eventually find the kitchen as notice the three-foot-tall stacks of dishes making me wince, I am lucky that I was an omega, so I know what I am doing and how to do it fast. I fill the double sink up with water and one side with soap and start washing the plates, dunking them in the clean water once they are clean, I start on the cups and cutlery as the man from before enters the room.

"you are almost done I see, but I did say I wanted them fully clean before I got back and that isnt the case so time to show you what the punishment is so you stop misbehaving.” he cries out in anger. “trigger warning, abuse*

The man lunges at me, hitting me square in the head, I fall backwards and hit my head against the cold hard floor. I jolt upwards as my neck starts burning up from being shocked.

"bad girls get punished hard, it's a pity that you are so cute, I don't want to ruin the cuteness, but it seems I have to since you broke a cup on your fall" he snarls before dragging me by my hair back to the room I woke up in.

Looking around, I notice the selection of torture devices, from a bunsen burner to candles, knives, needles, whips and more. I cry out and curl in a ball with my neck shown as a sign of submission; I don't want to be tortured; that is not how I want to live. I just want to be in a normal bed. I feel a whip slashing down on my skin, making everything hurt. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cry out in pain.

"because bad girls don't deserve nice things" is the last thing I hear before he exits the room.

“trigger warning over*

I lay on the cold ground shivering before allowing sleep to take over, "Please be a bad dream" I whisper out into the air before falling into a deep painful sleep.

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