Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Anne buried face into Anthony's chest, fearing that someone would see her.

Both Damian and Xander tensed outside the door as soon as it opened, the two remained quiet until Anthony ignored them and left with Anne in his arms.

“What's going on?” Damian asked, “He's so dramatic!”

“I don't really know,” Xander said. He was shocked as well, as he had never seen Anthony so angry. Anne was sent back to her apartment.

The Rolls Loyce stopped outside the building and just when Anne was about to take the jacket off, Anthony said, “keep it on, or do you enjoy showing your skin?”

Anne gritted her teeth and forced herself to remain quiet, all the while thinking to herself, * And who exactly was the one who made me this way?"

She adjusted the jacket and got out. She walked past Anthony gingerly, not wanting to be hurt again.

Anthony stared at her like an eagle at its prey, before grabbing her wrist abruptly and pulling her against him

“Ah!” She exclaimed.

“Let me check if you are clean...” He devoured her lips once again.

By the time she returned to her apartment, her lips were bruised.

She went into the living room and tossed Anthony's jacket onto the floor, before stomping at it and kicking it aside.

That was the only way she could vent her anger.

She could only imagine how shocked everyone in the office was when she was abducted by Anthony in front of them, even Anne herself was stunned as she had never imagined that Anthony would appear in Marwood Group out of the blue.

She had not expected for what Tommy did to her to be so provoking that Anthony would be prompted to act so recklessly.

The children were about to return from school, so she went to shower and changed into clean clothes, before getting ready to head toward the sixth floor.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Tommy standing before her door. The sight of Tommy reminded her of what Anthony did to her. Furious, Anne turned heels and returned to her apartment without sparing Tommy a glance.

She could not lead Tommy to the sixth floor even when he already knew that the triplets were there. Tommy was not at all affected by having the door slammed shut in front of his face, and casually took his spare key to open the door.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Anne glared at the door and the person who stepped through it.

"What else do you want? Haven't you done enough already?” She shouted.

“I didn’t know that Anthony would react that way and go all the way to the Marwood Group to grab you. This is worse than what I imagined.”

Anne could not stand listening to him. All she knew was that he had put her in a dangerous position and she was still terrified.

Tommy approached and leaned toward her face. “Are you hurt?”

She glared at him coldly. “You know exactly how horrible Anthony is, and you still did what you did anyway. This is what you wanted, right? Why are you showing up here like you are worried about me? Don't be a hypocrite.”

His expression darkened. “It's your fault for leaving with Anthony.”

"How's that any of your business?” She retorted.

Tommy wanted to argue, but could not utter a word and his heart sank.

“You need to leave now and stop getting me into trouble.” She turned to head back to the living room.

“So you are just going to abandon me after using me?” He sneered sarcastically. Anne lowered her gaze and left helpless at how she was robbed of all options. She heard Tommy leaving and when she turned around, he was already gone.

Relieved that she did not have to worry anymore, she calmed herself and headed to the sixth floor. She opened the door and froze when she saw Tommy playing with her children

The nanny shot her a troubled look and Anne immediately realized that Tommy had entered the apartment without permission.

“Mama!” The triplets beamed and hurried over to her.

“What are you doing?” She held back her anger and asked.

“The weird uncle from last time came to play with us!” Chloe said.

"Why am I weird?” Tommy protested.

“You are weird!" Charlie insisted.

“Mama, are you here to chase him out? We shouldn't play with people we don't really know!” Chris said.

Anne walked over and grabbed Tommy by the arm. “Come outside!” She grinned gently at the triplets as she walked past them. “Mama will come back right away!”

She shoved Tommy out of the apartment and questioned angrily, “What exactly are you trying to do? If Anthony finds out about this place, it's all over!”

"Don't get so worked up,” he said carelessly.

"Of course you can say that when it's not happening to you...” Anne said and was interrupted when her phone started ringing. She glanced at her phone and paled when she saw Anthony's

name on the display.

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