Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 81

As we walked in the vast grass field towards the crowd, I suddenly remembered something. “Mother, can I ask you something?” I uttered, and she stopped walking. Azrael also looked at me questioningly.

“Sure. What is it?” she answered with a smile. I let out a deep sigh and stared at my mother.

“I have been thinking about this for so long now. Why is it that my other sisters only came out when I turned eighteen? I don't understand why.” I said. When I think about it, how would my parents, Rachel and Dominic, could help me hide my powerful aura? They are just werewolves. Now thinking back, I remember mom used her power on me when I was little. But all of it was a blur. I don't know why.

Mother releases a deep breath. “I know you would ask this. Maybe it's time to clear your doubts. It's because when you were little, your power was so immense and uncontrollable since you were all in one body. I have to do something before everyone will notice your powerful aura. The other councils agree with my plan for the sake of your punishment. I entered Rachel's body from time to time to help you hide your powerful aura, and when you're asleep, I sealed your power, including your sisters. Then I turned Xandra to be your inner wolf's spirit and to keep you company. Well, as for your other sisters, I blocked them to you and Xandra, and then sealed some of their powers, too. And turn them into your inner spirits as well, but they will only come out when you turn eighteen.” She explained.

“Now, I get it. It really confuses me when I remember mommy Rachel teaching me how to hide my powerful power, when in fact, she was just a werewolf. It turns out, it was you all along.” I said while nodding my head.

"Yes. After that, I wrote a book and gave it to Rachel and Dominic. It's the only way to protect you all. Because back then, Yael and Invictus sent some people to find you and eliminate you. You are a threat to the demons and beasts that's why they need to kill you. Well, they learned about your punishment and they were more vicious than they've ever been.” she said.

“Mother, the book is the reason why mommy Rachel and daddy Dominic died. Why didn't you protect them? Why did you let me see their death?” I said, and tears welled up in my eyes. Mother sighed and looked at me guiltily. He held my face with a sorry expression.

“I'm sorry. I know it was my fault, and I felt guilty all these years. Well, it's because it was too late when I arrived. The only thing I did back then was to save you. Remember when you are inside the cabinet?” she said and stroked my face. My forehead creased.

“I didn't remember that scene after witnessing the murder. And since then, everything was a blur.” I said.

“I'm really sorry. I was the one who did it. Because if I don't do that, you will be out of control, as rage will overtake your consciousness and your power will unseal with force. Alice, you saw how Lucian killed them before and you nearly attacked him. So I have no choice but to put you under my spell and you lose consciousness.” Mother said while sighing.

“That's why when I woke up, everyone was mourning their death,” I said and my heart throbs at the memory. Mother nodded sadly.

Azrael held my hand and pressed it for comfort. I just smiled at him faintly. “But why didn't Lucian kill me before when he had a chance?” I asked.

Mother sighed and said, “Because he didn't suspect you as Leia's child before. However, he knew you were not Rachel and Dominic's child, so he spares you. After all, you were just a child back then.”

“They sacrifice their life just to save me,” I uttered and went silent. All the memories of my past with my parents keep rewinding in my head.

"Yeah. They really treat you like you are their own.” Mother said and smiled. I nodded.

“I missed them,” I murmured and sighed deeply. Mother gave me a faint smile.

“Do you have more questions?” Mother asked.

"Uh, yeah. Before I forgot, mother, who was really our father? Why would the Almighty God give him the orbs of life and death?” I asked curiously. To me, our father isn't just an ordinary man. He was really mysterious.

Mother had a conflicted look. She stared at me and then sighed deeply. “Well, maybe it's time for you to know. It's because your father is also the chosen one to guard those orbs. In short, he is the guardian of the orbs of life and death. He was born a half-angel and half-demon. Actually, your father also served as the balance of the world because he is in between good and evil. Which means, he was neutral.” She explained.

My mouth hangs in awe. I can't believe that father is the most important being amongst us all. My father was special and the fate of the world was up to him. “That's... mind-blowing,” I said, speechless.

Mother chuckled. “I agree. When I learned the truth from him in the forbidden room, I was so shocked. It's the reason he didn't give up. If he dies, the world will turn to ashes and the last of humanity.”

“That's why the councils imprisoned him in the forbidden room after the failed attempt to get the orbs?" I asked.

"Yes. Jupiter and the others were so desperate back then. If they can't have the orbs, then no one can have them. So, they imprison Dalmir and never let him see the light again. But who would have thought that you would sneak into that room? If not for you, he must've stayed there for the rest of his life,” Mother said with a sad expression, "But... Alice, you are the guardian of the orbs now. It will be your responsibility to maintain the balance of both worlds. The orbs will be passed down from generation to generation.”

