Jason could not say anything on the way home. He was still shocked at having seen Rebecca again. He had alot of questions, that he needed answers to but his pride had made him leave her there and gone home with Phoebe. Rebecca must have laughed him to scorn thinking that he had run off like a coward because he couldn't face her. He wondered why he had not waited a little bit and asked the questions that had been eating him up inside.

He didn't know what became of Terry with who she had run off with and why she felt she had to do all that she had done to him.

He had thought that he was over her but having come face to face with her, he was not sure anymore but he was damned if he was going to let her have any inkling of his confused emotions.

He knew that he had to speak to Phoebe to explain some things to her. It was not fair to be silent this way but he just could not help it. It felt like his past had come back to haunt him.

'Oh God, she was so beautiful', he thought to himself. More beautiful than she had been when they were together and it rattled him that that was the case. He had tried all he could to give her the best. How come she was looking better than when they had been together or was he thinking that she was because it had been a little over a year since they had last seen?

He didn't know that he had thought aloud and was shocked when Phoebe replied, 'Yes she is, isn't she?'

He looked at her in confusion

He had thought that he had thought about it in his head but he had obviously spoken put loud for Phoebe to have said this bit to be sure, he asked, 'Who is?'

'Your ex wife of course, who else were you referring to? I definitely know I was not the one you were thinking of just now', she said smiling with understanding. At least she hoped that that was the emotion he would read on her face but she was really furious at everything and everyone and wondering why things seemed not to be going her way. She felt that she had to do something pretty fast if she was going to secure her most desired position.

Nancy was no threat compared to Rebecca because it would take Jason time to love Nancy but with Rebecca, it was different. He had loved her passionately before and it was easy to rekindle the old flame. Only a spark from that very beautiful and extremely sexy woman would set Jason ablaze with love for her again and then where would she be with all her scheming and plotting?

Jason looked at her and saw her understanding look and something else which he could not decipher but felt that it could be pity and was angry. He did not want anyone's pity.

'Yes, Rebecca is beautiful and have always been. It is not anything new. But are you alright?' he asked.

'Of course I am alright. I had a nice time this evening. But the luncheon was somewhat boring and I was glad we could leave early'.

Jason felt that she had said it to make him feel better and appreciated it.

'Thanks for saying that but I know you lied but it's okay. I am okay. It had been a shock to see Rebecca after this time but I was already over her long ago, so you do not have to feel pity for me. It is not necessary'.

'Are you indeed? I mean, over her? It

didn't look that way to me but it is okay. You do not owe me any explanations and she is indeed a very sexy and irresistible woman, no one can blame you for finding her attractive', Phoebe smiled again. She hoped this conversation would end because it was beginning to grate on her nerves and she did not know how long she would keep up this cheerful chatter when she felt like screaming or going to a corner and crying out her frustration at the injustices she had continued to

endure in the hands of men. Content

They were all after one thing and that was her body and she was just tired. It was time she started getting her own back on them and that was what she had intended since they had met.

She felt that she had waited ling enough. There was no time to waste anymore. Drastic situations called for drastic measures.

She knew that this night was already ruined for her and it was the fault of that ex wife of his.. There was no way, Jason was going to spend the night with her now.

As they drew close to her residence, she got her things ready to get out of the car.

Jason stopped the car in front of her apartment and walked her to the door. He gave her a brief kiss and was going to turn round and leave when she asked, 'Would you come in for coffee?' He didn't care for it but he felt that he must have ruined her day and the least he could do was oblige her.

'Love to', he smiled, took the keys from her and opened the door and went in after her.

She went to the kitchen got the kettle on fire for the coffee, hoping that the day was not totally ruined and that he would either invite her over to his mansion or spendthe night in her apartment.

After drinking the coffee, Jason got up.

'Thank you so much for a wonderful day, Phoebe. It may not have been all that you had hoped it would be but it will be remedies next time. Goodnight'. 'Goodnight', she replied, giving him a wet kiss that could have changed the mind of any other man but Jason was just not in the mood for that.

He opened the door and stepped out.

Phoebe stood at the door with a smile until Jason drove off and then the smile fell and her expression was really murderous.

Unknown to the both of them, a pair of eyes had been watching them. The person smiled and walked away, having got the answered that they needed.

She had been turned on and now,

she knew she could not sleep without having sex with someone. She wen in again got her flat slipper and went out intending to get laid one way or the other before coming back that night. If it meant spending the night out, she would do it.

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