Chapter 286

"I've been watching you since you got pregnant and I knew that I'd been exposed as soon as I found out that you were coming to the hospital.” Michelle turned to Anthony. "Anthony, there's a reason that I did this. She got pregnant with your child and tried to get rid of it in secret. I didn't think she should so I bribed the doctor to pretend that they terminated the pregnancy. I did what I did to keep Anthony's child. If I was wrong for doing so, please punish me and I won't say a word.” Anne was rendered speechless by Michelle's speech; which pointed a blaming finger to Anne herself instead and Michelle appeared to be the saint of the story according to her.

The door was opened once again and Bianca walked in. She glanced around the room and walked over to Anthony in confusion. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"What else? It's about Anne's failed abortion in this hospital! I admitted that I was the one who bribed the doctor," Michelle confessed honestly.

"What?" Bianca exclaimed in shock. "Why would you do that?"

"To keep Anthony's child, of course.” Michelle turned to look at Anne once again. "I didn't like what a hypocrite you were, but I've never imagined that you would be so merciless to your own child. No matter what I tried, the child did not survive in the end and I guess you got what you wanted from the start.”

"Did you take that kick from Anthony for Sarah on purpose so that Anthony would feel guilty?” Bianca questioned as though she had just thought of such a possibility. She did not need to elaborate any further for the others to understand what she was implying.

Anthony's eagle-like eyes instantly locked onto Anne.

Anne paled. "It's not like that! You have to at least be logical if you want to frame me! I didn't even know I was still pregnant at the time!"

"You are the only one who knows if you were really unaware," Bianca said gently while pretending to be an innocent bystander who didn't know anything.

"If I was the one who did everything, why would I come here to seek the truth?" Anne retorted.

"I guess you were trying to frame someone?" Bianca said with uncertainty while she accused Anne of something that she could not argue.

"I knew that you resented me. Don't worry, I won't give you the chance to accuse me of anything I didn't do!" Michelle added.

Anne was almost impressed by how perfectly the two women were working together. "You two must have talked this through in private, haven't you? Let me guess why Michelle would be willing to be the scapegoat here. Bianca offered jobs in the entertainment business for you, didn't she?" Bianca's eyes darted away guiltily.

Michelle immediately denied it. "Anne, you still won't give up trying to talk your way out of this!" "Really? So it's just a coincidence that you started being active on social media again as soon as you reported me to Anthony last time?” Anne scanned the two coldly. "I guess you probably won't admit to it, though.”

Michelle faked exasperation, when in truth, she did not know how to argue with Anne's point. Anthony looked away from Anne and stood up. "Oliver, handle this, ii

"Yes, sir.”

Anthony and Bianca left after that, and Michelle smiled smugly thinking that Anne was the one who would be punished.

Anne felt nauseated when she stepped out of the hospital. She had only come here to find the truth and the person who had been pulling the strings in the dark, but had ended up in such a difficult position.

'What have I done wrong to deserve being humiliated like that?' She thought, tears scrolling down her face as she stared at the stream of cars in front of the hospital.

A car stopped before her and Oliver came outside to open the car door for her. "Ms. Vallois, I'll send you home."

She glared at him and paled. "Keep your pretenses for someone else.” .

"Don't deny a helping hand. Beedes, I am just doing this at Mr. Marwood's command,” Oliver said. Exhausted, every single cell within her was whispering to her how all effort of trying to fight back was in vain.

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