Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 72

Third Person POV

In the ruined village of Dalham, Sabrina, Lucia and Cyn entered the hidden dungeon inside the cave. It was pitch black, so Sabrina cast a fire spell on her finger to see in the darkness. Lucia and Cyn walked behind her while observing their surroundings for any sudden attack from monsters in the cave.

“I couldn't feel any monsters around,” Sabrina mumbled. The sound of their footsteps and breathing resonating in the cave.

“Demons might have controlled them and let it attack the villages.” Lucia said. Sabrina kneeled and closed her eyes while touching the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing?” Lucia asked in surprise.

Sabrina stood up and continued walking. “Well, you're right. The demons controlled all the monsters inside this dungeon and it attacked the entire village and the neighboring village.” she said. “Demons really went berserk in this war. I don't even understand why they wanted so much power. What will it gain them? Are they stupid?” Cyn uttered in disbelief.

“Indeed,” Lucia murmured.

Upon reaching the dead end of the cave, they didn't find a door. “There must be a hidden door somewhere. Let's find it!” Sabrina said, and the two nodded their heads. They started touching the walls and the ground to find any opening until Sabrina stepped into a magic circle. “What's happening?!” they all mumbled and gasped. Sabrina composed herself and said, “It must be the door to the dungeon.” she said. The dungeon cave shook, and a shining light cracked into the wall in front of her. Then a little later, a thick metal door appeared.

“The door!" Lucia uttered.

The three of them looked up in front of the big door, trying to find how to open the door. “There's no opening!” Lucia muttered. Sabrina touched the door and closed her eyes.

Lucia and Cyn covered their eyes when the door released a blinding light. The door cracked open and Sabrina opened her eyes, then walked inside.

Sabrina’s eyes sparkled at the treasures in front of her. She's certain that the dungeon is unexplored or no one must have been able to find the door. What caught her attention was the floating staff in the center. The staff she was looking for. The odd thing was the staff was calling her name and felt a powerful force pulling her forward. She walked towards the staff while her gaze fixated on it. She held out her hand slowly to grasp on the staff and when her hand touched the staff, a blinding light appeared, causing her to close her eyes.

When she fluttered her eyes open, all she saw was white and her jaw dropped while staring at the gigantic monster in front of her—a black dragon. The dragon roared while glaring daggers at Sabrina.

“Human, you dare wake me up from my deep slumber!” the dragon said, and breathed a purple fire. Sabrina looked stunned when the dragon's fire almost hit her.

“I am a witch!” Sabrina yelled and released her powerful aura. The black dragon spread its wings and flapped continuously. Sabrina fought the powerful force that the black dragon formed using its wings. She could feel the ominous power of the dragon. If she’s just an ordinary witch, she has been long gone or exploded into bits because of the strong force. She has to do something before the black dragon will kill her. A smile formed on her lips upon remembering the name of the dragon. "Kyrios!” Sabrina yelled, and the black dragon stopped upon hearing his name. The ominous power he released disappeared, and he looked at Sabrina, then bowed his head.

“My Queen, I apologize for my inappropriate behavior. As a punishment, I will do everything you command.” the dragon said. Sabrina sighs in relief and smiles.

"Kyrios, I need you to help me defeat the monsters that are ruining the magic realm.”

“I do as you command, my Queen. I am a dragon devourer and you can use my power as you need.” the dragon said and shone brightly. Sabrina closed her eyes as the light almost blinded her.

“Thank you, Kyrios.” she whispered.

"Sabrina! Thank God, you're awake!” Lucia said the moment she opened her eyes. She looked at the staff in her hand and smiled.

“I did it, Lucia. I talked to the dragon and he will help us defeat the monsters.” Sabrina said.

“That's great! Are we going out of here now?” Lucia asked, relief washed over her face.


“What about the treasure?” Cyn asked while looking at the shimmering treasure of golds and magical items.

“Leave it to me,” Sabrina said, then pointed the staff to the treasure and chanted, “Devour and stored!” purple magic came out from the staff and ate all the treasure. In just a minute, the room was empty and turned to dark. Sabrina’s staff lit up like a flashlight so they could see in the dark. Lucia and Cyn looked dumbfounded. “Woah, that's the power of the staff?” they blurted out. Sabrina nodded.

“Let's go!” Sabrina let out and walked out the dungeon. Lucia and Cyn followed while smiling. “Now, let's help the western land.” Cyn said.

Few minutes later, they arrived in front of the ruined high walls and saw the chaos caused by the gigantic monsters, goblins, and demons. Without a second thought, they attacked the monsters and their attacks surprised all the wounded warriors, wondering who they were. Sabrina held the staff and pointed to the monsters and goblins. “Devour!” she chanted and all the monsters got absorbed by the power of the staff. Every monster that attacked Sabrina vanished like dust.

While Lucia and Cyn skillfully killed the goblins and demons all at once, leaving no survivors but there are goblins who run away in fear when seeing Sabrina’s power.