"But the orbs are gone,” I said, dumbfounded.

"I don't think the orbs vanished forever. You must ask your father. I'm sure he knew the answer." Mother said.

However, my forehead creased as my ears picked up some noise. I guess they also heard the sound from a distance because mother and Azrael stopped.

“I heard some loud noise, let's go,” I said while looking at the crowd of all races.

As we walked towards the others, the crowd gabbled in fright and panic. My forehead creased. "What's going on?” Azrael uttered. I have a feeling something bad happened.

We hurriedly ran towards the commotion, and everyone looked like they'd seen a ghost as their faces turned pale.

"What's going on here?” I asked, and everyone turned to look at me.

“Lady Alice! Some people from the Demon Kingdom suddenly vanished! Spatial magic appeared out of nowhere and took each of them. What's worse is some werewolves and witches were taken away too.” a warrior reported anxiously. King Tyrone nodded at me for confirmation.

I was dumbfounded. Spatial magic? I only knew one person who uses it. He must be the one behind this. Does that mean he was alive and hiding somewhere? Damn. I was careless.

“There's only one person I know who uses spatial magic.” Stephen stepped in and looked furious. Well, some of his people were taken away by force.

"Who?" everyone asked anxiously.

“It's Damon,” Stephen answered while clenching his fist.

“I think so too. However, he can't be too far away from here. If he has companions, they must've hidden in the forest. Since they are using spatial magic, it's possible that they fled away from here now. But their only disadvantage was they couldn't use magic for long because of the limitation. So their only possible hideout would be the cave. We must search for them to save our people.” I said, and everyone nodded with a hopeful expression.

"I agree. Let's search every cave as soon as possible.” Sabrina said, while clenching her fist.

I nodded, and said, “Everyone must depart to your chosen land and leave this matter to us. We still have to build our home, so let's get started before the sun sets a few hours from now. Don't worry, we will bring them back.”

Lucy stepped in and looked at me and Azrael with tears in her eyes. She was trembling with nervousness. “A-Alpha Azrael, Matthew is taken among them.”

Azrael gasped and froze. I can tell that the news affected him. I know Matthew was his only family back then. “Don't worry, Lucy. We will find him and the others.” Azrael said with a dim expression while gritting his teeth. I saw his hands balled into a fist, too.

I held his hands and gave him a faint smile. “Everything's going to be alright,” I said, and he smiled weakly.

Then I ordered everyone to depart now. Before leaving in separate ways, they bowed to us respectfully. King Gustav, Queen Elizabeth, and King Tyrone swear to help us find the culprit before departing.

"Alice, may I talk to you?” father asked while walking towards me.

"Yes, father?” he motions his hands to the other side. Azrael nodded at me, and I followed my father away from everyone.

“Alice, I have a bad feeling about this.” he began. He looked so tense.

"What's wrong, father?” I asked and couldn't help but feel tense, too.

“Alice, the orbs aren't gone. They were scattered everywhere. You must collect all of them before others will find it.” Father said. His expression looked conflicted.

Wait, the orbs are scattered everywhere? Does it mean that our diamonds must be somewhere too? I knew it. That's why I couldn't shake off these odd feelings in my heart. It turns out that we didn't actually lose our powers. There must be a reason why the orbs and diamonds didn’t vanish. “Father, what would happen if the orbs went to the wrong hands?” I asked with a grim expression. He sighed

“The world may suffer destruction again. And this time, darkness will completely conquer the world. It will take time to create a light as vast as the entire universe like you did before.” He said, a little anxious.

“I thought the orbs had vanished.” I let out. Father shook his head.

“No. As long as I am alive, the orbs would not vanish because, without them, the magic realm will not exist. The orbs help restore the beauty of the magic realm and once you use them all in one go, they will scatter after. You need to find all of them before someone does.” Father answered.

I sighed exasperatedly. I thought we all could live in peace after everything we went through. “How can I track the orbs?” I asked.

Father lost in deep thoughts. Later, he closed his eyes, and it took a minute before he fluttered his eyes. “The orbs are a part of you now. You can connect to them. Just focus on calling the orbs, especially the four orbs of death.” he said.

My brows furrowed together. “The orbs of death? Why?" I asked.

“Because the orbs of death will lead to the destruction of the world if didn't use properly,” Father answered. I groaned silently.

“I thought, we can live in peace now,” I grumbled. Father looked at me sadly. He taps my shoulders while maintaining eye contact.

“You need to find Yael and the demon generals. I'm sure, Yael has a plan to collect all the orbs,” he said. I gasped and slapped my forehead. I totally forgot Yael and the ten demon generals. Well, I guess Yael watched on the sidelines and when the ten demon generals almost lost their lives, he took them away. How cunning. I'm sure Yael was planning something.

