Rejected Mate
Chapter thirty one: unforeseen circumstances

Time has been flying by recently; every day, it's the same routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, get to work, dinner, then time with Hazyn and then bed to repeat the next day: with the occasional pack meeting thrown into the mix.

“Everything okay, baby?” Hazyn questions walking into the office to bring Ben and I lunch. We are currently working on a pack transfer request which would typically be simple but the pack the man is coming from isn't accepting the transfer request so it's been a lot of back and forth trying to work out a plan.

"Yeah Alpha cove is now demanding payment for Arthur to come here to be with his mate” I groan reading over the latest email for the hundredth time.

“He can't legally do that so throw the law in his face I think the law book is on the library” Hazyn smiles kissing me on the cheek while laying our sandwiches on the table before leaving the office.

I smile, thankful that Hazyn is always here to help when things get tough.

“I have to go"% Ben rushed out jumping up out of his office chair sending it flying across the room and running out of the room in a rush.

I go to mind link him to ask if everything is okay when I hear Ashley's voice through the mind link telling me it's time and she wants me in with her.

I quickly mind link Hazyn to let him know so he can take over the pack work before rushing off to watch the twins be born.

I rush through the hallways and to the medical wing

"Did I miss it" I cry out, pushing through the delivery suite doors just as Ashley lets out a massive scream.

“No, almost though”, ben comments before hissing in pain as Ashley grabs his hand tighter to try and get through the contraction.

I rush to Ashley's head and grab her other hand so she can take her pain out on me as well so as not to break bens hand. Even if it would heal in a few hours, he needs that time to help Ashley and spend time with their babies.

"I see baby A's head”, carol calls out as Ashley pushes harder, allowing the incredible sound of a baby crying to take over the room. I watch as carol holds up the baby for us to see

“It's a girl”, she announces before handing her off to one of the nurses to clean up.

“I need you to keep pushing. We still have a baby to be born and then their shared placenta”, she announces just as another contraction takes over Ashley's body, and she pushes harder this time. I don't hear no scream as the second baby is born.

“Is my baby okay?” Ashley questions making carol nod

“Your son is perfect. Just in shock, give him a second” carol smiles, and within seconds of her mouth closing, a loud cry takes over the room, startling his now calm sister, making them both cry.

Ashley lets go of our hands and reaches out for her babies wanting to do skin to skin immediately. “They are beautiful, hun. I smile before backing slowly out of the room to give them some privacy.

I am so thankful for Ashley allowing me to be in the room to meet the babies but now is their time to become parents, and I don't want to overstep on that.

While I love kids, I don't think it will ever happen for Hazyn and I. We have been trying non-stop to get pregnant, and when we bought that up to carol, she ran some tests and found that our chances of ever conniving would be super slim because of all the abuse I suffered over the past few years it has made my uterus inhabitable for a child, and if I was to fall pregnant, I might lose the pregnancy because the baby wouldn't be able to attach or grow which has made me dive into my work.

It makes me feel like I have failed as a human and a wolf. Both species were built to grow and raise children and to know because I couldn't stand up for myself and stop the abuse, I might lose my chance of being a mother hurts. If only I had grown some balls earlier and stood up to everyone but back then, I didn't know what was waiting for me in my future, and I didn't care what happened either, but now I do, and it makes me sad that I have caused this to happen. I can't give this pack an heir; I can't give hazyn the baby he wants, and I just want to go back in time and start over and actually stand up for myself because I hate feeling like a failure.

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