Everyone that witnessed Sabrina’s power felt extreme fear. All the warriors pointed their weapons to Sabrina while shaking. They saw Sabrina and her comrades as a threat to the entire land, even though they helped them. Sabrina understands their fear because they should fear her new weapon. It could kill the enemy in an instant without delay.

"W-Who are you?!” the warriors asked.

Sabrina looked at the warriors and gripped the staff. “We're not an enemy. We're here to help all of you defeat the monsters. May I speak to your leader?” she said, and all the warriors gasped.

“No need. His Majesty wanted to speak with you too.” a magic knight appeared while bowing his head.

Sabrina, Lucia, and Cyn nodded and walked towards the carriage, waiting for them. The other knights escort them to the castle. Some warriors stay at the gate to watch for the enemies. Sabrina noticed that all the big houses are empty.

The King of this land might have a secret base in case of an emergency like this war. They must've prepared for this day.’ Sabrina thought.

Not long after, Sabrina and her group arrived at the castle. The attack ruined some parts of the castle. The knights led them to the throne room and the King of the Western Land, patiently waiting for their arrival.

King Tyrone rose from his seat when the big double door opened and entered the heroes that saved his land.

"Your Majesty, they have arrived.” a knight spoke while bowing his head and the remaining knights as well, and King Tyrone nodded, his gaze fixated on Sabrina while his mouth agape.

Sabrina cleared her throat and spoke, “Your Majesty, my name is Sabrina. The Sextuplets send us here to help. You probably all know the thousands of armies of the undead heading towards here.” King Tyrone nodded. “Thank you. Without your help, we couldn't defeat all those monsters in one go.”

“It's nothing. So, let's discuss our plan.” Sabrina said and King Tyrone nodded, then led them to the vast conference room. All the generals and elders were present.

At the southeast border/demons hideout...

The loud explosion inside the maze cave caused the ground to shake tremendously. The entire maze cave is now on fire because of Damona and Demonise combined powers. Demon Lord Samael, together with Yael, the Goblin Lord and Angelo escaped from the cave before they would turn to ashes.

Damona and Demonise grinned because their plan worked well and that is to make the Demon Lord go outside his lair. They gave each other a high five before following the enemy above the ground. And they witnessed the sparkling, small explosive fireball falling above the sky and the moment it reaches the ground or touches things, it will explode. But before it reached the ground, Alice turned the small fireballs upward and let it explode into the air.

"Amazing as always, Alice!” Damona said while giving a thumbs up, and Alice snorted.

Damona and Demonise teleported beside Alice, Val, and Azrael. “Woah, did you summon those high-ranking spirits, Azra?!” Damona asked with eyes sparkling while looking at the three spirit beasts. Azrael smiled and nodded.

“Samael and Yael, long time no see.” Alice said while grinning. She glanced at Angelo and in just a snap of her finger, she teleported Angelo beside her and touched his head to dispel the spell Yael had cast on. Angelo’s tiny figure almost fell down, but Azrael caught him and the poor boy lost consciousness.

"Clever, as always, Alice.” Yael said while grinning. “Well, I'm done with the kid. He's all yours.” he added. Samael was glaring daggers at the sisters in so much rage. He couldn't believe they blew up their hideout.

Alice and the sisters grinned. “You still have the same hobby, Samael. Using people for your own greed.” Alice said.

Samael gritted his teeth and laughed. “I'm the Demon Lord, after all! Bwahahaha!" he glared and continued, “We, demons, will take what belongs to ours. Magic Realm always belongs to Demons!” “Is that what you believe?” Demonise uttered. “Magic Realm belongs to no one. Because the Almighty God creates this world for everyone to live in—for those gifted people that have special abilities.”

Samael laughed devilishly. “Then we will conquer the world so that the magic realm will belong to the demons!” he said.

“We won't allow you, Samael.” Damona said.

Meanwhile, Alice looked at the brother of his father. “Yael, tell me why you're doing this? What will you gain from this war?” Alice said.

“My reason is not your concern.” Yael said with a serious expression while staring into Alice's eyes. He remembered someone who had the same eyes as Alice.

"Of course, it is. Because it's our task to save this world no matter what. Oh, you wanted power to defeat the Gods, didn’t you?” Alice said while staring back at Yael. “Also, you wanted to get Dalmir to take the orbs of life and death. Am I right? I know that's what you're after all these years.” she added, and Yael gasped in surprise.

“How did you know about Dalmir and the orbs?!" Yael said while gritting his teeth. Dalmir's existence was a secret because of his gifts that could destroy the demons and all races, even Gods. The orbs of life and death that feared the other gods.

"Alice, what orbs?” Demonise let out, her forehead creased in confusion. Samael was also surprised how Alice knew about the orbs and Dalmir, who was a threat to all races.

Alice grinned. “Until now you still didn't realize my connection to Dalmir? How pitiful. Are you really his brother? And for the orbs, he told me about it.” she said. Seeing Yael in confusion brings excitement to Alice.

Yael clenched his fist and gazed at Alice's eyes. He gasped when he saw an image in Alice's eyes. The image of his older brother wrapped with chains. He couldn't believe that Alice had the same eyes as his older brother. “Who really are you?!” He said through gritted teeth.