“Yael and the ten demon generals must've colluded with each other. I'm sure it's them who took some people from the demon kingdom, witches, and werewolves.” I said with certainty.

“This is bad. Yael knew about the power of the orbs. Please, Alice, don't let him take the orbs or all hell will break loose again. If the orbs of death and black diamonds combined, Yael will become invincible. He could crush the world easily,” father said.

I am aware of the powers of Yael's black diamond. It could compare to our infinite power.

“You must hurry, Alice.” father said eagerly.

“Don't worry, father. I will find the orbs and I won't let them escape this time.” I said seriously.

“Just be careful,” he said, and I nodded.

“I will. By the way, father, why would Yael want the orbs?” I asked.

Father let out a deep sigh. “It's because he wanted to restore the Demon Realm and resurrect Demon Lord Astarte, our evil mother,” he said while reminiscing about the past.

"What?!" I gasped.

“Alice! Dalmir!”

Father and I looked at mother who looked tense and with a stunned expression. “Mother, what's wrong?” I asked when she reached us.

“Alice, Minerva said that a spatial magic also appeared in front of them and took Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Mars, Bacchus, and Vulcan,” she said, and I gasped.

Apollo and the Goddesses walked towards us with a conflicted expression. Damn it. I didn't expect something like this would happen. We shouldn't have let our guard down.

“Alice, someone with strong power was still out there. Do you know someone who uses spatial magic?” Minerva said.

"Yes. I think it was Yael and the ten demon generals.” I said. They all gasped.

“I think they planned to use Jupiter and the others against us,” Apollo said.

“No. Yael has other plans,” I said.

“We need to find them,” Ceres uttered.

“My sisters and I, together with our mates and friends, will go look for them. I need you here to construct our Kingdom. It will be called the Central Kingdom.” I said.

"Ok. We will wait for your return then.” Diana said.

I nodded. I shouldn't have let Yael escape before. Wait, the Goblin Lord is still out there. I think Yael was hiding together with the goblins. We just have to find their base.

I looked at Azrael, and he gave me a smile. Then we walked towards my sisters, who were busy assisting their mates. The three brothers were still asleep, like a sleeping beauty. I guess it's time to wake them up.

I saw Demonise and Xandra with their mates walking towards us. Then Sabrina and the others followed.

"Alice, what's wrong?” they asked.

I sighed and told them everything that my father had said.

"Sh*t, we forgot Yael and the ten demon generals. They must be hiding somewhere.” Demonise said. “That b*stard! We shouldn't have let him escape before.” Xandra said.

“That's why we need to find them before it's too late,” I said.

“But Helix, Drelix, and Zelix aren't awake yet. I couldn't leave Helix for long.” Damona said sadly. “It's easy. We'll just have to wake them up.” I said.

“But how?" my three sisters said in unison. The others looked at me curiously.

“I'll wake them up,” I said.

“Really?” my sisters said with a hopeful expression.

I nodded, then kneeled. I took Helix's wrist and felt his pulse and the two brothers, too. Their pulse was so faint. I concentrated and used my light magic to heal them.

I stood up and said, “They're fine now. Any minute, they'll wake up.”

Damona, Val, and Willow quickly went to their mates’ side.

Suddenly, I heard a clatter of wings. I looked up and saw my four dragons. They descended to the ground, and I walked towards them with a smile. I rub their foreheads.

“Master, we saw some movements in the deserted part of southwestern land." Kyrios said.

“There are goblins too." Darius said.

“Brilliant! Thank you for noticing.’ I said. Good thing I let them fly around the magic realm to investigate the surroundings. I almost forgot about them.

“Master, we felt your infinite diamonds and orbs around the magic realm too." Sirius said.

'And the other orbs are in the water.’ Tyrus said.

“That's great. Bring us to the orb's location. I said. This is going to be easy. I just hope Yael didn't find the other orbs yet.

'In your command, master." my four dragons said in unison.

I heard my sisters calling the three brothers names with pure joy. I looked at them and saw the three brothers staring at my sisters with a clueless expression. Val hugged Drelix, and Damona hugged Helix too. However, Willow only smiled awkwardly at Zelix and gave him a silent treatment. "What happened?" Zelix muttered while looking around.

“Everyone, let's go!” I interrupted. I don't want to waste any time because every second is precious. We have to find the orbs and diamonds first. They all looked at me and nodded. "Don't worry, future brothers-in-law. My sisters will explain everything while we travel," I said.

They nodded slowly.

"My four dragons will bring us to the location of the orbs. Now let's move immediately!” I said and urged Azrael to take my hand. He walked up to me while smiling and took my hand. Then we jumped on Darius’ back. The others settled themselves in my other three gigantic dragons.

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