Rejected Mate
Chapter Ten: The bed from hell

Erika's pov

I wake up feeling both trapped and safe at the same time; it's insanely warm as well, which doesn't help, how the hell is all of this happening? I remember flashing back to being a slave and then nothing, everything went white, warm and fuzzy now my head is laying on a pillow that seems to have its hands and arms wrapped around my body which on the one hand feels safe and warm and on the other it makes me feel trapped and confused.

I bury my head into my pillow more only to hear it growl and tighten its arms around me, wait a growl? Arms? Oh god. I let out an air piercing scream making my bedroom door swing open with Ben and Ashley rushing in to check on me and the person who was cuddling me to jump out of bed. Looking up at the person, I notice a topless Hazyn. "what the flying fuck Hazyn" I scream making Ben and Ashley rush out of the room away from the scene so that they don't land up dead in the crossfire.

"you were having a nightmare last night and Josh my wolf told me that to calm you down and stop the nightmare for waking up the whole pack to get in bed and cuddle you, I must have fallen asleep,” he replies rubbing the back of his neck innocently as if he wasn't cuddling me as if his life depended on it.

"Hazyn, how would everyone wake up, and how would you hear my nightmare? The house is soundproof" I state confused by his logic. "about that, the guest rooms are not soundproof, and sound cant leave the rooms of the regular wolves, but they can hear still hear what's going on outside of their rooms" he grumbles making me whine.

"get out, get out, get out before I kill you for even being in my room" I scream, making him rush out like the room was on fire. What was the jackass thinking? Just allow me to have a nightmare geeze; they can't kill anybody.

Walking downstairs, all I hear is whispers.

"I heard they had sex last night."

"I thought they were only cuddling.”

"maybe they are mates.”

"that's impossible, she had a mate, and she got rejected.”

"she must be a slut"

"look at what she is wearing, definitely a slut." I look down at my outfit to see I am still in the hospital PJs that they gave me which is only a pair of trousers and a singlet top. Deciding to put an end to this, I growl out. "shut up, I am no slut, this doesn't reveal anything, it is your hospital PJs since no one has given me any other clothing and my bag was taken from me, I am not your alphas mate, and it is none of your business if I was rejected, we didn't sleep together, and we were not cuddling either, your alpha is a dick head who decided he knew what was best for me which was pulling me out of a nightmare and his dick ass fell asleep. If I hear you talking bad about me once more time; I will have your head for dinner and don't think your alpha will stop me. He is a weakling that even I scare” I growl out before storming into the kitchen to see Ben cooking.

"nice show, don't think alpha will be impressed" he smiles, making me grow! loudly and pull him up by his top, so he is lifted off the ground. "When you see shit to do with me you don't go and spread rumours, and I know for a fact it wasn't Ashley it would have been you, and I won't hesitate to kill you next time" I snarl before dropping him to the ground and eating his half-made sandwich.

Storming my way outside I go and find a tree to sit against I need to calm down and fast.

I let the air flow through my hair; making me smile, allowing everything to fit perfectly in place, that is what I love about nature, everything just fits and is so calming. Nature doesn't judge or discriminate; it is only here to help and accept.

"heard what you did in the packhouse, I don't like you talking bad about me." Hazyn comments coming up to where I am sitting

"well, maybe you need to keep your pack under control.” I snap, can't he see I want to be alone.

"that's impossible; they have a mind of there own," he responds, sitting down next to me

"then don't expect me to keep my mouth shut when they are calling me a slut” I scream hitting the ground with my fist, I will have to apologise to nature later for hitting her.

"look, 1 am sorry. I will talk to them” I turn around and look hazyn in the eyes.

"I want to leave, let me leave, please” I beg hazyn my eyes filling with tears as I slump forwards onto the ground with tears in my eyes.

"you have no wolf, Erika, I don't feel right about letting a lone she-wolf wonder no man's land alone, and with no wolf, especially a true were like yourself" he speaks softly moving closer to me and pulling me into his side.

"I will get you clothing, anything and everything you want, I will move you into your own room or even a house if you want, I will talk to the pack and tell them to leave you alone. You can wonder the pack lands all you want so I can give you temporary membership of the pack just until your wolf comes back. Once your wolf is back, you can do what you want. Still, ben thinks of you as a best friend, he would never allow me to live if I let you go and something happened again" hazyn pulls away making me nod in understanding, as much as I hate it I also don't want to be hurt again; I won't survive again I can feel it deep within my bones, the thought of something happening to me makes my stomach turn.

"just until my wolf comes back. A room, not a house, I need ten pairs of shorts, crop tops, long sleeve tops, pants, workout leggings and sports bras. Three pairs of shoes, one flat, one heal and one sneaker all in size nine and twenty pairs of matching underwear. Pads and tampons. Makeup. body washes and shampoo and I want a bathroom attached to the room." I state, making him nod, but a grim look takes over his features at my last statement.

"what is it?" I question.

"There are only two rooms with a joint bathroom, mine and Bens," he states making colour drain from my face.

"your bed has to go, and two doubles need to be placed, we will split the room and bathroom in half. We are roommates, and that is all” I state coldly making him nod in understanding. I watch carefully as he rushes off to fill my commands.

I don't like that we will be roommates, but it is what has to happen for me to be peaceful while I am stuck here. I go back into my own thoughts, letting the wind take all my worries and frustration away. My main concern is what will happen with the pack if I keep losing myself to anger because I know I can not keep holding back if I get to upset.

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