“Too bad you can't identify the similarities between me and Dalmir. Did you really not care for him, Uncle Yael?” Alice said while only whispered to Yael the last two words.

Yael let out a gasp and looked stunned. Memories of him and his brother flashing back in his head, but he didn’t remember his brother having a child.


Everyone's attention locked on the newcomer. “Helix!” Damona called. Helix walked towards Damona and hugged her, which dumbfounded Samael

"Helix! Come back here!” Samael yelled. And much to his dismay, Helix didn't move and just looked at him blankly. To his surprise, Drelix also walked towards Val. He felt betrayed by his own sons and that fuels his rage.

Alice and Demonise got surprised at the turn of events. They smirked at Samael, who looked ready to burst into anger. Alice moved forward and looked at the enemy. “Samael, Yael, let's stop this war if you don’t want to join Invictus in shadow dimension.” she warned.

“Bwahahaha! That would never happen, Alice! I'd better die fighting done to end this war! We will win no matter what!” Samael said while releasing a very dark aura, then stared at Alice sharply. "Samael, I will not let you die because I will not give your soul a chance to be reincarnated in the future. Instead, I'll send you to your sufferings—a painful torment you'll experience until eternity with nothing but darkness.” Alice said. With that being said, Samael and Yael felt goosebumps. To give support to her statement, Alice held out her palm, and an image appeared. It was a horrendous scene where a three-headed snake squealed alone in the darkness. Turning and tossing around like it was burning with intense fire but in reality there's no fire. It was just so dark, but they could still see the snake struggling while its own tail wrapped around its body and screaming in pure torment. The scene sent shivers to demons, especially to Samael and Yael because they knew the three- headed snake was the Lord of the Beast, Invictus.

Alice vanished the images and grinned at Samael and Yael. “That would happen if I would send you to your suffering.”

“Hahahaha! Alice, that would never happen!” Yael said and released a very dark, powerful aura and a black diamond shining on his palm.

The sisters gasped while staring at the black diamond. It's bigger than their diamonds. There's no doubt that the black diamond is too powerful, equivalent to their combined six diamonds.

Alice remained unwavered at the powerful aura of the black diamond, contradicting what Yael had imagined. He's surprised to see the unfazed expression of Alice. The four sisters showed not even an ounce of intimidation.

“Clearly, you underestimated us, Yael and Samael. You haven't learned from the first great war. Now, you even used our little brother for your plans. Calling the troops of undead and controlling the goblins and other monsters was an act of cowardice. Trying to win over by outnumbered us is too foolish even. What a fool.” Demonise said, and Samael glared at her sharply.

"200 thousands of undead is just nothing, Yael. That's just too stupid plan.” Alice said while smirking. Yael frowned at the overconfidence Alice had shown. They must've had a plan to defeat his thousands of armies.

Suddenly, Alice's body shone brightly, almost blinding the demons. A lot of flickering light like fireflies coming from every direction went towards Alice, and now she’s floating above them. “What's happening?!” Azrael uttered nervously.

“Don’t worry, Alice is fine.” Damona said.

“That's the holy light coming from many people!” the ten general cowers in fear upon seeing the vast amount of holy light continuously pouring into Alice's body. It's the holy light that comes from people's prayer and faith in Alice. And because of it, Alice's power increases vastly.

The three sisters grinned and said, “The four lands are now clear with monsters. Now, all there's left are the thousands of undead.”

However, Demon Lord Samael and Yael couldn't guess the plans of their enemies. “Samael, we need to retreat for now or we'll be done for.” Yael said while clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. Sensing Alice's powerful and intimidating aura she receives from the people who believe the sextuplets can save them from this chaos, Yael thought of retreating for the meantime because he just realized his current position. He was still powerless compared to the sextuplets, and he doesn't want to end up like Lord Invictus. His plans were solid but after seeing Alice, his judgments dropped to zero percent because even though he has the black diamond, he’s no match for the sextuplet. "Don't be a coward, Yael! We have come this far and you're just going to run? No! We will fight them! We still have our greatest weapon that could kill the sextuplets! I am the invincible Demon Lord and no one can defeat me!! Bwahahaha!” Samael said arrogantly and laughed out loud. Yael grinned upon remembering their greatest weapon. But that's not enough reason to convince him to fight the sextuplets, because as of that moment, he knew his thousands of undead will be wiped out in just a blink of an eye. Yael accepts his defeat, and he'd rather escape than being sent to his sufferings like Invictus. He's not that stupid to not foresee his situation. Alice was giving him a chance to live by showing them Invictus’ current state. So, he decided.

“Then go, Samael. Fight them as you can. I am a coward, and I am afraid of being punished forever in that pure darkness. I'm not that stupid. Good luck! Bye.” Yael said and vanished from Samael’s sight, which left him dumbfounded.

"YAELLLLL! YOU DUMBASS! FUCK YOU!!!" Samael screamed, that echoed in the entire place.

Val, Damona and Demonise grinned at each other and then looked at Samael with full of pity. “What a shame. We haven't even started yet.” they uttered in unison while shaking their heads in disbelief.

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